It's apparent that we have gotten to a point where cheating is accepted in DBD and seems to be praised amongst the community. I already have a post mentioning why the game is designed the way it is to protect its survivors and keep chases unpredictable and fun overall for everyone playing the game. But unfortunately, with no reply from the developers and such a lack of respect for its vanilla players who care about other people's fun and fairness, here I am making another post against the cheating cabal because I believe what is going on is completely wrong and hurts any momentum to be gained for new players and to have constant play as well.

I will now recommend that we add in a system that traps cheaters and makes them feel extremely useless and will ultimately eradicate the dbd cheating problem forever, this is a live service game through in and throughout and should never ever be able to be modified or even have files being manipulated to gain a huge advantage amongst the vanilla players.

I recommend a system that with the EULA agreement to authorize a legitimate phone number so players of dbd can be kept in check and if you have anything in your file structure that is not of the vanilla settings to be immediately banned and have all loss of progress across the board to make sure that no cheat is ever allowed again. Overall, this change would be quite lucrative offering even more play for its consumers of the game since they will never ever have to deal with the frustrations and torment that the cheaters cause to its player's base. Look BVHR, we love your game so much and appreciate all hard work you've done, but ignoring players that mean most to your market, the console players to even the pc players that play vanilla on your game, we need these cheaters gone IMMEDIATELY. I don't think there's any other way to end cheating than making its players have to provide a phone number, your game is not just only fun but also addicting, at first it might be alarming for some players but overall, anyone that actually wants to play DBD will use their phone number. This will also show players that you nothing to worry about if you don't cheat.



  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927
    edited November 2023

    In fairness it's not an invalid statement, however it is a case of which you see as the lesser of 2 evils.

    • Remove options for players who have legit accessibility issues from having the ability to play.
    • Enable players without accessibility issues to use said feature for an unfair advantage over players that don't want to/can't use it

    Personally I see the 1st as the unacceptable option, but that doesn't invalidate the frustrations of the 2nd... or disprove the elephant in the room that the 2nd is significantly more prevalent.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It kind of is in the sense that it is not cheating... If he does not call it cheating he can try to make his point, but otherwise this is ridiculous...

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    This might sound mean, but "accessibility" and "muh bad monitor" is not a reason to cheat.

    Just ask for the accessibility options you want, don't modify the game and cheat.

    Just go out and buy a new monitor. And before anyone goes "not everyone can afford to just go get a monitor!" That's your problem, and it doesn't give you a pass to cheat.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335
    edited November 2023

    Listen I'm on console and can't do anything filter like, nor change the graphics settings at all. My old ass TV doesn't offer much either. While I'm not a fan of these limits, even I know there's no way to enforce anything regarding filters as they cannot detect most of them in the first place.

    When it comes to things involving the game files, again console soooo... but the devs have whitelisted several of them and have made it perfectly clear should the Anti-cheat ban they can't do squat about it.

    And that's without considering legit assessability issues. Or the argument that soooooo many modern games offer way more options in the first place; it shouldn't surprise anyone those players that can mess around with stuff do so. Now it just comes down to varying opinions on what's "fair".

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    Fair enough, but there is certainly legitimate concern over changing games for the sake of accessibility. For example, what about blind players? We'll need to add in the game constantly announcing verbally the exact position and from what direction the killer is any time the killer is in line of sight. What about those who have issues with their hands? We'll need to remove precise timing\movement skills and just treadmill all movement. Eventually, everything would be made to the point where no one would actually play the game anymore. I know that's taking it to an extreme, but the point is, there absolutely is some element where accessibility can hurt the health of a game if it is not handled properly. Accessibility needs to only be added if it doesn't actually give any non-natural advantage over standard gameplay. Right now, BHVR has failed to do so, as the visual TR appears before people can actually hear the terror radius giving him a couple of seconds head start in reaction time.

    Example...this shouldn't be a thing.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    there is certainly legitimate concern over changing games for the sake of accessibility.

