Sure love being forced to play against 4 man SWFs in every match.

Thanks SO much for this marvellous “fixing” of the MMR that has me matched against 4 mans in every game now. Truly, you are the masters of game design.
You don't know your MMR, and you don't know who are teamed among your opponents.
I assume you just find popular scapegoats for your losses besides the obvious.
21 -
You aren't playing against 4-mans every match lol
Post edited by Pulsar on23 -
No you guys, you don't get it. He's a beast at this game and his mmr is so high he only faces comp teams match after match. It's exhausting!
8 -
I highly doubt you're going against 4-man swf every game. And even if you are, that doesn't automatically mean you're going against sweats who are going to stomp you
7 -
All 4% of those 4-man teams that makes up the survivor player base are going straight to you, huh? Lol.
Post edited by Ayodam on8 -
Isn't the point of any MMR to consistently put the sweats up against the sweats? So the highly skilled & veteran players don't get mixed in with newbies?
11 -
How do you know that you are going against 4man-SWFs all the time? I am pretty sure you are not.
And you also dont know an MMR. You can be on low MMR. For a bad player mediocre players seem too good...
6 -
A survivor team skill of 5 can beat a killer skill of 3 as hard as a team of 10 beat a killer of 8.
We will never know how high/low MMR of theirs, we only know survivors are better.
2 -
Yes, exactly. If person A struggles against a Team this does not mean that person B would struggle as well. Without knowing the MMR, there is not really much which can be done.
And even if we know that the MMR is working and the match was equal, this means that it is a hard match for both sides. So if a Killer has to struggle to get a 4K, this can also mean that the Matchmaking was really good for this game.
3 -
A lot of boosted killer players who have been hard carried and fed with goofy baby solos are acknowledging their actual place in dbd food chain now. That transformation is definitely painful but necessary
7 -
SWF's aren't rare. They're not rare at all. 4-man Sweat squads are
Post edited by BoxGhost on3 -
Sounds like you're in a higher MMR bracket than you should be. The losses should eventually help you drop down.
6 -
You. Do. Not. Face. 4-man. SWF. Every. Game.
Not. Even. 3-man. SWF. Every. Game.
8 -
It's not SWFs, it's just the SBMM system being made worse with each additional update to it from the devs.
0 -
I too find this to be a common practice. XD.
1 -
I'm in the Australian server. I also agree with those who say you aren't facing 4man swfs every game. The last official stats we received in 2022 were something like 4% of the playerbase consist of 4man swfs. It may have increased but I doubt by much.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
You're quite right about the breakdown of survs in SWF groups. The vast majority are two-mans, with threes and especially fours very uncommon.
Those soul-taking comp quads make up a tiny portion of the overall playerbase, as are those tourney Nurses and Blights. And this game certainly is not primarily balanced around them either.
3 -
I can show you which players do i find I cant confirm if they are SWF (surely cuz gameplay) but holly molly with the items
0 -
I have a 2 person SWF and that's how I play most of the time. Sometimes when I play solo I get seals other times it's seal team six. There is no MMR system it's just players who know how to play as a team and those who don't. I have gone up against a sweat squad as a killer but those are very few and far between. Thing is when you're playing killer identify the one who is the runner or who wants to be the runner because they more than likely can't do gens and will run you the game if you let them. That's the most common mistake I see on 80% of these killers.