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Was the Hex: Ruin nerf senseless?

This perk ended up in a limbo. Their carelessness lead to this perk's downfall. Since its nerf (July 19, 2022), I haven't seen a killer using Hex: Ruin. It's been more than a year ago and there is no mention of it, not the slightest attention to this perk, a forgotten relic from the past.
How does it make sense to turn a Hex totem so useless that survivors don't even bother or need to cleanse/bless? I'm surprised not a single developer, or general public for that matter, at the round table are discussing about this topic, and how they have the ultimate power and say of what they can or can't do, making perks so obsolete, I'm afraid they could do this with killer powers and Add-Ons, or items such as Flashlights, Maps, Med-Kits and Toolboxes.
So, please, discuss. Hex: Ruin needs to get a buff because it's a Hex totem. Hex totems are a risk & reward. Hex: Ruin is a risk & no reward.
Halving the regression speed was a senseless nerf.
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Its still useful, its not OP as it was in the past, but its useful. Why all the perks need to be OP in order to work? Have you seen DH? you need to time that perfectly in order to make it work, most of the time its just a missed slot. We need to stop complaining about this somehow balanced perks and start asking for buffs for the other 80%~ perks slots which now are mostly useless and no one seems to use, both for survis and killers. We have like 250 perks and everyone runs the same 10-15, because how useless the other rest are.
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It's inevitable that there will be more than a few situational or niche perks. We can't simply buff all the other perks, since that leads to power creep.
We should be looking at things objectively. For example, did Decisive Strike need the extra nerf that reduced the stun duration from 5s to 3s? No.
Did Ruin need to have its regression speed halved in addition to deactivating when the first survivor is killed? No.
These changes were excessive, and senseless. These perks were fine and didn't need further nerfs. As a Hex perk, Ruin is totally worthless. Survivors can ignore it, and if you eliminate someone early then you've just wasted a perk slot.
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One of the most "unable to understand" perk nerf in DBD history.
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Ruin was nerfed so that it is removed from the Builds. We have a few Perks on boths sides which did either not need a Nerf or did not need such a severe Nerf. I think Ruin would have been fine if it would not be changed at all, since the main reason why it was problematic was Tinkerer. And with Tinkerer being nerfed to only activating one time per Gen, I think Ruin could have stayed at 200% Regression and not deactivate when a Survivor died.
And if they still wanted to nerf Ruin, they could have deactivate it when a Survivor is dead. Because I think this is a fair Nerf. It will not happen often, but when it happens, the Killer is most likely in a good spot anyway, so deactivating Ruin would just give the other 3 Survivors a better chance in a game they probably already lost anyway. But the Regression-Nerf made the Perk too weak.
And, as as I said, there were Nerfs on both sides which happened. But again, the main reason was to remove those Perks from the Meta. Because in the end, the Meta-Shakeup did not really happen. If I look at the Killer-Meta, it is still stacking Slowdown, just different Slowdown-Perks than before. Same for Survivor, we see the same type of Perks, just different ones.
Overall, 6.1.0 was a failure, if we just ask "Did the Devs really change the Meta?"... The answer has to be "No".
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We are talking about a hex perk here. Hex perks always need to be significantly stronger to even be considered an option. It's a perk that can be deactivated in the first 20 seconds of a match. Even then, old Ruin was not good enough without Undying. So you need a hex perk that is so good, that it can basically fill 2 perk slots.
The current regression that Ruin provides is 100% of the normal regression speed which is equal to 0.25 charges per second, with the survivor repair speed being 1 charge per second. Surely you see how little this actually is. In order for Ruin to buy you 30 seconds, the gens need to regress for a total of 2 minutes.
On top of that, it also deactivates once a survivor is dead and it could not be used in end game. So even if Ruin isn't destroyed you only have it for a part of the match. This perk even in combination with Undying is barely worth 1 perk slot let alone 2.
There are a bunch of decently good perks on both sides (probably about 30, each). But as long as they aren't meta, they will never be used as much. Think of Brutal Strength and Bond for example. Both perks are pretty nice to have but why would you use either of them when you have alternatives like Deadlock and MfT?
Post edited by Xernoton on3 -
After the removal of the Ruin-Undying super combo, it didnt really need to get nerfed in the way it did, but that is what happened.
They wanted to remove ways of passive slowdown, hence why they also nerfed Freddy's slowdown add-ons and Pinheads Chain-Hunt add-ons. Yet, I feel like there could have been a way for killers to earn 200% instead of outright removing it.
Similar to how you could earn Mori's on Devour Hope, they could have had stacks to Ruin based on how many people were hooked, either way it is a Hex and can be removed before it can reach that level of efficacy.
