tunneling without skill

I played Dead by Daylight again today and I'm wondering
what's going on with people it is tunneled there is no gene on
Well, that has nothing to do with tactical play or running after one and the same thing with skill doesn't make any sense if 4 gens are on and man tunnels me, I have no problem with that But how can you enjoy a game where tunneling is tolerated?
and if you can all say something about it, tell me what skill game is for you^^
ona survivor just off from hook takes skill16 -
Would you say the tunneling would be justified if 3 gens were completed by the time you got unhooked?
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What is the purpose of that?
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There are many games where a round doesn't last equally long for every player. Some popular examples are Poker and Fortnite.
Dbd is also such a game.
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It's supposed to be fun, always chasing the same thing?
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Ok i´ll bite. How many gens need to be completed, before a killer is allowed to tunnel?
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Well, if you have skill, you don't have to tunnel
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For killers, yes, their game play is a loops of "find survivor - chase - hit - chase - down - hook" and repeat
The fun part is depended on how many loops killers can make. The more the better. Tunneling a survivor will take down half the job required to "chase - down -hook"
And human always try to do stuffs less effort for the same result.
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less effort rather less skill^^
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Fair enough.
Now, what is your opinion on going back to a regressing gen thats at 90%?
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Tunneling a S.T.A.R.S. member as Nemesis is totally justified lore wise.
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That doesn't answer my question
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No, as a nemesis you have zombies and perks
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and we all know the hitbox in dead by daylight
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If you have the right perks with you, I will drop my medkit and it will be empty
What's the point of healing or even running if it depends on your skill level
I can stand in front of the killer right now and let myself be blown away
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OP is either just baiting, or had a bad match and came to the forums to vent.
Everytime someone drops a sweeping statement like “If the Killer was skilled, they wouldn’t need to tunnel!”, chances are when pressed how specifically the Killer could win without tunneling in various scenarios or maps, they have no proper comeback.
Bonus points if they talk about how they got tunneled asap but makes no mention of how long their chases lasted.
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There was a question?
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It's wrong how long the hunt lasted because during that time generators can come on and I can do my job as a survivor and get out
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Protecting your teammates from tunnel and yourself from being tunnelled is also a skill, if you haven't developed one don't complain about killer not having it either.
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Well, as a killer, use your perks well and don't complain about the perk on Surv being too strong, but the killers can cry
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and to the killers play it right or leave it
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And what does it have to do with whether I need to get better or not? But tunneling is the wrong approach
How am I supposed to get better when the killer is in tunnels?
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So, how much better do I need to be to have a good match? I lose a good chunk of my killer games to survivors, that I find to be not real good (judging by what kind of mistakes they make) but they still outpace me by default. Because I don't use the same few perks again and again. Meaning, if I want to play with whatever perks I like, then I need to be significantly better to even have a chance to win alreasy.
I usually don't tunnel but when my first 2 gens are gone in less than 50 seconds, you bet I'm not going to grant you an easy win as a reward for using all your tools on the same thing. Gen speed. You don't get all the benefits without any of the draw backs, because the killer is neither obligated nor encouraged to play nice. Also, tunneling is more effective than ever because survivors beg to be tunneled more often than not. It's not the killer, that decided that no survivors run any anti-tunneling perks. This used to be a widely known fact. If you don't have any protection against tunneling, then of course you are in more danger to get tunneled.
This is the same as me refusing to use gen defense (I find that boring). I know that this is a weakness, so I'll have to compensate for that by playing better. If you are good enough in chase, then you should be able to make for a pretty unattractive target for the killer. If that is not the case, then use one of your 4 perk slots for an anti tunnel perk. Maybe even 2, if you have that much trouble. Or use chase perks in general, so that the killer has a harder time to get their first down on you.
Both sides have their meta play styles, that really aren't fun to go against. Survivors gen rush / predrop and Shift + W while killers tunnel and camp / slug. This is nothing new. But for some reason, we have a double standard, that allows us to tell one side what kind of perks they have to use (chase perks / slowdown for killers) but holding the other side to the same standard is a problem. If one side doesn't follow that formula, then it's no wonder they'll have to play more effective to compete.
For killers this means, they'll need to be more efficient. You can't save a lot of time as killer by going for 12 hooks. This is not achievable (unless you manage to end your chases super quick, which shouldn't happen thanks to MMR and your killer's limitations). So you'll find another way. If you can't progress faster, then you can still try to slow down your opponents. This is what tunneling does. Alarmingly efficient. You take 1 survivor out of the equation, so that you can then progress at a much faster rate than the other side.
