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Healing perks QOL?


Lucky Break: Instead of it being heal 1 second for 1 second of Lucky Break. Instead, have it be a percentage because you may be using a medkit, COH, and Botany Knowledge. And you get "punished" for healing faster.

Speaking of Botany Knowledge: I would love to see the item efficiency removed, and instead medkits don't get effected by the healing speed 50% boost.

We'll Make it: Survivors that unhook You also get increased healing speed for 90 seconds. (This healing speed can also be used on other survivors not just you)

No One left behind: A rework that is like Fire-up. Whenever a generator is completed your healing speed is boosted by a permanent 1%. When the exit gates are revealed all survivor's aura's are revealed to you.

Bite the bullet: This is more of a just because it's a healing perk, not necessarily because it needs a buff, just because it's kinda situational. Whenever you heal in the Killer's terror radius, you heal 50% faster. This does not apply to downed survivors.
