Need a Opinion on a Legion addition/rework

Hey y’all! I have been throwing out ideas for legion to make him stronger and for most of the comments they have mentioned that he has no skill and it is easy to apply mend to some of not all survivors. What I thought was well plague has it pretty easy to infect survivors and add a broken effect to then use her fountains to down multiple survivors.
Why not add that same logic to legion ? Make it to where survivors can’t mend unless they get (FOR EXAMPLE) antibiotics to remove the mending effect. Once the timer runs out on the mending effect he can use his power to down survivors.
I wouldn’t give legion this ability with some nerfs tho. I would probably make him 4.4m/s and his Frenzy speed at 4.8m/s and he loses his power once he stabs a survivor.
I want to get a opinion from y’all about this, I’ll be throwing a bunch more ideas and try to figure what would be the best rework for legion !
So he can only ever hit one person in frenzy but that person has to go even more out of their way to mend? So basically people are annoyed because Legion is mending simulator and you increase the length of the whole mending thing + make it item reliable therefore risking running into the killer when going for the item? Nah dude, not a good plan... Think of something that actually gives Legion something skillfully to do, but I don't know what because his kit is rather simple and if a killer is that easy I think it is fine that he is only around average..
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Yeah you’re right! I didn’t think of it that way. I thought with how easy plague has to infect people and make them broken then push them to need to cure themselves putting the risk into running into her while not being able to heal themselves would be something legion could also acquire similarly
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The point is legions mending basically slows the game down, but infected survivors usually don't want to cleanse to not give plague her power. The point is to heal against legion is a bad call because he can injure you really easy, so unless you want to unhook or something you should not heal. Plague however gains more power through her fountains and people need to be strategic about where to cleanse as to not give her a fountain Ina good position. So there you have a skill full component for the survivors: knowing when to cleanse and where to do it. And as Plague the skill lies in using the power and when to get it. Legion basically does not have a power that is that masterfully, just look at what wild hits some plagues tend to get. The trajectory is really something else.
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Yeah trust me I completely get that! I have heard from a lot of people with how legion frenzy since you can easily control him until blight with his ping pong, Wesker with just a straight dash, And chunky with his dash ability which I don’t know the name of. That’s why for me I can’t decide if legion would need the mending ability to do something more or remove it all together for a different ability. I’ll post another idea which I thought of which would be like nemesis and I’ll see how others think about that! Thanks for the feedback!
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No problem. I think it is fine that legions power is rather simple and does not have too much to learn to it, sure it would be great if he had a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling, but not every killer can be like that. Therefore I think it is fine that legion is on the weaker side of killers, his strength is somewhat reflected by how easy he is to play and I think that's fair.