I would love for tunneling to be less effective. Really, I would. In fact, I'd take a 7 seconds DS on every survivor over what we have now. But I do not accept that with no draw backs. Because I don't see why I should be punished for NOT tunneling someone out early on. However, this is how the game currently works. Playing nice has become harder and more detrimental (thanks to more perks working against you in that scenario) while playing mean has become easier and more effective.
Yet here we are with people pretending like playing nice is actually desirable in any kind. When you get less positive results, less points because of that, no incentive to play nice (name one, I'll wait), are heavily encouraged to tunnel and have more survivors be jerks in end game chat, when you did play nice.
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I also like the "what a boring killer to play as" approach some people use.
Please, i spend money on that killer. Just let me play and enjoy it. I´m not complaining about encountering 50 shades of Meg per day, either.
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I rarely say this but, some survivor sounds are so engrained into my memory that I hear them out of the game. Mostly that's Claudette, Nea and Mikaela.
I like the characters but I dislike playing against them literally every game.
But I don't complain about this aspect of the game because I know that some people really enjoy playing as this character and I dont want to ruin their fun.
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I also spend money on survs so keep the ball low
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Got nothing to say on the subject? Understandable.
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It is always the tunneled player who complains, the one who escapes without interaction with the killer during the whole game seems to be completely satisfied with the situation. In fact, most of the playerbase are willing to sacrifice their team for an easy escape.
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A lot of condescending replies here, not gonna lie.
There is no "at this number of finished generator tunneling is okay".
Tunneling is a big problem overall that needs to be adressed ASAP. Period.
If we seriously defend tunneling as a legit and fun playstyle, we shoud just stop discussion at all.
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i love this meme now
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yay i have skill
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Tunneling one out of the game is terrible for 4 out of 5 players. And no, the majority probably do not even care about escapes but rather good games.
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Tunneling can be annoying, but at the end of the day, the objective of the killer is to kill/sacrifice the survivors one way or another. Unless the game is fundamentally changed so this can't be a thing, I don't see it being addressed at all. Suck it up and just move on to the next match or game
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Everyone is always a target and there is zero reason to give or expect time to recuperate. If anyone is tunneled out it is because they failed to hide, they failed to escape the chase, and they became the prime target for an early kill.
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If a killer tunneling you takes no skill, then you should have no problem looping the "no skill" killer for 5 gens.
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You will get more "ggwp" by obsessively tunnelling one out and allowing three to escape without any interaction than by playing by the rulebook and killing everyone. In the end winning is the only thing that matters, even if the match is absolute garbage. I have no doubt that most players would prefer their opponent to be AFK for the whole game than taking a loss.
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I know everyone rolls their eyes when someone says this but tunneling is an effective strategy killers can use. Especially when used correctly, it can turn a match on its head and in your favor when you're losing. Does it suck to get tunneled out? Absolutely, I still get annoyed when I get tunneled out even when its a good move on the killers part to do so. Of course some will argue tunneling is never ok under any circumstance, and others will tell you do whatever you want.
However if you're looking for a definitive line to distinguish when its "OK" to tunnel and when it's "not OK" to tunnel; (this is just my opinion, not everyone will agree, this is just the rule of thumb I go by.)
I would say straight out the gate at the start of the match it's not ok to tunnel. And when I say start of the match I mean 0-2 gens done, a few hooks and injuries on the board, especially at 0 gens done. There's really no need to tunnel during this time, neither side has any real pressure and a match can still easily swing in either direction through normal game play interactions. And frankly 2 gens popping by the time you get your first or second down is pretty average game play, especially when survivors spawn together and or you take a second to start first chase.
At 3 gens done it can be excusable depending on the situation.
If you're like 5 min into the match with 4-5-6 (spread out) hooks with injuries still on the board, you really don't need to tunnel because the match is moving in your favor at this point. This is 1 gen every 100s (1 survivor with no speed up or slowdown takes 90s to complete a gen), this is pretty slow considering how fast gens can be done when you account for multiple survivors, toolboxes, and perks.
However if 3 gens pop 2 - 2.5 mins into the match and you have 0-1-2 hooks, tunneling might be a good option. This is 1 gen every 40-50s, and this is really fast gen times. This is any combination of multiple survivors working on the same gen, gen centered builds and/or toolboxes. Taking the match to a 3v1 would be a great way to start swinging the match back in your favor. ( I'll also take this time to say if this is your regular experience you should probably take the time to review your own game play and build and just see if there is something you can change over all to reduce the chances of this happening and make things easier on you in the long run. Things like learning when to drop chase and pick your chases wisely, adding some gen slowdown perks to your build, or even other slowdown perks (perks that encourage survivors to chase a secondary objective before doing gens. Think Face the Darkness, Pentimento, Plaything, etc. these hexes encourage survivors to take the time to find the totems and cleanse them before doing gens.)