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Sure, it's useful in the sense that it can get value against really bad survivors but the same can be said about pretty much any perk.
Hex perks, in particular, need to be strong to be worth the perk slot. To start with, they can be removed from play within the first 20 seconds of the match. If they aren't strong, then survivors are likely to ignore the hex for the majority of the game. This is the case with Third Seal.
Even when Hex perks are strong, as is the case with Devour, you still run the risk of not getting value out of the perk because it was cleansed in the first minute of the match.
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Hex perks were supposed to be "high risk, high reward" perks.
Still looking for that high reward part on a perk thats usually gone in the first 60 seconds of the match.
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I would be happy if regression was bumped to 150% and the effect of being automatically removed after someone died being reverted
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was overnerfed because SURVIVORS didnt wanted to adapt , the same happen when thana was buffed (WHEN MEDKITS WERE POWERFUL BTW) Alongside CoH.People were like nah 22% too strong RED BAR = BAD , even when overall value was 8 to 14 max seconds extra to a gen if survivor didnt wanted to heal. even when they could heal themself within 8 seconds using a green medkit with some basic charge perks/addons. cough cough
Pentimento is 33% and people seem happy with itAnd now look at thana - the only killer viable to use it is plague which is boring as hell , because you expect that same perk on 99% of your plague matches. (AND ONCE AGAIN IS STILL 20% BUT PEOPLE ARENT CRYING NOW? I DONT UNDERSTAND SURVIVORS.)
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mine last 20 seconds of the match if i dont bring undying with it, dude u are lucky 😅
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yes should be a hex anymore with it deactivates after the first kill.I mean it can still easily be taken out so why is it still a hex?
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Although id argue having other stipulations to deactivate a hex perk because "they are already winning" goes against the whole point of hexs as a whole. They can be cleansed thats the counterplay which deactivates them permaently.
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Honestly Ruin would be fine as is if it wasn't a Hex
As it stands right now though, it's a incredibly fragile Perk that does almost nothing, if it had a activation condition and didn't make itself immediately obvious like, for example, Face The Darkness, OR had it's numbers buffed to what it used to be, it'd be okay
Ruin got shot in the kneecaps twice and it is honestly just depressing to watch
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I think we could have a middle ground where perks like Ruin lose power as survivors get eliminated. For example, with 4 Survivors it would be 200%, 3 survivors 150%, 2 survivors 100% and then it deactivates when there's only one survivor left since you've basically won at that point.
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It wasn't senseless, it made perfect sense and is very easy to understand.
6.1.0 was a patch aimed at addressing complaints about a stale meta. The only way to guarantee doing that is to make meta picks less appealing and to make not meta picks more appealing. If the end result of the change is that you still want to run it consistently, that patch would have failed.
I wouldn't mind seeing Ruin buffed up a bit to be more useful, especially now that we're over a year past the point where its prevalence (among others obviously) was causing complaints, but the actual nerf it got can't be too much for the goal of the patch. I'm not saying I want the perk to be useless, but it being useless isn't a mark of failure either.
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I'd agree with the sentiment. The Hex has appeared in the odd trial I've been in and it's had some use, but a Hex perk is meant to be strong because of the fact it can be eliminated at any time. It may get no use at all if the Gods of Fortune decide to plonk a Survivor next to it.
Hexes need to be strong. Currently, I don't feel the Hex is powerful enough to warrant it as a Hex.
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It's a sad state of affairs.
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That's exactly my thought. If Hex: Ruin stays like this then it shouldn't be a Hex and instead should be like Mindbreaker; a passive.
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BHVR Logic
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The purpose of the 6.1 changes weren't to make good perk changes, that is important to keep in mind, they were made to shake up the Meta. When you look at many other perks like Pop and PR functioning nearly exactly the same in terms of efficacy now as before 6.1, you can see how misguided those 6.1 (perk) changes were. Something was popular but fair? Nerf it! Something was niche? Also Nerf it! Popularity shifting was the only goal of the changes, not sensible balance. Could they have buffed Solidarity to be on par with We'll Make It, or Poised to be on par with Distortion, or Beast of Prey to be usable? Yes. Did they? No that would take effort and make sense.
I am generally in favor of the basekit changes to 6.1, just not the perk changes. (Also the Endurance rule change was foolish at best, idiotic at worst, and at the very least make BT/OTR not provide Deep Wounds while also removing collision to prevent bodyblocks.)
So was there 'sense' in Ruin's Nerf? Did it make it fairer? Nope. Did it make it less popular? Most certainly yes. So by the intention of the patch, it was not senselessly nerfed. By any reasonable view however, it was butchered senselessly (alongside all of the other 6.1 perk victims like DS and Thana and Calm Spirit and so on).
