Why hasn't Blight addons been nerfed?

Does anyone know why Blight's addons have not been nerfed? Has Behavior said anything about it? Also, when is Blight "Hug Tech" getting fixed?
I think nobody really knows.
And I don't think they can really fix hug-tech as they have not answered this question again after it appeared and the Devs stated it was a bug. They tried to counter it by placing "anti hug-tech objects" at loops (e.g. on Borgo or GoJ) but that made more problems for all other players as they could not use their muscle memory or would get stuck at random objects). So I think they removed most of the objects again.
I don't think they will ever fix hug-tech at this point and made it secretly a feature.
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Hug tech is not even much of an issue, Lights will just use bump logic and get the hit regardless with like 2 more bounces... All hugtevh does is give another option that is not necessarily better more successful than bump logic.
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As someone who actually builds Unreal Engine games, the issue where collision is turned off when looking up or down and standing next to an object (Hug Tech) would be simple to fix. What I have found though, is that most game developers are not software engineers. Problems which seem complicated are quickly fixed with a simple script.
Maybe they should hire better developers so they can fix their bugs.
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You could also reach out to them and explain what they can do to fix it. They also had someone from the community who helped them with the stretched res problem a few years ago.
There are also other things many people wish for (like a replay function), but the Devs said that it was "impossible to do at this state". Maybe you could help? I think many players would be very grateful😊
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I mean would be nice, but can you really expect someone to provide their work expertise to a company he does not work for for free? It is not like BHVR are a new or small company they could have done all that...
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I never implied that this should be for free. If that person does, then props to them. But I don't let a chance go to waste that some stuff might get fixed or added.
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I mean, I don't think the stretch res guy got paid right? So if you compare it to that you are kind of implying it...
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I don't know.
I just know that there was someone who told the Devs how to do it.
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Sure, but he had no obligation to do so and a company for sure does not pay out of kindness, so I would not expect it... And that's my whole point... There are probably plenty of people out there that are familiar with the engine and what not, if they wanted to do certain things they could hire someone, getting help from the community to fix your own game with experts working on it is kind of sad...
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I am aware of that. But asking does not hurt.
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If I recall, BHVR said in a recent AMA that they are working on an add-on pass for Blight.
So yes, they are working on it, however it's likely on the backburner compared to the new Killer and upcoming Christmas event. It's likely on the way but when is another question entirely.
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They already announced it’s on the table, but no timeframe.
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I would make a DBD competitor before I fixed their bugs for free.
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Hug tech only adds to the game, the add-ons are announced and you are thread number 500 in the last month about them.
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It adds to the game from the killer's perspective. From the survivor's perspective there's little to no counterplay, especially on high walls with no line of sight. It's also obviously a bug, since you are turning off your collision using a strange method of hugging a collision object while looking up or down.
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You could.
But (as I said before) I did not implicate to do it for free.
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Not really against hug tech you can just leave the loop and what not, but if the blight does not have hug tech anymore he will just use bump logic and get a safer hit... So this thing existing is a win win for both sides.
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You do realise however that if he took his regular pay then they could just put out a job offer for that, if they wanted someone to do it and pay them fairly?
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No it adds to the game from both sides. Unless you are at a filler tile which is generally killer sided it rewards fast thinking and prediction. If there is high walls then the blight is literally blind until he is past it as well.
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Sometimes companies don't do that for some reason. Especially if it's not about a long time job, but smaller projects.
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I've heard the theory that Blight hasn't been changed in ages because he was one of the last killers McClean worked on before he left, and nobody else knows how to change him. It's probably not true but it's at least funny to imagine lol
My best bet is simply that the devs have always had other things which take priority over their time, like reworking Skull Merchant and Twins or creating new killers and events. I agree though that it's about time he got changes, even if it was a big nerf I could see him staying reasonably effective.
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Then you can just post the job designated for only one project? That is also a thing?
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Not uncommon in natural science. It can happen that they search for people just for one research project. If it is a paid practical course you often need to ask the companies yourself if they can offer you something. I was surprised myself.
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Ehm... The question mark was rhetorical xD Sorry if I confused you there, I know that this is a thing ^^ In the sense of obviously that's a thing.
I mean sure, you can ask the company if they have a job for you, but usually, as far as I know, in IT/programming it works a bit different, a friend told me that his girlfriend basically went to the job interview and gave them the contract in the sense of "my way or the highway" and they actually hired her. Just because some employees are that valuable. So I thought it was the same here? Especially since we re not talking about an internship or something similar but a fulltime employment for a limited amount of weeks/months.
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And in addition BHVR is a Canadian company, while I only know how it is in Germany.
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I would assume that this is more of a general thing, but ofc I don't know, would just be a little bit weird if it was.
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Probably because its a way smaller problem than players make it out to be.
My guess is the amount of Blights who can take advantage of those addons is probably very small, at my mmr for instance, I never see a Blight with those addons and the blights I do see, not that epic. If the Blight addon problem was so serious as people say it is, it would be way more up bHVR's priorities. I think bHVR knows how big a problem it is and we dont.
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Got to wait 3 business months for an update and the patch lol
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Why not just learn on how to counter blight?
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While you can counter them to a very small degree, it doesn't make sense to give the killer with one of the best powers in the game also the best addons in the game.
I invite you to explore the gulf of power between blight and trapper. With the best perks and addons on trapper, you'll likely average 3 kills per game if you are very good with him. Otherwise you will average less. At the other end of the spectrum, you could equip no perks and no addons on blight and achieve an average of 3 kills per game. Now remember that blight's addons are some of the best in the game. Can you honestly say that's fair or balanced?
Keep in mind. I am a killer main. I only play survivor rarely. But when I do, playing against blight is oppressive. Especially when they pair Blight Tag with Alchemist Ring. Some players can just end the game within the first 2 minutes of the game starting. It's dumb.
To counter that, one thing you can do is jump in a locker before he hits you with his last rush. I only know it works because people have done it to me before. But there's nothing stopping a blight from just throwing on Iron Maiden. That will expose you after you jump out of the locker and you'll go down immediately anyways. So it's a very weak counter that would save you only a few seconds.
Post edited by roundpitt on1