Now at 4 gens I consider this point the cusp of a FFA (Free For All). Tunneling at this point (especially if you're having a ROUGH match) is fine. If you're having a great match at this point, if you haven't already killed a survivor you at least have multiple on death hook, and at that point it's not tunneling you're ending the match.
There's only a few things I'd consider not OK at this point and they're pretty niche and some I wouldn't even consider bad manners or anything, they're more of a "Why?":
Slugging for the 4k: ( Especially if you're doing good. Just hook them, you have multiple death hooks anyway.) Unless the survivors are swarming you or you're a ranged/high mobility killer and catch multiple survivors in a bad position, then feel free to take advantage of the situation and build a terrarium to house your slugs, but for the love of god go back and hook them if 1 gets distance. You could end up throwing the match if you don't, and I don't want to wait for bleed out while on death hook so you can chase Juicer Johnny across the map. Also Sabo/Boil Over/Flip Flop/ Petrified Oak Bully Squads are exempt from the don't slug too. And I promise the Entity isn't going to kidnap your family and hold them hostage if you only get a 3k because someone escaped through hatch.
Proxy/Face Camping: This doesn't include going back to hook to secure a second hook stage/death cause that's just the smart thing to do and someone should have gotten them while you were gone because they had 60s per hook stage to do so. If you're doing good in the match, and have 3 or 4 survivors still alive (even if those not on hook are death hook),this could easily end up as you throwing the match cause not only are you guaranteeing the last gen gets done, you're giving them time to regroup and heal for the save if they are fast enough. And I've seen waaaay too many 3/4 man outs that never should have happened because the killer got greedy and fumbled. (this one is a "Why", if you're having a bad game just wait for the last gen to pop.)
And after the last gen pops, you can tunnel, proxy, and face camp to your lil hearts desire. And again, just keep in mind, you and your family is not in any danger if you lose the hatch 50/50.
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So much mental gymnastics going on here by killer mains I don't even know where to begin.
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Can y'all not do the objective fast ????
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The more they have nerfed tunnelling and camping overall makes the action more and more skillful. It's only common sense.
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So Tunneling doesn't take skill... Ok
And comparing it to Gens is wrong cause Gens can regress to 0 and Survivors only have 3 hook states
But as soon as a Gen is completed it can't be touched... but being injured can be healed
Gens take 450 seconds to complete, depends on Map, Survivors and Perks and Exit Gates to be powered take 16 seconds (I think), and that also depends on Maps, Survivors and Perks
Chases vary greatly so it's not likely to get a time on... per match, per Map, per Survivor... and let's not forget about perks
And chasing 1 Survivor means that 3 Survivors will be on Gens
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If you have skill you won't be tunnelled.
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well if YOU have skill it doesnt matter if u get tunneled
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Why? Getting tunneled is fun, I'm craving for killers to chase me in every game
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tunneling just kind of happens. some killers choose to play that way, and that's out of your control. playing both killer and survivor a fair amount myself leaves me confused as to why people tunnel/what prompts them to at times, but at the end of the day it's just a playstyle. (albeit a bit of a confusing one.)
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I agree. The point is to get new people to pay the game and spend money on it. Now when you start playing a game and are essentially losing most games to tunneling, proxy camping, or potato teammates you're not going to invest or even refund.
Anti camp was supposed to promote patrolling of gens. All it did was encourage a clear line of proxy camping and easier tunneling.
Now they want to shrink some of the larger boards but they need to get the tunneling under control first.
With that being sad most killers are giving up way to easy anymore. I have had more killers quit lately because they can't camp or just outplayed. Yeah, survivors can be a pain and there are some SWF's out there that are toxic but they aren't all like that. I have noticed an increase in spamming flashlights but if you weren't camping all the time you would know how to evade them.
Killers are going into a game thinking every team in an SWF but that isn't true and most survivor is thinking they are a camper or toxic killer. That attitude needs to change and the DEVs need to change some core mechanics before buffing or nerfing anything else.
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I mean it's generally considered okay for survivors to give up if they're not having fun, why can't killers?
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You might very enjoy it ? Have you ever escaped a tunneler through the gates or hatch? Absolute pure nirvana 🥴
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Oh great it's another survivor main telling killers that they are trash if they don't 12 hook every game