People are lossing on purpose

Several games over the past few days survivors walk straight up to the killer to be downed refusing to be healed an instantly killing themselves on hook sometimes up to 3 people per game are doing this an it can be any killer any map.
Why are people loading up to instantly do this?
Entitled Survivors, report them.
Some of them will kill themselves on hook just because they got hit first
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Yeah I been doing the report at endscreen.
Happening more an more very frustrating i think perhaps people are doing it to lower their mmr i just wanna play the game but team mates are preventing me from doing so :(
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This is just part of the game, as killers like to say "it's a strat" it's also just a symptom of bigger long unfixed problems. Winning can sometimes mean getting out of this match asap and moving on to the next, especially if you get a scummy killer or braindead teammates. Sucks I know but so do a lot of things in this game.
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I report teammates that purposefully kill themselves but these reports never did anything. I'm so tired of solo q teammates ruining games for other people. It happens so much I often have 3~4 games in a row where at least one survivor just kill themselves at the start of the game.