Fellow survivors......please...I'm begging you...

If I or another survivor is getting tunneled......JUST DO GENS. That IS the counterplay....killer will get 1 kill, 3 out and realize that tunneling is not the best way to play. Yes it's boring but they won't stop tunneling while you keep throwing to save a teammate who is doomed regardless because then they get an easy 4k from over-altruistic survivors.
To the homies being tunneled, it sucks but do your best to loop and kill time for your team. This is a team game don't forget. Don't suicide on hook just eat up as much of their time as you can.
1 has to go for unhook obviously but 3 people standing around watching the dude be tunneled or taking unnecessary protection hits just throws their scarifice down the drain.
To be honest the counterplay for being tunneled is getting better at the game, get good at looping. I have gotten into 5 gen chases because the killer wants to tunnel me so hard that we end up winning with the killer getting nothing in the end. But it seems like ''get better at the game'' is an impossible task for some people especially for this community.
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Getting better is an impossible task, which is why killers tunnel at 5 Gens.
The killer tunneled you and end up all 4 escaped was probably the tunneling it self brought them into higher MMR where they should not be.
9 -
No matter how good you are in front of Bloodlust 3 you still can't do anything
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Someone send bro a pubstomper Blight game immediately π
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Sadly, this is not the case. I just had a match with a "good" Knight who kept tunnelling. A Claudette kept running and saving and - as usual for "healers" - she started giving up when she got downed. I got accused of "not doing anything" but came 2nd with gens done. What perplexes me are those survivors that lose as the 1st or 2nd players and remain to spectate and then insult.
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Get to a pallet, these days there are so many safe pallets you can drop, killer breaks it, bloodlust resets, the whole chase is reset. if the killer is bloodlusting you so bad that they need to get bloodlust 3 to get you then I wouldn't even conciser him/her a good killer and should probably not be a problem for the average survivor to loop him/her. As killer I rarely get to the point where I need bloodlust 3 to catch a survivor, and as survivor is easy to reset the bloodlust with a pallet, just learn to loop and learn how and when to migrate to a different area...
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Funny because Im a blight main and I know him inside out, sure! him and nurse are the ones I struggle to go against if the killer player is good but not impossible to beat. Just get some experience...
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You either play against potato killers constantly or are cheating because to loop every killer on a 5 gen chase all the time is ridiculous to expect of every player. That's pro level play and most people who play are average at looping or it's an anti loop killer(which is how it should be or killer would be pointless to play).
So again the counterplay is do gens. Some people will complain about gen times but really it's just them no putting any pressure because they are tunneling out 1 player.
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try to do that against a nurse / blight / spirit using their most powerful addons and tell me the results dude π
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If every form of tunneling would be that easy to counter, nobody would consider it an issue.
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Literally contridicting yourself man. "As killer I rarely get to the point where I need bloodlust 3 to catch a survivor".
Also there's way more unsafe palettes now than there are safe pallets especially with the map reworks. The game is the only map that really stands out and that's just because there are so many pallets to use you don't need to greed them.
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No, I mean I never said every game I do a 5 gen chase, but most of the times on average if the killer is good I can do 3 gen chases, some times 5 gen chases. How do you explain that both survivor and killer players who have 10k hours and high mmr do it?theres lots of youtube videos demonstrating it, you think they also always go against potato killers every match too? Obviously not.
You can either try to be best everyday or cry about how everything is miserable to you and how impossible it is for you to reach your goals and give up from the start and never try it or you can literally just try to get better. It seems like the player mentality from this community tends to be ''i'm never gonna get better so I'm gonna cry about it on the forums''
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"How do you explain that both survivor and killer players who have 10k hours and high mmr do it?"
My man you are answering your own questions. Most players don't have 10k hours and not everyone person on the planet is capable of achieving the same skill level. You sound young and ignorant or are trying to sound profetic to look cool and neither is a good look man.
Additionally, no one here is "crying" about anything so you're in the wrong thread for whatever you are blabbering on about π
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It literally is that easy, most survivors just refuse to do gens lol
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Just get on a gen. Not once in the history of DbD has a killer stopped tunneling because another survivor ran after them and witnessed it. Maybe tank a hit to buy them some time, but that's it. Either the player can last long enough to give the team a chance, or they can't. Nothing you can do about it. Do gens.
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Hear! Hear! Preach! π
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1 person taking a critical hit is fine, but at least 2 people should be on gens non stop. and what people also don't know is they need to let the tunnel target marinate on that hook a bit even if the killer is nowhere near, reassurance is great against tunnellers too.
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in this game you can't get all the info and experience just by playing so reading or watching informational content helps, which i consider what this post is. it's telling what people need to do if they are facing a tunnelling killer because soloq teams generally fall apart against camping and tunnelling killers.
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Well people would rather blame the game on being "opposite role they play-sided" and on "OP" perks. Yeah tweaks with perks need to happen from time to time, sometimes they are broken or have nasty synergy with another perk, but when I see either side calling out for nerfs for perks that are not OP, maybe considered slightly strong at best, I see that for what it is. People don't want to put in the actual hours to become a beast at looping, or they don't want to get better at mindgaming, ect.
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Can you just do gens in general if you're not being chased.
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But you can't do a 5 gen chase if no one is on gens, which is what they are asking people to do.
Doesn't matter how good you are if no one is doing the counter play which is to just sit on gens.
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Why would it be an impossible task to get better? Throughout the match, I agree. You won't suddenly connect to the collective consciousness of all survivor players across the globe and become the best looper of all time like no one ever was. Especially since nobody can ever come close to me and my godlike looping skills, that I definitely have and only conveniently forget about in my survivor matches to give the killer a chance. Definitely.
But learning how to delay the killer in chase is not impossible overall. In fact it's one of the first things that survivors learn. It doesn't mean that everyone can be as good as their favorite content creator but it does mean, that they can learn a few things. Only, they will plateau at some point and not get much better. So tunneling by a better killer player would still put them in the same position. So "getting better" is actually not the best counter to tunneling because the killer player would also "get better".
I very much agree with the second part of your post. There seem to be quite a few players (often players with way less hours), that will try to give themself every advantage just to win. And when they eventually come into a MMR where that will no longer work, they will become frustrated and tell themself, that there is nothing they can do and the game is so unfair (not saying it's perfectly balanced, but it's really not so bad). When they could learn from their mistakes and improve further.
This isn't helped by the grade system either because it is still common for people to think that it determines their matchmaking or is a reflection of their MMR. So there is a placebo effect on top of it.
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We canβt all be as good as you.
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As long as Gideon Meat Plant exists, bloodlust will never be removed.
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Slugging nurse has entered the room