Congratulations BHVR on the epic fail Skull Merchant rework

You guys really wasted time trying to rework this killer and now it's even worse to play against her.
- She still can hold 3 gens
- Drones are even more OP now making survivors lose health state/broken/slowed
- Skull Merchant can easily abuse of speed movement builds because of the drone stacks
At this point you guys should just delete this killer from the game or do a entire 100% rework of her power, this killer is totally problematic because of her drones.
Nah she's not great but she's better than she was. Throwing a full chase build on her and utilizing her drones for stealth at that perfect time when approaching a gen or even in the middle of a chase to confuse the survivor is quite fun.
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Congrats, OP, on your passive aggressiveness!
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i'm main killer, but i do play surv sometimes, and every match against the skull merchant is just B O R I N G, she's very OP now, her drones are overbuffed, bhvr need to review this again asap
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Skull merchant might not be the most enjoyable experience, but she's definitely not op...
Pls stop with these terms...
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Dont worry to much. With her insane winrate, she will get nerfed pretty soon. Rightfully so.
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Wouldn't that killrate be grossly inflated by the number of people who just give up on hook or DC the second they see her?
To the wider topic, I think this is an overexaggeration. It's fine to not like her, but she's clearly much better than she was before.
Her 3-genning has been brought down to the level any killer can achieve, drones have never been OP and certainly aren't now, and I don't even know what you mean by abusing the movement speed bonuses/penalties. That's just how her power works, it's like saying Clown abuses slows and haste.
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That would be the case. Are survivors mass DCing / suciding when they come across Skull Merchant? I dont know really. If that is true, she suffers from the "Original Legion Syndrom". A killer that was so dispised that even tho the winrate was not super high, the devs simply had to completly change his power.
No matter if she is just really overpowered or so hated that survivors disconnect when they come across her, a change is absolutly neccessary, dont you think?
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At this point, just delete her. There will not be another rework. They won't put any effort into changing her for a third time. But this killer is a disgrace. There are multiple killers in the game, that aren't all that fun to play against but SM takes it to a whole new level.
She is the low MMR killer's equivalent of Nurse in the sense, that a survivor has no counterplay as long as she doesn't mess up. Only, how do you mess up with SM? Set up drone and now enjoy the survivor either losing a health state and going down in a few seconds thanks to the extra hindered and haste effects or have them drop the pallet immediately to get to the next loop. In both cases you win and the survivor has no real play. They might as well be a bot. And you too to be honest. Because a bot would do the exact same thing.
For this killer to lose her reputation as the worst designed killer in DBD history (worse than old Legion), they would need to make her super fun and interactive for both sides. But they failed monumentally. Now she might be fun to play as (although I don't understand how, because you don't think about any of the stuff you do) but she is still by far the most excruciating experience for survivors. A good killer should be fun for both sides. Or at least not straight up miserable.
I give up on this killer and I know what I'll do the next time I have to play against her. Ignore the drones and go down in 20 seconds. At least that way she'll have me dead in about 2 minutes, which is shorter than the penalty for disconnecting.
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She's a lot better than she was since she can't 3-gen as effectively. She's still one of the stronger killers at holding a 3-gen but not really any stronger than Knight or Hag for example.
She's now a decent bit better in chase but still noticeably-weaker than top-tier killers so at this point I think people are just DCing/suiciding against her from PTSD from how she used to be. If survivors actually stayed they'd see she's a lot better.
Also they're obviously not gonna just delete her, that would set a terrible precedent that if people complain enough they can get killers deleted.
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There's another thing missing from this rundown, though: Sometimes people just whine and complain for no reason and eventually it settles down.
Skull Merchant, I would argue, is in this position. While it's fine to personally not enjoy playing against her and I wouldn't want to imply otherwise, she's nowhere near as problematic as she used to be and a lot of players are just stalwartly refusing to engage with her power in any thoughtful or good-faith way. They're reacting to how she used to be, because her power still somewhat resembles the one she used to have and nothing short of redesigning her from the concept up would've been enough to shake the almost-irrational hatred many players had for the way she used to be.
