Dev update 2/3 bruh

TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Chucky changes - good, very good.

Batteries included - i despise you. delete the perk, rework it or buff it heavily (plz dont) because you killed 2/3 of the reasons to pick it in the first place. it's way too situational and niche now. it'll now be forever in shadow of its ptb version.

Trickster - the entire point of your buff was to make him throw more knives. you took that away. why? there were tons of other things that were unhealthy or broken about the new trickster but you took the only one that was fine and was the reason to have that rework in the first place.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    Aww, I was looking forward to zooming about the map in the end game with Batteries Included. A healthy change but tbh, it does reduce my desire to run this perk.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635
    edited November 2023

    Personally i am very happy with the dev update, i feel like they listened to feedback for both sides here.

    Chucky changes are great, improved add-on variety ahead of time and addressed the stuff that felt like too much for survivors.

    Batteries included, i enjoyed using this perk on PTB and i never got to endgame on PTB. Personally i would have just made a change to the game instead of the perk. Why not just make it so generators that don't get repaired don't get powered? I'm guessing there is a reason though but i am not too bothered by this change.

    I also very happy with the trickster changes too. As i am a player who got into the game because of All-Kill chapter i have always wanted trickster to be stronger. Sadly for me there was an enormous amount of negative feedback on the changes so i was expecting them to scrap the update entirely.

    Reduced throw rate is fine to me because they still removed the ramp up, so it will be better than it is now.

    Main Event change seems good to me, 3-6 hits i admit sounded crazy. 8 sounds pretty good and they changed the add-ons that decreased the requirement.

    I don't really like the new add-ons that increase the time before a combo ends because i have no clue what this is really on about. How much time is it before a combo ends currently? I have no idea.

    New death throes i like a lot though and the iri photo card change is fair.

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    it's the worst way they could've done it.

    they couldve just removed 4% haste from noed (why does it hate it anyway, make hex visibility radius change with tiers) and kept batteries as is so killers get another really nice endgame perk, while noed is getting nerfed.

    win-win, but nah, they'd rather nerf a new perk and keep noed.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059

    Overall, they did healthy Changes.

    Batteries included was not too strong IMO, but Endgame-Builds are probably the most boring Builds which can exist. Glad that it is prevented with that.

    The Trickster-Update is also fair. The most important things (removal of Recoil and Movement Speed) were kept. PTB-Trickster was way too strong, I dont know how anyone can think that PTB-Trickster was balanced. Especially since you could reach Main Event in 4 Knives and would never have to reload.

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159

     "adjusted the Killer’s movement speed after missing a Slice & Dice attack" is terrible for Chucky, the smoothness he has is gone and it will def be a bummer on the anti loop, it will only be used to cover map distance wit hthe addons, sad

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    Trickster still is getting a huge buff overall considering he’ll be 115%, even with the nerfs from PTB. And he was too strong on the PTB. Main Event will also still activate far more frequently too, he just won’t be able to get it in 3 blades with addons anymore.

    Chucky changes seem good, I agree.

    Batteries Included is definitely a lot worse now but tbh I didn’t want another good Haste perk, it’s a trend that needs to stop imo. If anything it should be reworked.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    You're complaining about main event? It easy to hit main event with the addons. The recoil removal will help the console players more too.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    When they announced the ptb my trickster rating went down from "eyeroll, it's trickster" to "ok time to go next" (on par with SM)

    How are these updates supposed to change my opinion on him? It's still going to be an insta go next killer

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    I'm happy with most of this - I just have a question about a certain add-on.

    • Fizz-Spin Soda: New Effect – Increases the time before a combo ends by 15%.

    So is this now its only effect, or is it with something else? Because, unless I'm misunderstanding what a combo is, it's just the period of time for the score event you can get being extended - and for a green add-on, this effect seems really underwhelming and not worth running.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    Wait, did devs really nerfed Batteries Included?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    How did it make any sense? You didn't even need enough knives to get rid of a health state for it to activate? The whole thing is ridiculous, it should at least need like 12 or so knives.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    He basically had no real slowdown or anything so even if you missed the attack you could m1 right after, was definitely a bit overtuned.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,724

    perk has no purpose now, since chasing around finished gens is so rarely a good decision.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635
    edited November 2023

    Combos are related to the score events but they now also serve a gameplay purpose, they extend the duration of your main event.

    (this was in the 7.4.0 PTB patch notes)

    According to the wiki the hit grace period for combo duration is 5 seconds so that means the auto graph would increase this duration by 0.5 seconds and the fizz spin soda would increase the duration by 0.75 seconds.

