why is using a reticle on huntress and trickster so frowned upon
I recently got a new monitor and it comes with a crosshair option so I told my friend I could finally hit shots on huntress and my friend said that using a reticle on huntress is basically cheating as the character wasn't designed with one.
later on I told another friend the same thing and they said to not use it as its frowned upon in the community, i have no clue if it is frowned upon or not.
so my question is, is it actually frowned upon or are my friends just dramatic about it
I mean anyone can attach something to the middle of their screen and achieve the same effect, so I don’t really think it qualifies as cheating.
Your friends are kind of overreacting IMO.
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Your monitor has a built-in crosshair? You swanky.
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There is really no problem with that, over time if you spend enough time playing the character you will basically barely need it anymore, and the reasoning of your friends does not really make sense, because when the game was created not even looping was intended, besides that the devs and EAC basically whitelisted such things, so it is not cheating by any reasonable definition whatsoever...
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As someone who was always a bit of a purist, I personally wouldn't use it cause being able to aim without the aid of a crosshair is a skill in of itself that deserves respect.
I used to frown down on it in games like Killing Floor, where the lack of a crosshair meant you have to trade speed for accuracy using iron sights. This gave the game more immersion and with time and skill you got a natural feel for where your aim was to land headshots, and so there is an argument it was more "legit".
However as I've mellowed out in my old age, it's not really a big deal to me any more. I'd recommend not using it, as there is a greater sense of pride to being able to do it without a crosshair... but ultimately anyone who gets upset about it is probably taking things too seriously.
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Yeah... You can get the same effect with a piece of tape and a sharpee, so I wouldn't really call that cheating. Just gotta remember hatchet have an arc to them, so the cross hair doesn't help you aim up and down. People for some reason have this idea that crosshairs can aim FOR you and it becomes an unskilled action all of a sudden.
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it is not cheating. but I personally wouldn't use it because I wanna be able to play her on any monitor. so I rather use in-game things to help aim. (which is generally "they need to be about this distance from that part of the hatchet model after it's raised")
if it was built into the game, I would use it 100%
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Not really monitor tdependant, there are several cross hair programs on steam that are white listed by EAC so they work.
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I play on console. don't think I have those.
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Do you have tape? Then you can also get a cross hair...
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Crosshairs should be a built in feature at this point, to close the gap between PC and console.
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by that logic good pc with 144fps is cheating compared to bad pc with 30fps.
and this friend opinion is more important than your own? what's the problem here I don't get it, just forget about it
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Hmm how many arbitrary rules based on nothing but personal opinion can we cook up today?
Use the crosshair if you like, there is nothing wrong with it.
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Should have just taped a Doritos to the center of the monitor. Everytime you hit a person then you take a bite. You learn and get fed as you go.
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true. but I still rather not. also I'm afraid of leaving bits of "tape glue" on my tv and having to clean it.
I'm too lazy for that much trouble.
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I mean fair, nobody is forcing you, so it's alright to have the option to do it though :)
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Cheating is a bit of an overreach let's be real. Not knocking your friend but that's try-hard nonsense. Personally, if the game doesn't come with crosshairs built in, I would say only use any third-party crosshairs (or physically adding a dot to your screen) for "training wheels" which is 100% fine. Then work away from them.
If you want to play as a DBD "purist" then yeah, don't use them strictly for that reason as the game doesn't have them built in, but it's not cheating.
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im only using them to learn how to aim through the small cracks in tiles and stuff. i plan on turning it off after i complete 150 matches to see the results and if i improved or not
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I wouldn't worry about it, you probably know where the center of your screen is without it...and it's not like hatchets or knives are hitscan. If you are aiming only at the reticle then you aren't going to learn about how long you are holding the hatchets to determine their speed and drop anyway.
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I just posted this same question. I was like maybe p8 huntress now I'm p21 just using iron maiden, my reticle is super small now like pen point small. I'd say you should use it if it helps you out, eventually you won't need it, because your muscle memory will know exactly where the center of the screen is. It doesn't help hit hatchets though as some have stated. It doesn't account for the travel time, the wonky collision in all 42 something maps, the little gaps and place you can sneak hatchets into, orbitals or anything else just where your center screen is thats it. Some elitist may shame you but who cares it's a damn game.
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I personally love a deadly accurate huntress. So if using a crosshair helps you become that, bring it on!
Likewise, if you want to practice sometime with or without, hit me up. Customs are always more fun than live anyway. GL! :)
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Your monitor has a built in crosshair? That's cool, you got any photos? I gotta see this for myself (if you dont mind of course).
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yeah ill take a photo later for sure, theres 6 different options to choose from all really nice
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for sure man i love playing customs ill hit u up oneday fr
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yeah, im a p8 huntress rn and i was always bad at hitting accurate shots so im just using the reticle to learn where to aim eventually ill take it off, im aware it doesnt help with anything but knowing where your screen is centered and tbh thats all i want, it helps me aim through those small cracks but i know it doesnt help me with the arc, speed or trajectory of the hatchets and im okay with that
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This has nothing to do with console, its a monitor thing and some tvs also have it.
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If you can do it, and it isn't against the rules, go for it.
Your friends are the DBD equivalent of a medieval archer complaining about crossbows, who gets bullseye'd from a hundred feet mid-rant.
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i like the way you put it, very funny icl.
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As for the example, I thought the english Long Bows had a longer range than the crossbows, at least during the 14th century? As well as higher speed of reloading and shooting in general? So I don't think they would have complained :D
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I mean no one will ever know so if you like using it go for it. When I used to play on console years ago I would stick a small dot of blue tack in the middle of the screen when I first played with Huntress to get the feel of her aim, but once I started landing shots I took it off because it annoyed me. I play PC these days and I'm a pretty decent Deathslinger main, consistently landing max range shots a lot. I think once you get the feel for a certain characters ranged attack it just becomes more instinctive opposed to actually feeling like you need something like a cross hair to aim.
One thing that also annoyed me about the blue tack was i would often overthink about where my dot should be opposed to using snap reactions. In the end it actually became I hindrance more than anything. I fully understand why people using a controller would use it though. Takes a hell of a lot if practice to become semi proficient with a controller at aiming.
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I looked. mine does not have it. unless it's weirdly well hidden
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In my opinion, that's 100% ok :)
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I circled back to this discussion after seeing it yesterday, saw this reply again and I may have laughed even harder at it the 2nd time around XD.
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Not all tvs/monitors have them ofc.
My tv is more for gaming and got it.
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DBD players are prone to keeping the game as barebones as possible in order to maintain a somewhat immersive horror game(this game isn't a horror game). Kinda like the non-sense with making killer the power role, it's not immersive just plain boring if either role is too strong.
Also, more than other pvp game playerbases they have a less experienced pvp game profile on average.
Most people don't need that crosshair due to muscle memory, but some people need the visual indicator in order to aim accurately by nature. I personally don't, but I would never fault someone for using it.
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This is all the crosshairs i have. I use the first one
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That is so cool honestly.
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i know right. i love all the options on it its so interactable.