Dear developers, does Singularity performing well in the matches?

It's been a while since this killer came out. And I've read numerous posts on reddit and forum about him from players.
In short: Players think that he doesn't performing well in the matches, you can even tell by his very low pickrate.
But what your official stats telling? How many hooks or kills per match?
Or maybe he does perform as you wanted him to?
I'm really curious to read what you think. In your opinion: Does he needs any buffs\nerfs? Or he's alright?
Is something going to change about his balance?
I'd love to see the official kill rate and pick rate for both killers and survivors. Is baby Dwight the first one found in the locker? Does Claudette have the highest escape rate because she hides all game waiting for the hatch? I'd also like to see the killers broken down by low, mid, and high mmr.
I saw the reddit post you're talking about and take it with a grain of salt. Only a small portion of the player base even uses that site and they can cherry pick the info they want to submit. I have never used nightlight and I have close to 4k hours in the game. People were saying that last time the devs shared info that the kill rate was on average 10% higher.
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A agree about using Nightlight sparingly. It's just in English, most likely gets only PC players using it as well as mostly "sweats", and as you pointed out relies on players not using discretion when putting in their stuff.
The biggest discrepancy I saw with it is not taking a global view of the entire playerbase. For example, whenever the devs put out official stats it always shows Self Care as absurdly high in pick rates. In Europe and NA that perk is generally denounced as "bad" and not run too much, but in Asia and elsewhere it's still highly used due to their different but preferred playstyle.
No way Nightlight reflects this, and likely never will. It may be all we got, but that doesn't mean take it as Gospel either. Sample size way too small for that.