Please revert the SBMM changes
The title says it all, I've never had to sweat this hard in my life to get a single kill this just feels terrible to play. I can't put on any fun builds cause I have to go against people with over 5K hours in the game. It's just exhausting and makes me want to just well stop playing
No please dont, the game feels just about right now. If people sweat too much they can just not and lose until their mmr is normal.
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Boggles my mind that this is the only game where smurfing is encouraged by the community in order to have fun matches.
This is intended to be a casual game, forcing one side to sweat like they are playing for the Champions League just so they can have a fair chance at winning against a side that just Holds M1 on a gen is ridiculous.
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This is also the only game where people call you out for playing optimally and efficiently.
Sounds like there is no solution that would satisfy everyone. We might as well encourage people to play however they want, because someone will complain either way.
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This is false, you will be called out if you smurf or if you lose on purpose off stream to get better mmr.
But if your only enjoyment of the game is that you DOMINATE people who are not matched with you fairly then true.
However I just play calmly and I don't sweat, and I get fairly relaxing matches.
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Nobody enjoys curbstomping every match, there needs to be a "challenge", however, nobody wants to put themselves trough a darksouls level match every match just because they are better at the game than the average.
in OW2 terms, the SBMM is just going "oh you hit Platinum 5? hope you're ready to play versus Grandmasters and top 500s every so often"
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If you are getting matches with those people, that means you probably play like those people. So there is no problem.
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I keep my mmr reasonable by playing troll builds. Knockout is good for this. 3 people maybe get away, but boi is it tricky