Has anyone gotten the anti-facecamp to activate even once?

I just had an Oni patrol the hook for the entire duration of his power. When I couldn't wait any longer to go for the save, I ran up to the hook. The Oni spent a good 10 seconds within kissing distance of the hook as I ran him around it. And he still had time to down me, pick me up and walk away without the anti-facecamp triggering. Then my teammate died to the hook timer.

So... what exactly am I supposed to do here? Seems like just the sort of "no-win" scenario that the anti-facecamp was supposed to prevent.


  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    The timer pauses when a survivor is around the hook, so running the killer around it is counterproductive.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2023

    Yes once I got it against a camping and tunneling wesker.

    And I got hit of it twice after I camped basement.

    I thought: I got two people in I should stay.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    In other words, there's no play I can make that will result in a successful unhook, unless the Oni screws up. The Oni can just charge in and instadown me as soon as he sees me going for the unhook. Sounds to me like that element of the anti-camp needs to be toned down at the very least.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited November 2023

    I agree, the AFC mechanic is only useful against killers who forget it exists. Otherwise they can bypass it easily by going in and out of the zone (the timer slows down quickly enough that the survivor loses at least one extra hook stage before being able to self unhook).

    On top of that survivors can't sneak in for a save because it stops the timer completely, and that's without mentioning that they don't have an indication of where the zone ends unless they're on comms so they can mess it up by accident.

  • Disco
    Disco Member Posts: 75

    Yep I got it against a trapper that put me in the basement this morning. Sounds like you were preventing the anticamp from filling because you were too close to the hook

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    What's the point of an anti-camp mechanic if you still can't actually get the save? Proxy camping I don't mind, provided it's still possible to get the save before you go down.

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278

    I have yet to unhook myself using the anti-facecamp mechanic... buuuut, I haven't gotten a face camping bubba since, so I'll take it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It is not an anti camp mechanic, as I stated before, all it is supposed to prevent is the killer standing right besides your hook. That's what facecamping is and that it prevents...

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    Again, who cares? It's cold comfort for me and my dead teammate. The method doesn't matter if the outcome is the same. If Survivors can't even get a hook trade, we're back to square one.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well that's your opinion, it achieved it's purpose, facecamping is gone.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    Only on paper. In practice, people just found a different method to do the exact same thing. People didn't hate facecamping because the Killer was literally staring you in the face, they hated facecamping because you can't unhook against a facecamping Killer.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Yes. A Trapper brought too many people into the basement. A Huntress who was proxy-camping... And one or 2 more.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    They already had the same method before, nothing changed... But yeah true, but behavior never intended to get rid of camping all together, and they achieved what they wanted to, face camping being gone, so how exactly could you expect more? They communicated perfectly well what they wanted to do and did it?

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    I expect the actual problem to be solved? A Killer could be using their power to camp from the other side of the map, for all it matters. The actual problem with facecamping is that the Survivor can't get the unhook, not even a hook trade. Everything else is just aesthetics.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547
    edited November 2023

    If only the outcome matters and not the result, you won't feel comfortable until the killer can still kill you.

    Proxy-camping has much more counterplay compared to facecamping. Go discover and master the methods!

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Did you not read my first post? I just presented a scenario where getting an unhook was effectively impossible. I asked for a solution and you give me empty words.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    OK, but they never promised that did they? Against most killers a 1 for 1 with only a single survivor is possible fairly easy, on other you need to be more coordinated and do a duo safe... But you will get the unhook if you do it properly, unless you get a Bubba or a Trickster or sth like that that will just down everyone in the time you unhooked...

    Stop calling it facecamping for clarity sake, because facecamping is gone. I think there is only a hand full of killers that can prevent the unhook...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    A duo safe and not loop the killer around the hook... Perhaps one or two people will go down for it but you will get the safe...

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    Well then, let's read the developer update that introduced the anti-camping system:

    "This new mechanic is intended to address the most egregious camping scenarios, discouraging Killers from standing too close to a hooked Survivor for an extended period and creating opportunities for the other Survivors to make the save."

