Should blight and nurse be unable to use Lethal?

Mainly blight but on smaller maps nurse is way to powerful with it as well. The fact that you can spawn in and have Blight or Nurse on you within 3 or 4 seconds is kinda of ridiculous.
Blight is already the strongest killer and his add-ons make him even harder to counter. Lethal just starts the snowball effect way too soon in the game having a hook within 10-15 seconds of the match starting. Especially considering MMR is atrocious so a lot of new players go against comps or sweats and even anyone who is marginally okay with Blight or Nurse.
Thoughts? It not this change then what could be done to level the playing field a bit against blight?
I think they should have access to every perk. I have heard people suggest giving high-mobility killers less time on their aura reads and more time for killers with low-mobility, but I don't know whether BHVR would want to do something like that.
If you want to weaken the killer, one option could be to limit their perk slots to three instead of four. So characters like Nurse and Blight would be limited on how heavily they could stack their killer. But again, I don't know whether BHVR would consider that as an option to balance the top tiers.
BHVR doesn't seem to want to change the fundamental mechanics of technical killers, which makes sense as they take a long time to learn (messing with the blinks or rushes themselves would not only weaken the killer but obliterate all the work players put into learning to use them well), so looking at things like perks and add-ons makes sense.
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No, they just should finally get properly nerfed.
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Blight’s addons are already on the change table. Nothing else needed.
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I get the idea, but it does not really work. No Killer should be denied access to certain Perks. It is ok if some Perks just dont work on Killers or are bad on Killers, but outright denying access is wrong.
This COULD have worked when they would have designed the whole game in mind with this. E.g. the Killer has a Power Level and each Perk has a Power Level as well. And then lets say a Killer like Trapper is Power Level 1 and can use Perks with Power-Level 1-3 while Nurse is a Killer with Power Level 3 and can only use Perks which are Power Level 1 or 2. And Lethal Pursuer is a Power Level 3-Perks.
This would have worked. In theory. In reality, the Devs did not really know how strong Killers would be, at least back then. (You can see this with the old difficulty ratings. A highly complex Killer like Billy was considered Easy, while Wraith was intermediate)
The solution with Perks being too strong on certain Characters is not to make the Perks unable to use, but to nerf the Killers in a meaningful way. They failed to do so with Nurse multiple times and did not even attempt with Blight. And with Killers this strong, you would probably remove a ton of Perks from them. Better to adjust the Killer properly.
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Perks are supposed to be extremely effective on certain killers it's only if a perk is way to powerful across the all of them it needs a nerf I know this is not what you are saying but similar enough. It the same with UW insanlely powerful on Blight or Nurse but is generally not overpowered.
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Its fair use, survivors that are concerned should get moving at the start and maybe move away to another gen that didnt spawn near them.
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I hate LP. I think it's the most unfair perk in the game.
This idea that it should be restricted from certain killers bothers me more though.
Also, this sort of discrimination of which killers can use which perks wouldn't end there. It would be a new fight in the forums every hour about "Killer A can't use Perk X."
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Some things are bound to be stronger on some killers than others. We shouldn't prevent synergies from being ran as at the end of the day DBD is a casual game.
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Wraith was considered to be intermediate?
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For Nurse, aura reading in general is quite an issue. It basically guarantees her hits. So you could just as well make her unable to use any aura perks. Then again, what perks would she be able to use? No M1 perks and no aura perks eliminate pretty much anything that isn't slow down. Which wouldn't improve the situation overall. They need to come up with some better restrictions for Nurse's power. Making perks inaccessible for her wouldn't be a solution to the problem.
The same goes for Blight, honestly. If both of these killers were a bit weaker overall, these perks wouldn't be quite so problematic on them. Something, I've been playing around with is the though of Blight starting with his power on cooldown. So it would take him 10 seconds until he could start rushing. I think that would be fair and it wouldn't make him less enjoyable overall. That combined with the necessary addon nerfs and maybe a slightly more punishing cooldown on missed attacks would go a long way.
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On paper I agree the idea of some perks (sparingly) should not work on certain killers. It's a conversation I don't think is too ridiculous to consider at least. However, it's a slippery slope. I think it's just better all killers have access to all perks. Otherwise, we're just going to be having post after post of survivor mains asking "Why can X killer use Y perk?" Killer mains will post about "why can't X killer use X perk?" It will just become another thing devs have to focus on and focus less time on just balancing the game based on how perks work, how killer powers work, fixing bugs, ect.
And we could consider making certain tweaks for perks and how they work on certain killers, but that's also way more balancing/tweaking the devs now have to take into account and more of their bandwidth taken up.
Again, I think it's an interesting topic to talk about. There's logic behind the question, no doubt. I just think the "perks for all" system is best overall.
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If it bothers you so much then bring distortion or object of obsession, you can switch your perks up too just in case you forgot.
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Honestly with nurse all they need to really do is make her get the blind effect during a blink charge.
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Haven't heard this mentioned before, but It wouldn't work either. I haven't used perks on nurse for almost year. I don't need to see auras to know where survs are gonna path most of the time. Renami mentioned a system to charge her power similar to Oni, then she can blink for a set period of time, or longer fatigue that would make misses much more punishing, while making matchbox base kit
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I assume if you have a blink you'd revert to her normal speed though right? I feel as if that'd feel extremely clunky as well as the fatigue camera forcing you around, especially for longer if they extend it. Not saying it's a bad idea or anything or it isn't needed, just playing Nurse already gives me a headache even when I do extremely well because of the fatigue, adding the speed changes would feel like whiplash.
I guess all I could recommend on top of my idea is a slightly longer teleport move speed so you need to be more accurate as well as work around the blind? This is just from me playing Nurse a bit mind you, Nurse mains would probably have a better idea about balancing, or at least those with more hours like yourself.
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They just should rework Nurse and nerf Blight. There is no reason to ban perks for them. Because these changes won't effect high level players while your average Blight will suffer
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Man you have no idea how much I'd love them to rework the whole perk/items/addon system into something where everything costs a certain amount of points and you have a total set of available points to spend when equipping stuff
This would also allow stronger perks to exist without the need to nerf them -> full meta load outs would be impossible, if the system was well designed.
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Oh, totally. I would also love that, if it is well-designed, it could be so good.
And it would solve a lot of problems. You can have strong Slowdown-Perks, but give them a high point-value so that you cannot stack them. Or something like DS/Unbreakable back then would not be possible, because you could not equip both because they "cost" more points.
Because I think this is the main issue with strong Perks. Two (or more) strong Perks can be strong and fine individually, but become too much when stacked. And a system like this would prevent it.
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A better change would be to disable nurse and blights power for the 5-10 seconds of the match. This would also be consistent with implementations of killers like sadako and freddy who start with their teleports on cooldown. If you have massive map mobility, just disable that briefly at the start to give survivors an opportunity to reposition before you can instantly be on them.