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saboteur should only go on cooldown after you finish sabotaging a hook


saboteur will go on cool down soon as you start using it, meaning if you stop mid way through you will have to wait the 60s before you can actually sabotage the hook. this wouldn't be that big of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that healing someone is the same button as using saboteur, ppl heal under hook after unhooking a lot meaning often times you end up using saboteur instead of healing your team. this leaves you with 2 options.

 1 finish using saboteur witch will not only leave the player injured longer it make another loud noise notification right over the injured player.

2 stop using saboteur putting it on cooldown for 60s without sabotaging a hook so you can heal a player without making a loud noise notification over them again

this locks up saboteur more then im able to actually use it