Don't make this tribal. Both Survivors and Killers had perfectly good and fair perks nerfed for no good reason, only popularity. They could have buffed garbage perks to be competitive to the nerfed perks, and instead they just nerfed the fun and fair perks while buffing unearned regression and many other foolish perk buffs. It would be like if they buffed Solidarity to heal all other allies across the map alongside yourself, even mid-chase.
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I wouldn't mind Ruin being meta again. It was annoying to see it every game, sure, but at least it made things more interesting than just sitting on gens.
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6.1.0 was a mess overall.
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Ruin was one of the perks that was a "meta shake up" and was over-nerfed solely so the pick rates would drop so BHVR could pat themselves on the back because the meta changed
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I'm pretty sure BHVR did that because people had been asking them to for years, personally.
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"Overall, 6.1.0 was a failure, if we just ask "Did the Devs really change the Meta?"... The answer has to be "No"."
Esp. survivor meta is a difference between night and day, with hardly any perk seeing top usage in both metas.
Survivor meta was BT, DH, DS, UB, IW. You don't see any BT an IW anymore, DS and UB is used sometimes, only DH sees some significant usage. Current survivor meta not existent then (some like MFT literally). WoO and hope had only niche usage before 6.1, Adre the only today meta perk that was as strong back then. Even the core concept is different, before 6.1 it's a second chance meta, now it's a stay injured meta.
Killer had gen regression before and after, that's right, but the individual perks changed significantly as well. Ruin totally dead, pop pretty much non existent until they upped it to 30% of current progress with the last change. OC+COB brought Gen kick meta, which was a failed concept. But it was a significant concept change to prior 6.1. Granted we are in a similar state with killer meta now. But still the base kit changes allow for playing more creative builds without totally throwing games.
Overall, the 6.1 patched changed the meta significantly, esp for survivor. Claiming otherwise is just delusional, imo.
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Ruin had it's time in the sun buffing killers who would have 4k'd anyway. I saw it all the time used as "insurance" and it would make matches depressing.The time it extended the match if not cleansed was ridiculous. With the extra time a match, every killer seems godlike when all the pallets are gone. Glad Ruin is dead, and all hex perks are not worth it to me anyway. Plenty of annoying survivor perks were gutted too.
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A nerf yes absolutely, an over-nerf that hasn't been tuned down since ? not really no
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You don't fix the meta by randomly nerfing perks that aren't OP. Thats balancing based on usage not actual effectiveness. Does that mean they should also nerf wesker into the ground because people play him a lot? Its because he is fun.
On top of that, doing this won't ever actually fix the meta, because the meta is still the same, they just shifted around which perks you use, but functionally the meta still is the same. Killers still run 3-4 gen defense perks, and survivors still run 3-4 second chance perks. Like, look at the killer perk changes.
- Super old ruin (the skill check one) and pop were meta
- Then they nerfed ruin (to the regression one) and we just had pop for a while
- Then they added undying and it was ruin undying
- Then they nerfed undying But people still used ruin undying.
- Then they added pain res and it was pain res/DMS
- Then it was thana for a hot minute when it was buffed before it got quickly nerfed again.
- Then they nerfed pop and DMS and buffed eruption then it became CoB/Eruption/Overcharge
- Then they nerfed that and changed pain res again and it was pain res/dms
- Then they buffed pop up a bit giving us the current meta of pain res pop.
Sprinkle in the fact that most killers are running some kind of aura reading and corrupt/lethal and every "meta" is the same.
What changed there? Nothing, every single time the meta was exactly the same, you slow down the gens as much as possible with your perks, all that changed was which perks you use but the functionality of those perks was the same regardless.
Survivors have a similar progression from old DS to Dead hard to a few things in between all the way to MFT and when MFT gets nerfed when we will start to see the same meta play out with just different perks.
The problem here is the fundamental game mechanics. Nerfing or buffing random perks isn't going to change the meta while the core gameplay loop exists such that playing with no perks is not balanced. Both sides should be able to play completely perkless with equally skilled players and get a 50% win rate. But as it stands that is not the case because killers HAVE to take tons of gen perks to slow down the gens because basekit they just go too fast and regression is too terrible. In return survivors HAVE to take a ton of perks that give them second chances and make chases last as long as possible because with all that gen defense they can't basekit finish gens fast enough before a killer can hard tunnel someone out.
If you want a real meta shakeup, you need to change the base game, changing perks won't change anything.
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Considering the problem was usage, yes, it is very much balancing around usage.
