Windows of Opportunity is a problem

Everyone, and I mean, every survivor I play with or against uses this perk including me. Windows of Opportunity is too powerful for its own good. Blindness is no good against it because thanks to Windows of Opportunity, I already remember the window and pallet placements. It's basically wallhacks without a cheat software.
It won't matter if Made for This is nerfed. I'll be using Lithe or Sprint Burst to run from pallet to pallet or from window to window.
Windows of Opportunity isn’t a problem — map design is.
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You are meant to know where the loops are, if you have enough time in the game you usually know the maps well enough to know what tile you have in front of you or where the pallet is, what windows does is tell you if the tile is still available or has been used already (pallet kicked/dropped). Generally speaking you are meant to reach a tile and then loop the killer there, this perk is not problematic, but if you reach another tile every single time no matter what the killer does, if the outplays the survivor or forces him in a specific direction by breaking the pallet from one or the other side, then it becomes problematic, because what you do does not matter, since the survivor will just reach another tile.
Basically if you cannot get a hit at a tile because the loop is too strong, or the next loop is so close, even by winning a mindgame, the survivor still reaches the next tile, this is a map design flaw. However just because the survivor reaches a tile, does not mean he is able to avoid getting hit at that tile, windows does nothing for that.
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All Windows of Opportunity does is tell you where resources are, which allows for better planning and pathing in chases.
If resources occur in fair numbers and distributions, knowing where they are isn’t inherently problematic. Sure, WoO allows you to loop more efficiently. But you can only get as much value from the perk as the resources present on the map allow.
For instance, Coal Tower (I) is a pretty fair and consistent map. WoO can help you run better by knowing where things are, but at the end of the day that map doesn’t have any insane or unbalanced loops. So even if you autopilot from loop to loop with WoO, the killer still has fair chances to do stuff like mindgame, use their power, etc.
The problem arises when maps have ridiculous numbers of safe pallets (e.g. The Game) or obnoxiously strong windows (e.g. Garden of Joy). In other words, bad design. In these situations, Windows of Opportunity let’s you chain together loops that are either so safe, or so close, that the killer has very little opportunity to mindgame, use their power etc.
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Well it was obvious after MfT nerf another survivor perk was going to be target. WoO is going take crown i guess.
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Killer mains try not to use anything as a scapegoat challenge (impossible).
Just run Ultimate Weapon.
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The DbD forums try not to make everything an us vs them challenge (impossible).
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I suppose I'm not surprised.
My money was on SB and Hope.
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Well my bets was on Lithe and SB. But we did not lose yet. I am sure SB & Lithe posts are on the way 😂
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There’s still time. I benched on SB and Lithe. But I mean technically WoO has been complained about since MFT’s nerf was announced, too.
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Can't be like that if I'm neither, its just funny.
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Brand new account
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WoO has been complained about since before MfT was even released, let's not fool ourselves here. And it does make sense, considering that this perk completely changes how chases are played out. You can always see who has WoO and as soon as you run a blindness perk, it shows that WoO is in fact not used to know what pallets have been dropped or to learn maps but to trivialise the chase.
Then again, don't nerf WoO, BHVR! Actually buff it again. I don't know how but do it. We need more survivors that purely rely on this one perk, so that our killer games become easy thanks to the blindness status effect.
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Just because people are using something constantly doesn't mean it's problematic.
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WoO has been complained about since it got buffed.
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maps need a max of 5 pallets and 2 vaults to be balanced
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I just really hope that if WoO is nerfed, Pain res and Pop gets nerfed as well, because every single killer runs one if not two of those perks. I cant believe this killer mains man, gen-taping is a problem, info perks are problem, gen-speed perks are a problem, second change perks are a problem. Dude, what are we supose to use as survivors? (there is even a post about a killer main complaining about the heartbeat accesability addon for survivors and im not even kidding), This game is horrible being new user friendly, and the one and only perk that really helps new players, wants to be gutted by killer mains who cant mindgame or outplay survivor trowing pallets.