Either way, since there's no clear observable problem like there used to be with the 3-gen issue, BHVR can't act straight away. They have to let her settle and give the complainers time to approach things with a level head in order to find out if there's actually a problem.
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Old legion with Frank's mixtape was much more interesting to face, haha 😅
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Every match I play against her there is always someone who just kill themselves on hook, most likely me, it feels so unfair to play against her, no mindgames, no fun, nothing, just brainless playstyle.
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I can hold 3 gen just as well on executioner, and many other killers too.
bhvr did nerf her 3 gen pretty hard, it's what was problematic and unwinnable. and everyone complained about her 3 gen in particular. my bet they're done tweaking her for nearest future.
also winrate you linked is very inflated by people who always dc or die on first hook, when I play her people often give up even though I play chase merchant.
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I don't know if it's happening a lot, but I can say I've certainly seen it happen in my games.
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Skull merchant will forever go down as dull merchant. I still don't like her gameplay (like the knight), but what can you do 🤷♂️
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She's only strong when you don't bother to learn what changed. Her drones sound stronger, but it's because it's really hard to build the stacks. Most people don't seem to understand that you won't get a stack if you're not moving.
She's really good at forcing you to leave a loop, but that's about it, and there are a bunch of killers who are like that.
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I mean if Survivors are still no brain running into the drones without even thought of any counter to them, then yea, she is deadly.
Also is very worth noting that Survivors still give up a lot againts her just because its SM, its like they are programmed to just hate her no metter what changes.
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that doesn't change anything, ppl won't give up against killers that are not atrocious.
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Do you play DBD? People give up against anyone and everyone.
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See the above comment saying they absolutely will, and also see my other comment where I elaborated on this point.
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I´m still shocked how the whole Skull Merchant concept got green lighted while the devs try to find a way to reduce 3 genning.
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Still isn't worse than the sadako rework, not by a mile.
At least you can still play the game against SM even if it is difficult she still has difficulty with slowdown and map pressure, onryo is just everyone plays a tape minigame and if even one person ######### up the game just instantly ends with out sadako having had to do much of anything besides spam her teleport.
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not collectively, as the whole community.
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The real Epic Fail Rework is Sadako and nobody mention it.
She is the only killer who can win without hooking nobody and just teleporting and hitting survivors until they reach the max amount of condemned and then mori them. The only reason she hasn't be reverted or nerfed is because she isn't popular and because most people play her as a regular M1 killer, lol.
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SM is indeed very problematic killer. DC and suicides are still so high against her.
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It's definitely not collective. I barely ever see a dc as Merchant, and I highly doubt I'm at the mystical 'high mmr' with her.
I think it's only the bad, but even more so the stubborn players who dc.
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An example of how well Skull Merchant can hold 3 gens
I.E, literally cannot do that anymore because her drones can be countered by just standing still
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The few people defending her and trying to convince others she's not that bad are mindblowingly the few people who enjoy playing her, shocking 🤯
I've wasted enough words already on this disgusting killer, wish bhvr would just nerf her to the point where she's unplayable, since e they obviously can't out right delete her. I don't care with who I'm playing, as of now she's just an insta go next
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Wait, are you saying that the mass of people who dc against her instead of learning the simple counters of this low-tier killer don't even play as her? How could they be objective then?
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Ah yes the counter of "just go to another loop"
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As far as I know that's also the counter for a better Clown, Artist or any Knight. Where are the 'delete Clown!' threads?
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Clown actually has to: think where to throw the bottles, use another bottle to get haste, get the m1 twice
None of these apply to sm (most important being the thinking part)
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You know wrong then. Dropping pallet works fine for Clown. Dropping pallets mean pointless against SM since she can force bloodlust + trap. And trap is giving her bonus speed.
Clown can't get bonus speed unless they use yellow gas. And Clown can't force bloodlust because gas is staying in area for limited time, so they will need to use power again which means losing bloodlust.
SM? Put drone and get your free hits. She is chase monster and she still hold 3-gen so good.
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So the problem is that SM does the same thing as others do more easily? That shouldn't matter from a survivor perspective. The result is the same.
Dropping the pallet works against beginner Clown. One day you may meet a better one. One of the telltale signs is that they'll have the bonus speed from yellows whenever it matters.