  • ZenithZX
    ZenithZX Member Posts: 43

    4 Gen Slow Perks is way worse. Makes the whole game in general longer and an attrition battle. You really gonna complain about Endgame builds when most killers expect all gens to be done eventually? They have nothing early game for chases and gens and depending on gen speed makes their rewards from them useless. Endgame builds gives the killer a bubble of insurance if they accomplish early game objectives. Literally side quests that can sometimes be counterintuitive (Like No Way Out requires 4 unique hooks when getting rid of at least one is more optimal) NOED and old Batteries wouldnt require any effort but whats wrong with the killer having strengh when the game is basically over?

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    Aha I somehow missed that - thanks for the clarification.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059

    And once again someone does not understand the difference between "strong" and "unhealthy".

  • ZenithZX
    ZenithZX Member Posts: 43

    All I see is someone whining and calling endgame builds boring. I counter-argued that Gen Slow Builds are worse. Ie MORE BORING.

    Not sure where you get off putting words in my mouth. At no point did I say that either build was unhealthy, much less strong.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,155

    last time trickster got changed, he got buffed when he was 4.4. after ptb, they nerfed his throwing-rate to 2.5x and reduce knife count to 44 with laceration+add-on nerfs. After 3-4 weeks, they reverted some of changes. they'll likely do something similar.

    I would likely just wait on trickster until his he goes through his usual "phases".

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,661

    I have a bunch of bloodpoints that I was saving up, to buy Trickster addons… but I’m just going to spend it on Blight instead.

    And I’ll just continue to play Huntress if I want a useful ranged character.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,155

    i think i will try trickster out but i don't think he will be any good. so probably not worth playing. I am mostly waiting for chucky. it is going feel good to have a killer that activates ability and has potencial to get a hit at every single loop. there has not been a single killer like that since release Spirit, release Legion and Nurse.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,661

    I’m going to skip Chucky. He’s a killer with limited stealth, that warns the survivors when he’s in stealth mode. I use stealth to find survivors that like to pre-leave generators, and Chucky is sort of useless there. I’d rather play new Skull Merchant if I wanted a killer with limited stealth.

    And Chucky’s M2 just reminds me of what Blight could do before they heavily nerfed his object sliding. It sounds great, until the survivors realize object sliding requires the killer to be stuck at the loop, and the survivors start leaving the loop when they think the killer is going to slide.

    And I’m expecting the scamper nerf to allow survivors to often escape getting hit.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,155

    every single stealth killer except for skull merchant has audio warning. I agree towards dumb design however your not necessary using stealth to grab people off-gens. Your only using it to get close to the survivor to land a hit. Like GF stealth or Wraith stealth.

    Chucky’s M2 just reminds me of what Blight could do before they heavily nerfed his object sliding. It sounds great, until the survivors realize object sliding requires the killer to be stuck at the loop, and the survivors start leaving the loop when they think the killer is going to slide.

    I agree with blight comparison. So one of reasons why Chucky had low missed cooldown was because you could loop-wide. the whole point of him not having faster m/s cooldown was so that if you go very outward towards loop, you will be out of position where he can m1 you. They're nerfing that. I don't know how smart that is because that was ptb Slice & Dice weakness. The other counter/outplay was standing still at certain corners so he runs past you.

    I think if you want avoid his "smart" counter-plays by survivor, you need to use his short dash like billy's chainsaw. short-dash in front of you means that survivor has less time to go wide and they cannot use any LOS tricks if your dashing right in front of them. I suspect that scamber nerf might not do anything. the number looks so small that i have feeling that you can just run Running shoes green add-on+Iridescent amulet and still get m1 hits by vaulting pallets over and over because Hide-oh duration becomes 28 seconds. You have enough duration to hit bloodlust 1 while vaulting pallet for free until you hit survivor. Windows likely are not going to do anything especially for how easy they are to counter with bamboozle. that is my take on that change. it will not do enough.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,661

    I don't care about audio warnings, like Wraith's heavy breathing. By the time survivors can hear those noises over generator noises, I'm close enough to them, that they didn't have enough time to pre-leave the generator to hide. I'd even pick Myers, with his 6 meter terror radius, over Chucky for stealth, because Myers can also get to generators before the survivors have had enough time to hide, if there is a broken line of sight.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,155
    edited November 2023

    he is not meant to overshadow stealth specialized killers. it is just that if you get an opening hit, you only need successfully your power once instead of twice. it cuts your chase by half. that is how you get better chase efficiency with him. Start every chase with injured survivor. He is more designed for chasing/anti-loop then stealth but stealth contributes to his chase time efficiency.