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Yes but pallets should only be Freddy's dream pallets
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If you're running from pallet to pallet then you're lacking game sense. WoOs strength is in helping you avoid dead zones (more experienced players) and understand tile layouts (less experienced players). Not just wasting limited resources by running from one pallet to the next.
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Why are people pretending WOO is not a problem??? Being that half of the pallets in this game are completely safe and it shows you whether they have been used or not this literally by default increases chase times even if you suck at survivor. Go to pallet which is literally outlined for you and use it. If it's completely safe it literally shows you it's there where as if you didn't have WOO you'd have to go there and take a gamble on if a team mate used it or not.
If you're against any killer outside of a few you are completely safe. It literally carries you to safety lmao. But no its not a problem.
Shack, God pallets, jungle gym pallets with no mindgame. It's literally like if the killer just got base kit aura reading on any survivors within 32 meters. Pallets are the #1 tool to get survivors to the finish line.
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Because WoO isn't a problem. The problem is map design. If half the pallets in this game are completely safe, is that the fault of WoO or is that just bad map design?
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Yes but not with the fervency of the good exhaustion perks (SB, Lithe, DH, MFT, and recently Background Player).
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It's bad map design made worse by showing survivors exactly where all the broken set ups are?!?!? Like what are people missing here. It literally shows you if a pallet has been used or not. If there is a pallet loop connecting to the shack window you know the killer literally will not be able to get you unless you completly screw up and most good players don't.
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There's always going to be an "OP" perk to complain about I suppose. WoO is fine. Killers have a perk that does the exact same thing.
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windows is fine, it doesnt make people magically good at the game. it helps solo q players and new players alike learn maps and what resources their team has used.
skill issue.
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thats how bhvr butchers perks, they see usage rate and destroy accordingly.
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So then WoO isn't the problem. It's bad map design. You are intended to know the map resources. 4-man swfs are able to communicate what resources they've used. Solo's can't. Either way, you'd be dealing with bad map design.
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'Windows of Opportunity' in a nutshell -
Constantly knowing exactly where to go diminishes the danger of being chased.
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WoO is fine in and of itself. Map design and clinging to RNG as a balance mechanism are what make it problematic. Knowing where resources on a map are should be part of the survivor skill cap. And it is, to an extent. But there's nothing skillful about RNG, and no amount of hours will give you psychic abilities. A map like Lerys is the perfect example of why RNG-as-balance fails. It's an extremely strong map for survivors, but only when you know where every window and pallet is. There's a massive difference between chasing someone with WoO and without WoO on Lerys. It's not a problem with the perk. It's a problem with the design philosophy and the marriage to RNG.
I think maps should be a whole lot more static. You can actually balance them that way. There's no reason someone should play Ghostface and get a map of consecutive safe tiles that chain one into the other for half the map. There's just zero reason for that to happen. There's also zero reason for a survivor to load into one of the new versions of Coldwind and half the map is a harvester and an L/T wall and nothing else. I'm sorry, but it's lazy. The balance doesn't have to be bad when it comes to maps.
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I once loaded into one of the coldwind maps against Legion and it was 90% jungle gyms with no pallets between, so yeah the marriage to RNG is pretty bad.
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The issues you have with WoO will still exists without WoO. You said so yourself.
Blindness is no good against it because thanks to Windows of Opportunity, I already remember the window and pallet placements.
Why WoO is popular is because players in general will gravitate towards the easy button. Before, players would remember common layouts and where resources are. Good survivors will have a plan where to move if you approach them.
Those types of skills won't go away when the perk does.
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Not my Lithe!!!
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Its not Windows the problem, its is MFT. A player with MFT can chain tiles more easily because of the extra speed, specially against killer with weaker or no chase power.
Windows is fine. The problem is RNG and map balance