3 Generator Tactics

I simply want to talk about the whole 3 Gen Tactic where the Killer protects three generations and does nothing else since I find it terribly dull and demonstrates little to no skill in the match. Personally, I see these kinds of matches back-to-back most of the time these days. I'm simply curious what the community feels about this type of playstyle in the game. I don't play like this when I play Killer, but I don't expect anyone to play like this in a video game; however, I will say I find it weak and uninteresting.

How frequently do you participate in these kinds of matches?

How frequently do you DC or die on the first hook?

Do you believe there should be something in place to accommodate this type of play?

Overall, how do you feel when you play in these matches?


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Survivors determine how effective this tactic is. Efficient survivors may have progress slowed but not stalled.

    I keep on gens until my teammates are wiped and hatch or gates are my only option.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,244

    It's still a problem on certain maps if the killer intentionally plays for it. If the maps are going to continue getting smaller then they need to go through with their stated plans of deleting three gens entirely. I don't want to stay in a game 20 minutes longer than normal.

  • Fërgesë
    Fërgesë Member Posts: 60

    3 Gen shouldn't exist. Such a cheesy way to win.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 346

    If that's what the OP meant by 3 genning (like the killer does it intentionally from the start) then yeah it's a super boring, low skill style of play. And those matches will take forever if they dedicate themselves to those 3 gens and won't leave to take chase. It's just hit, back to gens, get a hit, back to gens. ect.

    I would compare it to the playstyle some newer killers did before NOED got nerfed. Some killers would play regular, and they'd have NOED if they needed it which was fine, but there were some who were only playing for the NOED. They just wanted to get instadowns, and camp hook probably hoping the whole team would rush to save them. You could tell the type because of the way they were phoning it in the whole match, letting survivors genrush because they didn't really care to put in any effort until NOED was activated. At least in those games, the endgame came quickly.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    If the Killer literally doesn't leave the 3 gen from the first second of the trial I get crows in the farthest locker and play another game.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    If you're getting 3-genned "back-to-back most of the time" and no-one else is, you seem to be the problem.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,032

    i think the tactic fine but it can draw out matches way to long. It feel unfair on RPD and Dead Dawg saloon especially. Maps like Suffocating pit & Azarov u need to 3 gen because it impossible to portal both sides of the map. They could stop making small&big maps but they don't seem to wanna go that way.

    The 3 gen solution in the works so just sit tight i guess.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    I would be happy to see 3 gen go as a strategy IF the game wasn't so front loaded. When you do the first chase against any decent team you WILL lose 2-3 gens in that first chase. The game is VERY frontloaded right now, where it either super snowballs against the killer, or the killer drags the game out forever on a 3 gen with 1-2 gens remaining.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    I'm not a huge fan of that play style. I find it boring to play both as a killer and as a survivor. But I also know to break 3 gens early on, so usually when I play survivor we do not end up in such a setting (no. 1 reason Bond never leaves the build). When I play killer I don't try to defend a 3 gen specifically. When only the 3 closest gens remain however, well, where else do I go? All my objectives are in the same area and as soon as I leave the last gen pops, the exit gates open and we proceed to Europe's Next Butt Dancer. I have watched all the seasons already, so I'd rather get comfortable in my triangly of attrition.

    My policy is to neither dc or hook suicide and for the most part I stick to it. Exceptions are, if the game is over and I can get my team mate a chance at hatch, or if I am being held hostage for all eternity.

    In my opinion the whole 3 gen thing isn't fun for either side but there should be something, that keeps survivors from falling asleep while doing gens. A little bit of thinking should be involved. So, if they could find a way to replace this with a more engaging yet equally punishing alternative I'd take it. But I don't expect that to happen.

    How do I feel in these matches? Bored. Mostly bored. Oh and like both sides chanel all their hatred for each other to keep going.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 618

    It's a 5-point capture system.

    A good killer will always try to get the final gens to be the tightest if possible.

    As xEa and others have pointed out, Deja Vu is the perfect tool for knowing which generators you ought to be focusing on as a survivor.

    It has to be well within the scope of reason that all killers on the roster are able to stop generator completion, otherwise DbD ceases to be a game and turns into a cakewalk-style charade.

    It would be better if there were other game types to play instead of constantly trying to modify what we currently have.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476

    The devs have said that setting up a 3gen from the start of the game isn't how the game was intended to be played, so they're currently in the process of making a mechanic to stop it from happening. So just put up with it for now.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 845

    A 3 gen from the start is tedious, sure. But sometimes, the Killer will hang around a 3 gen because Survivors are obviously keen to break it early, so it might look like the Killer has "chosen to 3 gen", when really there's no other sensible place for them to be.