    And if we look at that last bit, it would seem we still have a problem. Other Survivors do not, in fact, have the opportunity to make the save in this scenario. And this isn't a case of the Survivors making a silly, obvious mistake like going for a save while injured, this is a no-win scenario for the Survivor, which requires sending multiple Survivors if they want to actually get the unhook, same as before.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Generally speaking it does that, you have more distance between killer and hook and can bodyblock the killer a bit to get the unhook... However if there is a t3 Myers or Oni in his power or whatever sitting next to the hook, how are you ever supposed to get the unhook? This has nothing to do with the camping itself but with the insta down power being active...

    The feature creates opportunities, think of it this way 3 survivors come swarming in, two block the killer 1 unhook... This scenario is what the feature creates, because you cannot start of as close to the hook as killer anymore without getting punished by the feature.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    Myers at least has to walk 16 meters before he can get you. But if the Survivor is hooked out in the open, then even if the Oni doesn't spot you before you get within 16 meters of the hook, he's so fast he can still down you before you get the unhook.

    Aside from Bubba, you could still counter facecamping Killers by sending more than one Survivor to swarm the hook. Which is a level of coordination that tends to range from extremely difficult to impossible for solo Survivors, hence the complaints. So if your only suggestion is to send multiple Survivors, then once again, we're right back where we started, just with a different coat of paint.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So what? Myers can just enter without punishment as soon as the survivor runs in, you are not getting the unhook regardless... And for Oni it is once again about is power in general and not the feature itself...

    I have pulled off duo saves quite a few times with Randoms in soloq, it is really not that hard, what makes it hard is players having no clue what they are doing, so it's a skill issue by definition.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    If you can't get within 16 meters of the hook without being spotted, you probably made a mistake. And even if you didn't, it's much more reasonable to expect one Survivor to lead the Killer away from the hook while another actually goes for the save, instead of having a Killer who can instantly dash straight to the hook and essentially cover every possible angle of approach. In the latter case, both Survivors have to go in at the exact same time, or they're dead.

    Plenty of people made both of those arguments in defense of pre-nerf facecamping. They weren't good arguments then, they're not now.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Depending on if the hook is in the open or not...

    Why would the killer get led away though? He wants to camp the guy on hook so why leave? Your point does not really make sense here. Do you think he is camping because he cannot find a chase and will then chase the first person that comes towards him? If you have clear line of side towards the hook you will only hit someone right next to you or go closer if someone tries to unhook... Or what exactly is worth it to chase someone when you are dedicated to camping the guy on hook?

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    You ran Oni around the hook. That effectively halts the AFC buildup, and was considered a terrible thing to do even before the introduction of the feature.

    The solution is either luring him away from the hook so someone else can save, or trading hooks while two others do gens.

    By the way - Blood Fury lasts 46 seconds, that's 14 seconds shorter than a hook state. You could also unhook after it runs out.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    Luring him away from the hook operates under the false assumption that the Oni is willing to be lured away, and is not simply waiting for someone to commit.

    You think I don't know Blood Fury's duration? Don't you think I would have waited it out if that was an option? Having only a 14-second window where you can actually get a save is pretty unforgiving in solo queue, since you can only guess as to where your teammates are or what they're going to do, and you may end up having to be the one to go for a save, despite the fact that you're on the other side of the map (And in that scenario, it's physically impossible for you to reach the hook in 14 seconds anyway).

    So, we're right back where we started. You're faced with the same problem as before as a Survivor, with the same counterplay as before. Not much has changed. Heck, I even just ran into a camping Bubba.

    For the actual problem to be properly addressed, there needs to be some play solo Survivors can consistently make to break the camp and at least get a hook trade. And if there isn't one, I think we can safely say the anti-camp feature is an abject failure at its stated goal of giving Survivors an actual opportunity to get the save.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    I just don't understand. People cry when people kill themselves on first hook, but at the same time we're unironically going "them killing themself first hook is bad but me camping them to death from 1st hook is okay." The results in both situations are exactly the same. Behavior just needs to man up and make it just anti-camp, and increase it to "if the hook is within terror radius the bar progresses." There are 3 other players besides the hooked player. Play the game and stop standing in one spot staring vigorously at the hook, let Ada play the game.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    The issue with that change is that Survivors may start using it aggressively. 32m is a pretty huge distance, so a Killer who's not even trying to camp may end up filling the bar.

