I miss the old vaulting windows

been missing them more and more lately as now it feels like the killer can hit when you're a thousand miles away and female window vaulting is always being broken for some reason
It's working fine right now but yeah, i don't know how they broke female vaulting and i don't know why it took so long to fix.
It was pain to play female survivors.
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did they break female vaults again?
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Presumably it was an issue caused by the different vault animations between male and female survivors. They do the same movement, but male survivors are overall a bit taller than female survivors, so they couldn't take the same animations without it looking weird. When they changed the vaults, something malfunctioned and caused the female survivor vaults to not work correctly. Good ol' spaghetti code, I guess.
Not sure why it took so long to fix that. Maybe it was more complex to figure out a solution than we think.
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1.) Your hit box drags behind you when you’re running.
2.) Killer’s ping is prioritized with hits. So if they appear to hit you on their screen (even if the hit didn’t land on your screen; I.e. they have bad ping) you’ll be damaged. No, it does not work for survivor (low ping doesn’t help you avoid hits). However, grabs are supposedly favored by survivor ping.
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Yeah Your second point is very true but annoying how killers essentially get rewarded for bad ping and survivors aren't allowed to see a killers ping before the match so they can see if they are screwed or not.
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Well, seeing the ping before the match would only encourage lobby dodging.
I dont think players should be rewarded for bad internet. But they also shouldn't be punished for it.
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"would encourage lobby dodging" it already exists for killers so they can cherry pick prestiges, but that's fine for you I guess.
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So instead the solution is to punish the other players who aren't lagging?
The correct move definitely is for the lagging player to have the worse experience and you absolutely should be able to see killer ping considering the killer can see survivor ping.
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This content has been removed.
This would lead to the game having way less players.
"You need this good of an internet connection, otherwise your experience in this game will be horrible"
Nice slogan for the steam page right?
Again, seeing the killers ping in the lobby would only encourage dodging. Seeing it in the match however is fine.
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DBD for ya.
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As opposed to "your internet connection doesn't matter unless you're playing killer" ?
Most people would not care about seeing ping. But for those of us who like matches with competitive integrity there is no reason why you can randomly autolose because the killer has 300+ latency.
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Slight correction here, your hitbox does not drag behind you as you're running. It is exactly where your survivor is.
What actually happens is because of latency, the Killer always sees you (your actual Survivor) a fraction of a second behind where you actually are. They aren't swinging at an invisible hitbox that got lost and is not connected to you. On their screen, they are actually hitting you. This is because it takes time for your system to tell the server where you are, then for the server to tell the Killer where you are. We do some trickery to minimize this and project where you're going to be, but there's no way to eliminate it entirely.
This is a problem with any online game, but especially one like DBD where one person is chasing another. The person chasing will always see themselves as closer, but the person being chased always sees themselves as further. Then to add to that, purely by nature of how the game is played, many hits come down to super close calls where you just barely hit someone before they can vault or drop a pallet.
In any case, I'm not quite sure what we're referring to as old vaults in this instance since the vaults currently are the same as they have been for a few years. If we go back any further (pre-movement extrapolation & dedicated servers), the latency discrepancy would be even larger and even more Killer-favoured.
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I get around 185ms ping and as killer I will see a survivor near a pallet, hit them, they drop pallet, they scream, blood on my screen and they are still running around.
How is that an advantage?
As survivor I just get hit miles from the vault or drop a pallet. I don't feel bad ping helps anyone.
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Pallet stuns are handled a little differently from window vaults, and you're more likely to have your hit rejected at a pallet if your connection is poor. When a hit happens at a pallet, both the stun and the hit are timestamped and sent to the server. The server then looks at the timestamps to figure out exactly which happened first to account for latency. If the hit happened first, the Survivor takes damage. If the stun happened first, then the Killer should not have been able to attack and the hit is rejected.
Windows are a bit more grey, though. It's possible to hit a Survivor through a window, and there isn't a stun to say whether the hit was objectively wrong, so it's not as easy to draw a line and say, "This one was valid, but this other one was not." There is a distance check in place, but again, because the Killer always sees themselves closer to the Survivor and the Survivor always sees themselves further away, we have to be a little lenient otherwise a lot of legitimate hits would be unfairly rejected.
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Yeah server says I'm closer to killer then I think. Sucks cause not only do I get hit but I also drop the pallet. Many times the killer ends up on my side of the pallet stunned.
Had a match where the killer had enduring and just grabbed me when I panic vaulted the pallet when he ended up my side. Was funny but brutal.
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I don't like lobby dodging but I also don't like being screwed over because someone has bad ping and can hit me from across the map. It makes sprint burst and other exaustion perks useless. It is annoying but I do understand it is hard not to punish them but not to reward them either.
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Your implying that a survivor with bad ping is always on the losing end?
I've seen weird stuff happen with survivors with above 200 ping. But sure.
Again: I have nothing against showing the killers ping in the match. But showing it in pre game lobby is bad.
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That's the point.
It's a similar thing with swf as well. Punish them and you lose a lot of players.
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"A little lenient"
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I'm guessing what they mean is the hitbox while running/injured. because the survivor leans forward when they are injured, and lean forward a bit more when running hitboxes end up like this:
Images above are taken from this reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/158j9t5/dbd_hitboxes_visual_guide_detailed_explanation_on/
which is honestly a solid thread for talking about latency in DBD and why it works the way it does.
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tl;dr - when it comes to picking out of things that feel crappy, "getting hit by something I dodged on my end but might have avoided if I picked the worse option" is significantly less problematic than "i have to predict the future on every single attack ever"
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Good to know but somehow this is worse. It comes back to the game prioritizing weaker ping when it favors the killer (hit validation). Care to share why this is so?
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Actually yeah they did I think they even sent out a tweet about it saying they broke it again like 4 weeks ago?
idk if they fixed it yet though
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oh its been fixed now. it was fixed in the 7.3.3 patch (current patch)