The problem they wanted to fix is that the meta consisted of the same perks for multiple years. The complaints they were acting on were about how this was stale.
The way you fix that is to nerf what is currently being used and buff things that aren't being used.
Wesker hasn't even existed for as long as the stale meta that people were complaining about, so he's not an example of something that would also require this drastic effort. When we reach four straight years of Wesker having a crazy high pickrate, maybe, but we're not there right now so he's not analogous to the situation 6.1.0 aimed to address.
There are two big problems with the way people talk about 6.1.0, in my experience.
First, we have what I've just gone over: People have very much forgotten why it happened and what it aimed to achieve, which leads to criticisms revolving around how the devs "arbitrarily" decided to nerf things just because they were popular, missing the wider context of the actual not-at-all arbitrary reason why they felt compelled to do that. 6.1.0 was not a normal balance patch and the reasons for its choices are not broadly applicable to the game's ongoing balance, it was a specific solution to a very specific problem.
Second, we have a bit of a hardline stance about what counts as changing the meta, which is where we're at with your last few sentences. People seem to think that a meta only counts as changed if the kind of perks people run radically change, which is a bit silly in my view. Killers are always going to run slowdown even when it isn't the best option (which frankly I'd argue is the case now) because it's just easier + more convenient than the alternatives, and survivors are always going to run primarily chase perks because conventional wisdom is that chasing is the only fun/skilful part of the game.
(There's a secondary fallacy in your post about how killers MUST run slowdown to stand a chance, which isn't true, but I don't want to derail too much. Same for the survivor side.)
To try and pin the success or failure of a meta shakeup on this seems like a doomed venture. It should be enough to look at the specific perks, and how they're used. So, let's do that: Did 6.1.0 change the specific perks used, and is there a clear distinction between how they were used before and how they're used now?
Yes. Moreso on the survivor side, where only a handful of perks are even literally the same and there's a distinction between the ultra-heal meta and the stay-injured meta, but even on the killer side there's a difference. That difference isn't entirely positive in all situations - the CoB/Overcharge/Eruption meta was pretty miserable, after all - but it is very easily noticed.
Personally, I'd go so far as to argue that the killer shakeup was still a success because far more perks and builds (and even killers themselves) are viable versus before, but it's fair to keep the bounds of conversation just to what people are actually choosing to use rather than what they could use.
You're right that people are always going to gravitate to slowdown and chase perks. You are wrong, in my opinion, to identify that as a problem or a necessary component to alter for a meta shakeup. The game is more nuanced than that, and not all examples of slowdown or chase perks are equal in experience or usage. Metas are more granular and specific than just 'slowdown' and 'chase'.
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Usage is a bad problem to solve is my point. And you also didn't address that FUNCTIONALITY of the meta was still the same and still remains the same since the games release. Until that is changed any "meta shakeup" they do is pointless because it results in everyone playing the same.
When people ask for a meta shakeup, they want something to fundamentally be different about the game.
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It was nerfed to bring it more in line with the “high risk, no reward” design of nearly every other hex.
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It's a bad problem to solve until the usage is sustained for so long that people start complaining and asking for it to be solved.
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It did need a nerf, but it was nerfed a little too much. The regression speed should be just a little higher and it’d be fine.
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But you still are missing the point. The usage hasn't changed. All we did was go from ruin undying to cob/overcharge/eruption to pain res/pop. Its all still functionally the same.
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I addressed that. I think that at best what you're talking about is a wholly separate endeavour, not a necessary component of any meta shakeup. There are different metas - that feel different to play, that are differently healthy for the game - within the concept of players gravitating towards one type of perk.
What you're arguing for is a completely different goal than the goal of 6.1.0, which was to change the specific meta explicitly because people were sick of seeing the literal exact same perks constantly. The Ruin/Undying meta was meaningfully different to the CoB/Eruption/Overcharge meta, which was also meaningfully different to the Pain Res/Pop meta. They're all slowdown, but you can't say they're all literally the exact same in terms of experience quality and game health.
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I don't understand why dbd players want so badly to keep the game exactly the same. If the meta was still the same as before 6.1.0 then is 0 chance I would be playing this game still.
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Funnily enough, the Thana nerf happened because it was to strong on Legion and Plague. Now after the nerf, it is still almost way to good on Legion and Plague and useless on any other Killer.
They change Perks in the most stupid ways possible.
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I feel like you think that anyone who isn't you is all the same person. I'm making the argument that the original goal of 6.1.0 was bad. Not that it failed. And no, the metas are not "meaningfully different" they are literally the same meta, with the same perks that are functionally the same, they just do the thing very slightly differently.