    If you want my suggestion for a change: If the Killer downs a Survivor within the anti-camp range, then the anti-camp bar fills instantly. So if a Survivor gets even remotely close to the hook, then one way or another, their teammate is getting off.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    How do you use something aggressively that cannot progress if the survivor is nearby? If a killer is chasing someone within terror range of the hook, then a survivor is nearby which means the bar does not fill, same way if a survivor runs a killer around the hook currently. The only thing that changes is huntress standing there with her arm raised outside of the AFC now is punished instead of her just lobbing an iri hatchet at someone when they try to save while standing there for the whole hook stage.

    I just had a death slinger just sit next to someone just outside of the AFC aiming his gun at their body. The result is exactly the same as if he facecamped them. It makes no sense. Its just face camping with some extra steps.

    Also side note: gens used to take 60s, now they take 90. Back in the day if the killer just stood there like a dumb dog like they do in 2023, they would have lost all the gens and only killed the 1. Nostalgia moment, but my killers back in the day actually hooked people and booked it across the map to stop gens. Now they just stand at hooks and go "if I can't camp this one person to death then I will loooose the game," and then act surprised when 4 gens are popped all at once. Or you see them camp the hook and then tunnel the same guy to death leaving 3 healty survivors to beat out gens, and then go "omg, all the gens are done so fast!" Yeah because you have 0 pressure, no one else needs to heal, no one else needs to move, no one else needs to do anything but hold M1 and hit spacebar.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Well, for one thing, the anti-camp bar never stops filling completely, even if a Survivor is present.

    More importantly, if the anti-camp radius is 32m wide, then suddenly the Killer's movement is very restricted if- god forbid- they hook a Survivor in the middle of the map. If the Killer has to avoid that whole area just to avoid filling the camp bar, a Survivor can easily take advantage of that by sitting on the opposite side of the anti-camp zone, knowing that the Killer has to go the long way around. Or they can hide inside the anti-camp zone, knowing that the Killer can't risk looking for them there.

    The Terror Radius is big. Really big. At any given time, it covers 3,217 square meters- that's almost a third of most maps. So if you create an area that size in the middle of the map where the Killer isn't allowed to enter unless a Survivor is also present, they're gonna start having trouble with navigation.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    Not every killer has the same terror radius size, for one.

    The anti camp bar stops filling when another survivor is present. Hence why you see the threads with the "does the anti camp work erm its not working for me" with people explaining that their friends running the killer around the hook makes it stop. I can also attest that it does not fill when the other survivors are playing monkey around the hook. The only time it isn't present is when the exit gates are powered.

    Maybe a 3rd of the newer maps that are stupidly small, but its not a 3rd of the average map. The killer merely has to hold WASD and walk to another survivor, legit 0 excuse with the way there's an aura reading perk for killers for every situation.

    No seriously, there's 0 excuse why you can't find another survivor.

    • Beginning of the game
    • Hitting a gen
    • Opening a locker
    • hooking a survivor
    • gen completed
    • exit gate powered.

    Why are we struggling to find people again?

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    If you're basing it on the actual terror radius, then say hello to the return of Insidious camping. And heck, that change would barely help against a camping Huntress; her actual terror radius is only 20 meters.

    The average map is 9,282 square meters in size. If you don't believe me, look it up. So if a Survivor is hooked in the middle, over 1/3rd of the map is now off-limits to the Killer unless they know a Survivor is in there.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    if they want to sit in 1 place and lose all their gens then go off, I guess.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Who said anything about staying in one place? I'm saying that if the Killer hooks someone in the middle of the map, leaves the hook, and then hears a noise notification or something on the other side of the map, there's now a massive invisible bubble smack dab in the middle of the map that the Killer is forbidden from passing through.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    Seeing that insidious camping requires you to stay in one spot.......................................

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    So, let me get this straight: You want facecamping Bubba back? Because that's what's going to happen if you don't mind having Insidious be an option for camping again.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    Who cares. I do not. He will lose all his gens, lose the game to sit with 1 kill, drop mmr, and I'll never see him again. Hell, you could even add a passive of "stagnate hunt - The entity grows bored with an idle hunter, repair speed is increased by X% every X time the killer has not moved." if you're that stressed about a leatherface. But really not an issue, just do gens.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Am I talking to the same person I was 2 hours ago? How did you go from "There are 3 other players besides the hooked player. Play the game and stop standing in one spot staring vigorously at the hook, let Ada play the game." to "Really not an issue, just do gens"?