Otherwise the bloodlust part is a fair point. I keep forgetting that there are survivors out there who keep losing against no map mobility m1 killers who's chases are so long that bloodlust kicks in.
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It actually is a problem because we have once again a Freddy situation of low (zero) skill high reward and adding to this an extremely dull gameplay
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Yeah, no.
I am playing Clown pretty often. And things i can do with SM is imposible for Clown.
I can't hold 3 gen like her as Clown.
I can't use my power and get BL like her as Clown.
Clown can ignore weak and mediocre loops but SM can ignore almost most of loops.
Clown takes a lot skill for max value from his power, SM is braindeadly easy and more effective.
Even their kill-rates shows their levels lol. SM has almost 70% , Clown is barely above 50%.
I am hardly seeing someone dc/suicide against Clown. But SM is dc & suicide monster. If this continue like that, BHVR eventually will revisit her again. They can't leave problematic killer as how she is right now.
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Sadly the amount of Clown-hours doesn't matter - one can stay mediocre indefinitely. I don't think your Clown-experience is relevant if you think SM's 10% Hinder and 3% Haste is comparable to Clown's respective 15% and 10% - or if your chases last long enough for bloodlust to matter.
Also any killer can hold a 3-gen, zoning killers can do it slightly better. SM is very good in it, as most survivors never got the note that now you can just ignore the drones while working on the gen. Any decent team breaks or prevents her 3-gen now though.
I don't feel the Nightlight killrates are particularly relevant - many people claim they dc / suicide / give up against Merchant, therefore her stats likely don't reflect her actual efficiency.
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Yes. SM can still 3 gen if she gets a lucky gen spawn or the survivors don't know how to counter her. Tips against her:
- don't ignore her drones just because they don't hit stationary targets. You must disable them before working on the gen to avoid getting detected when she comes and you have to run
- learn to dodge the drone beams. Under no circumstances should you get hit by the beams while not in chase. They are extremely easy to evade. Even when the drones are in stealth mode, you can look at the lights on the drone to determine where the beams are. If you do it properly, you can just run to the drone while evading the beams for a fast disable.
Post edited by adsads123123123123 on0 -
I love how you call someone unskilled when you disagree with them. Funny.
And you don't need to get BL 3 btw, BL 1 is good enough and it does not take long enough to get. Survivor loses health state, getting trap while SM is getting BL 1 + bonus speed from trap. All killer loses speed and getting cooldown whenever they take health state, not SM.
And no, there is no killer can hold 3-gen as SM does. She is still strongest gen holder and she has stronger chase now. Old SM did not got good chase, so just holded everyone hostage in game. New SM is holding gens and getting fast chases. So you will die just faster. Problem solved!
I probably should just play like you. If you can't see how problematic SM is right now, maybe you are just going against baby killers who does not even know how to swing. See? That's rude.
Like i said, her stats just shows how problematic killer she is. If survivors adapt and learn to counter her, BHVR probably won't do anything. But if these stats continue like that, let's say 2 - 3 months, BHVR will revisit her again.
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I'm honestly curious how many of those are free kills from Survivors giving up. Because a lot of Survivors give up whenever I played Skull Merchant. And I use a chase build.
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How does using a chase build make her any less dull to go against? It arguably makes it even more horrible
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And don't you think these people giving up on hook is not a symptom of a badly designed gameplay that should be changed?
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And then she comes at you undetectable and you run and get hit by the drone
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Yes, people think that SM is horrible because she can protect a 3-gen
That was the case before, now she can protect a 3-gen and having a disgusting chase power
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Chase merchant was horrible to face even before the rework. There was nothing interactive even back then
"But I play chase merchant" yeah and?
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She's not as bad as she was before now her three gen holding has been nerfed. She's still pretty miserable to face though. I think the only salvation for her is a total rework of her from the ground up.
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As I've said twice in this thread, no, not necessarily.
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she'll be putting drones in a larger area and not on top of gens themselves and you can't loop around drones. i guess what happens when you can't go deeper into the 3 gen.
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You can absolutely loop around drones, and you can also disable them while she's occupied elsewhere too.