    But if two gens pop before the first chase is even over, what else is the Killer to do but try to shrink the map to the closest 4-5 gens? Some Killers, like Trapper and Legion, are only strong if they can successfully force Survivors to play around a smaller location or set up. Otherwise, they simply have no power.

    It's miserable when the Killer can lock down a 3 gen so completely that Survivors have no chance to win, like Skull Merchant (and Knight to a certain extent).

    But surely it's still better than facing Killers that hard tunnel at 5 gens, proxy camp hooks early game, slug the entire team or run the strongest slowdown perks and meta builds? I don't like using any of those strats, but I will take advantage of a 3 gen if it becomes my only option. I honestly don't know what other strategies are left on the table otherwise. Maybe somebody can enlighten me? Should I take Survivors to The Game with my Legion and the Iri Button for every match, perhaps?

    It's the strat that has proven to be the most successful for me at least (and in plenty of cases the Survivors have still managed to break the 3 gen before I can sacrifice anyone).

    In my Survivor games, I agree they can drag on. But then again, matches like this offer plenty of opportunities to max out objective, boldness and altruism BP.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    At a low level, sure. But once you get into higher MMR, some killers will load in, walk to a 3 gen, and never leave it under any circumstance. Unless the survivors are supposed to break the 3 gen before they spawn in, there's not much they can do.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    If a killer is protecting a 3 gen and nothing else from the beginning, they should be losing 95% of the time. It's pretty easy to break a three gen if you have four survivors left.

    But it's also poor killer play to run all over the map. You have to make the decision what parts of the map to protect, especially if you're playing a killer without a mobility power.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    If there were only perks like Deja Vu or Potential Energy to address this...

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 578

    Don't see it so often these days, I do run dejavu & always work on a red lit up gen.

    It is usually on the survivors when it happens but some killers do still go out of their way to play that way from start to finish.

    Yesterday I had a nurse, yes a nurse of all killers! Not a bad nurse either, not god levels of good but rarely missed a blink attack, she picked put her triangle & barely went a few meters from it.

    We lost of course I was last to die when she beat me to the hatch by a few seconds. I don't mind losing, I can take a loss & a lot of it was still on my team who having realised she wasn't leaving her triangle decended into madness & fix every other gen! Before giving up on the hook!

    So survivors most definitely do have their part to play, & must take some of the blame, but killers who go out of their way to play this way... well each to their own even if they're a very competent nurse!!!

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    the Killer protects three generations and does nothing else since I find it terribly dull and demonstrates little to no skill in the match

    If its literally an issue where the killer does nothing else, killer should/will lose, perhaps with zero hooks. Since the nerf of Overbrine and SM its not much a viable strategy outside of a few rare setups (Dead Dawg). Just jump on the a gen, when killer comes run away from the other gens, when killer drops, run back.

    If it comes to defending the last 3 gens, that's inevitable. On some maps they could be spread out a bit, but the last gen should be considerably harder to finish than the first 4.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    ^ this.

    There are still people out there who say that 3-genning is always the Survivors fault. Which is just not true nowadays, sometimes Killers pick 3 Gens and never leave those. It gets worse when they dont even try to down people. At some point both sides need to commit to the objective, even if it means they might lose, otherwise it is holding the game hostage. Luckily, I dont see this anymore to this extend, it seems like the most extreme 3-genning died with the Skull Merchant-Rework.

    However, does not change it that 3-genning from the start is boring and low effort. Had a Trapper who went to Dead Dawg Saloon and trapped a 3-Gen (next to the scaffold). No way in completing it.

    I am curious what the Devs decided to come up with to combat this. Because it should work against blatant 3-genning and especially should remove the possibility for the Killer to hold the game hostage by just holding 3 Gens without attempting to chase or hook people. But it should not remove the need for Survivors to pay attention which Gens they work on.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    It is a poor man's strategy honestly, which is outside the real spirit of the game.

    BHVR said they are going to address 3-genning strat sooner or later and probably after balancing the maps will be the next big feature we should expect. Deja-Vù has been temporarily buffed to counter it but it still doesn't help much of the times, especially when the killers are those who decide to dictate it, favourited from the lack of good sense of the developers to balance the maps properly.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,396

    Very few killers I find actively go for it, launch Skull Merchants were the worst because it was so easy for her. When I play killer, I rarely if ever actively try to push a 3-gen, but I get handed one. Unless yo have a perk like Deja Vu or Visionary, you run the risk. Survivors let it happen.

    To be clear, I play both sides, usually Killer when I am solo and SWF with friends, and I can count on one hand (excluding "Chess Merchant" matches) where we lost to a 3-Gen, however as Killer, it happens a lot more. So, to survivors, I say it's up to you to not let it happen.