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Chucky is gonna be in every match.

Can't wait.

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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Xeno is fine now.

    His missing cooldown was unfairly forgiving. But not anymore. He is still so strong but not annoying. I don't know why people are complaining about him tho.

  • Member Posts: 589

    because they still keep confusing the reward with the punishment and they still believe they should have control where they shouldn't.

    the first part is actually very funny, because the exact same issue but reversed is the reason most people didnt enjoy singularity. which includes me as well, even though I initially P100'ed the killer and played him so much, I got to top 10 singularity downs across all steam players.

    and those who understand that, but still hate xeno, hate him because they dont enjoy the gameplay which consists of a bigger emphasis on good pathing, as xeno has bigger lethal range than regular m1s.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2023

    People will complain about anything if things don't go with their way. Both sides are complaining about anything when they lose and looking for excuse. I don't think any killer needs nerf right now exception of Nurse and Blight ofcourse. And maybe they just should remove their biggest failure, Dull Merchant.

    Other killers are just fine. I am not enjoying against Twins, Trickster, Hag, Pinhead etc but i would not call any of them op or anything. Because i know these killers are beatable, not fun to go against but beatable.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited November 2023

    Am i the only one who has not lost his mind over Chucky?

    A promise: The hype will die within 3 weeks or so and people will realise how busted he is at the current state. And then the complains will start and they will nerf him after lets say 6 months.

    A killer who is stealth, super small, has 3rd person AND a 10km long attack that can curve with almost 0 downtime and after miss no stun to the killer? Hell yea, i am so hyped for that crap. Guess i will take a break for a couple of weeks until he is not that popular anymore.

    EDTI: ...OR already nerfed

  • Member Posts: 589
    edited November 2023

    well, that's pretty much my mindset.

    I find some killers to be so unfun to me I want to pull the plug and I understand that other people would find different killers to be the same level of boring. I just hope we would all agree that neither of those killers really need changes. It's just us.

    Otherwise, I'd love to see Nurse reworked into more interactive and less frustrating killer to play and verse and blight really needs addon pass. Tbh, I kinda wish they buffed his basekit speed because speed addons enable 50/50s in some loops where otherwise blight cannot get a bump logic hit at all. Not to the level of double speed or max level crow though.

  • Member Posts: 5,949
    edited November 2023

    Can't wait for the mass of complaints about Chucky. His popularity will be high, survivors will complain about like they did with Wesker and the devs will either have to nerf him or suffer the collective wrath of survivor mains for a week.

    So, business as usual. I'm more interested in what happens after the first week. Will Chucky be the new Wesker? Or will he share the throne with Wesker? In both cases I'll have something to laugh at because it just shows, that BHVR cannot have a successful new killer without unleashing the wrath of some people.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It does go to show how strong certain killers in the game are that we've kinda just accepted them being that strong, but when the devs release a killer of comparable strength, people call them out for being OP. It's similar to perks, if the devs ever release new perks that actual compete with the top level of existing perks, people widely complain.

  • Member Posts: 592

    yeah fortunately for me im going to be too busy during his release period to play by the time I can play he will have hopefully stopped being picked as much.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    I guarantee on his launch day im still gonna play against more Weskers

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I don't think that will happen, people have already been voicing concerns about how Chucky will be unfun for survivors if he hits live the way he is in the ptb. If they address those issues, I believe many people will be happy with Chucky.

    In the end it's not about how strong a killer is, but how much counterplay they allow survivors to have in chase.

  • Member Posts: 675

    Wesker just has a fun syndrome, thats the problem. He is so fun everyone plays him.

  • Member Posts: 60

    everyone goes back to wesker within 7 days

  • Member Posts: 658

    I wish I was excited for Chucky. The only thing I like about him is his voice lines and the fact I like the IP but his power to me looks like a power I'm not very good at and don't have fun with. I'm not a fan of dashing powers like blight and Oni powers due to the fact I'm so horrible at them and they usually require you to learn techs that are nearly impossible for me to pull off. Like Oni I can't for the life of me pull off a flick. Chucky just looks really hard to me. I most likely just stay with xeno.

  • Member Posts: 7,777
    edited November 2023

    Unfortunately, you will have to wait until he is released!

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited November 2023

    Mikaela mains with their son:

    Credit to the OG creator (Springey?)

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    As much as I'm looking forward to playing as him and against him, I hope it's not a repeat of the Xeno release. I'm not sure I could handle playing against 30 Chuckys in a row. I'm guessing we'll be seeing plenty of Tricksters too.

    I don't think I even played my Xeno much until a week after it released, because I just knew Survivors would already be so fed up with the Killer.

    I'm looking forward to using his Perks on my Legion, though. Hex: Two Can Play is going to be so much fun and I want to use Batteries Included in a build to become the fastest Legion in the Entity's realm.

  • Member Posts: 6,130

    It really just comes down to killrates for the devs. If he's overperforming then they'll adjust accordingly. If he's underperforming then they'll adjust accordingly. Too many people take killer changes way too personally when the devs are just looking at numbers.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited November 2023

    Lol, it is. I laughed harder than I should have the first time I'd seen it. It has the same energy as Nadja and her ghost doll.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Member Posts: 436

    Maybe you should go look at your own posting about “mass hysteria” in another thread.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    For a few weeks yes but like every other killer it won't last. People will grow tired of him and only a few stay as mains.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Man, it's going to be so fun playing against yet another no counter killer!

    Are you all excited? I know you are!

    Obviously you won't be playing survivor, but I can't possibly imagine why only one side would be happy!

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Why? Do you want me to copy and paste it here as well? This is what always happens with a new chapter and a popular killer. This is why I wrote I'll have something to laugh about. Because after that initial surge in popularity everything will go back to normal and the compaints will slowly calm. Most people will realise that it's not the end of the world and that the new killer is not so bad.

    Frustration? No. More like me looking forward to watching the same thing unfold as with every other killer ever. Most people will want to play Chucky, so that means that survivors will mostly play against Chucky. And looking back at previous releases, there will be complaints. A lot of them. There will also be calls for nerfs. A lot of them. This happens every single time. Even with Singularity there were some that claimed it was too strong (admittedly less than usual though).

    Basically, I'm looking forward to the drama on the forums. The entertainment value alone is priceless. Or at least it's better than any show on Netflix.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Nice. Then I can add myself to the list of things to laugh at!

  • Member Posts: 589

    well, i also hope devs address the jump rope issue. i dont want another killer that is earth and sky depending on whether or not they run one specific addon.

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