Please Remove Perk Tiers

So the current tier three would become the only version of each perk, each P2+ prestige reward would get moved two prestiges earlier, etc.
The game now has 60+ characters, so prestiging everyone only once would already be a massive/daunting grind to get all perks. Having to do triple that is just egregious imo, and I think new players would massively benefit from this kind of change. Older players would also still massively benefit, and I think most people would still have things to grind for even after reducing the perk grind by 2/3.
this isn't a big deal so much as the fact that spending BP is still cumbersome and the 'fast' option isn't available til you prestige once; they could do away with some of the redundant animation and speed the process up some more
otherwise, what's the big deal with just unlocking a T1 perk for all and just getting it to T3 via the blood web? Seems like you're going about the path of most resistance by going for P3 on every character
who even goes for doing this for all characters?
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Well, let’s assume I want to get every perk T3 on just one killer. Just my “main”.
Under my suggestion, I would just need to get every other killer to P1 and my main to level 44-48.
Under the current system, I would still need to get every other character to P1, but then I’d also need to get my main to almost P4.
Furthermore, under the suggestion, I’d be less than 10 levels from being done on everyone; while under the current system I’d be done with only 1 killer out of 34.
If you want to main 2+ Killers and get most perks on them then it’s not even a contest. We don’t even have to consider more extreme grinding examples.
Let us say the above is still too extreme. Let’s reduce it even further.
At the most basic level, I’m asking for unlocking a perk to just immediately unlock it at T3 on everyone without the player having to spend an unknown number of levels and bp amount searching for it on all the characters you want it on.
So use any powerful perk as an example. Ultimate Weapon? Dead Hard? Maybe STBFL?
Just imagine how much bp you could have saved by not searching for these perks on every one of your mains.
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You're asking them to essentially slash the BP economy by 66%. That might seem like a ridiculous argument to some "BP economy what?" but it's a pretty important part of live game design and player retention. What are people going to do when they've unlocked everything? Probably play less, or at least not care about BP very much, despite BP being the only tangible incentive in the game.
Frankly "every character to P1 and main to P4" is nothing. Yes I've been playing for a few years now, late 2019er, and the 2022 prestige system change reset quite a bit so you could count from there really (and that reduced the grind already) but I've got at least P3 on everyone, up to P9 on a good number, about a third, and around P30 on my few 'mains', across both roles. Most of that was since the new prestige system. If I can get that in less than 18 months, then "every character to P1 and main to P4" won't take very long.
Plus you don't need every perk on your main. There are going to be characters whose perks you don't want or at least don't need just yet, and can work on picking up at a later date. Plus there's the shrine. There are several characters whose perks I unlocked from the shrine so never bothered buying. That's a load of BP saved there.
66% reduction in grind is too much. I'd rather see survivor bloodpoint scores reworked to bring them up to killer levels.
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“What are people going to do when they’ve unlocked everything?”
Some Options:
- Get every character to P7 for the additional cosmetic rewards (7x the grind!)
- Start going for P100s (infinite grind!)
- Grind Iri Shards for cosmetics.
- Self-imposed challenges/goals.
- Take a well-deserved break from playing DBD for hundreds of hours.
- Enjoy the game?
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- Get every character to P7 for the additional cosmetic rewards (7x the grind!)
- Start going for P100s (infinite grind!)
Why not do this while also earning new perks?
- Self-imposed challenges/goals.
Earning new perks can be a self-imposed challenge. "I don't need Quentin's perks, but I'm going to grind him anyway."
Why isn't "unlocking all perks on my main" a viable self-imposed challenge?
This is precisely how I've played.
Why must all perks be handed to you?
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I don’t think getting P1 on a character is having perks “handed to you”. Especially at scale. Doing that for all characters currently easily takes 300-500 hours.
You made a post about the bp economy and longevity of the game.
I admit it was worded a bit tongue and cheek, but my goal in responding was/is to demonstrate that I don’t think people would run out of grind, unless they already play excessively to the point where this topic is moot.