Vaulting hitboxes.

Is anyone else tired of the broken hitboxes after vaulting pallets or windows?
I don't think that there is ANY reason as to why a killer can hit us when we're 5 feet away after vaulting.
It's EXTREMELY broken and frustrating.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's frustrated with this.
ESPECIALLY when you're being tunneled to hell and back the whole game.
I could imagine it may not be as easy as a fix as we, the community may think but with all of these updates and new things added, fixing hitboxes after vaulting should be a priority in my opinion.
What do you guys think?
This is frustrating yes. But it's about latency and ping and sometimes map-sized glitchy hitboxes. We're experiencing this problem is Europe servers like all the time, but I don't think they will going to do any slightly move for to fix this problem. I would glad if I don't get hit from other side of the pallet
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I couldn't imagine dealing with it that bad. It's so annoying.
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Don't worry, we're dealing with the same problem over 6 years
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I vaulted the window in the back, did not move an inch and SM picked me up exactly where I was.
Completely "fair" hit though the window with 40ms ping (EU central).
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Devs does not give a fcare about latency in this game. For them, making outfits and making money on them is more important instead fixing the biggest problem in this game.
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Come and play on the eu server with forcibly 50-60ms then we'll talk
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Oh sorry then, I thought you called me a whiner
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that isn't even that bad. problem are the killers whoi have 100+ms because it is the closest server they have. (mostly people from russia and the middle east)
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I have been sick of it for a long time. You can't evade if the hitboxes allow them to hit any hit with ease and most of the time doesn't need to connect with the survivor for to register. Survivors then rely on perks and those just get nerfed...
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I play with friends on that server and omg, I just can't
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Since I'm from Turkey, matchmaking matches me with Russians and nearby countries For people in my situation, problems such as latency/ping in this game completely kill the enjoyment of the game.
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That's why we "have to" forcibly run Resilience in every possible game just for to getting quicker vault and dreaming of not to get hit because of the problem
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Totally understandable.
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After a person who plays in canada comes and says: "No, you are just bad, the ping is not a problem"
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Sometimes (if EU central servers are full) I get sorted to the EU west server in London or even US east. These matches are always "fun". I have to predrop everything and still get hit though the pallet, windows result in hits no matter what etc...
And don't tell me about weird Huntress hits...
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The ping is the only reason that I hate going against the deathslinger, I'm always getting hits through the walls. At least huntress is slow and predictable but yes sometimes weird hitboxes.