    Not really.

    For example, what about blind players? We'll need to add in the game constantly announcing verbally the exact position and from what direction the killer is any time the killer is in line of sight

    In terms of disability access, accommodations are generally made on the principle of “reasonable adjustments”. Your example here goes way beyond what most would consider reasonable.

    BHVR has failed to do so, as the visual TR appears before people can actually hear the terror radius

    That’s not the Terror Radius indicator in the video — that’s the icon for a Lullaby.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094
    edited November 2023

    And it's only supposed to show up if you can hear the lullaby. It's the same concept. A lullaby is practically a terror radius.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    Anything that is associating with the exe file is cheating, reshade uses the exe. Im not referring to your monitor settings, thats not going to make an impact. Reshade/other file manipulation software has many different options that tailor to huge advantages against other players. The only reason I know this is because I mod Skyrim with the Bjorn enb setting, there are over 100's of settings that manipulate the way you want the lighting to look however you would want to. Filters is cheating period.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2023

    @OnryosTapeRentals No it won't, it will only weed out the players who cheat and cause actual harm to other players. In one fell swoop you would eliminate an unsafe environment for vanilla play. Cheaters right now can access mmr information and ip address of players/streamers and continually face them and ruin their gameplay, stop defending cheaters you are part of the problem. I only believe in right and wrong, this wrong and is hurting vanilla players time with the game, we need to push this.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited November 2023

    I don’t see the point of registering my phone number with a company just to play DBD. What would the company do with this sensitive information and what if it is leaked or sold for malicious purposes? Your suggestion will turn most casual players away for the sake of your “fair play”.

    I’m guessing DBD would have to set up some sort of scan for programs like Nvidia to weed out people using Filters. Once again, this will be interpreted as an invasion of privacy no matter how you spin it, pushing more players away.

    Is reducing the playerbase and potential revenue worth it for the sake of your “fair play”?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Here we go again......

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    This also is probably illegal in many countries too. I guess all of EU for example.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I can literally play the game on extra bright, change coloring all I want just using my GPU driver. Still does not mess with the exe. But in your other post you said this is cheating.

    Stop telling lies. It gets old.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347
    edited November 2023

    Have you considered that even the developers of the game might quite simply disagree with you on what constitutes cheating?

    If that wasn't the case, the big ones (stuff like Reshade and NVIDIA Freestyle) aren't hard to block at all. Many games block reshade no problem, and many others ban for it. An email to NVIDIA telling them they want to opt out of Freestyle for DBD is all it'd take to solve that one. Yet BHVR hasn't done anything like that, proooobably because they don't consider it cheating or even undesirable in any "softer" way.

    EDIT: And please, read up on what a shader actually is in computer graphics before you keep insisting reshade is a "file manipulation software" (pixel shaders specifically even, as that's what Reshade works with). Yes, I read what you said about Skyrim, and you're mixing up what ENB itself is doing with what you think Reshade is doing.

    Post edited by oxygen on
  • Gargo
    Gargo Member Posts: 14

    Everybody in this discussion will get ban rather than they will ban cheaters.

    The most epic cheat I saw is when a survivor with a speedhack "leaps" so close to a texture of wall on running that he falls through wall textures. What did BHVR? NOTHING, just closed this ticket

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    They banned a lot of cheaters, even gave an update about how many a year ago or so, the problem is only their software evolves so it is harder to detect so bhvr needs to come up with new stuff, it is just a never ending struggle. But as for this discussion in specific no one is defending cheating here, the guy who made the post simply does not understand what cheating means, and insists filters are cheating for some reason.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited December 2023

    Ok? Nothing I can do about that... If you reported him ingame, in steam and probably also as a ticket? (No clue if the ticket is still necessary...) then there is nothing more you can do but wait for him to get banned.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Gargo
    Gargo Member Posts: 14

    do you think they did something? No.

    Today is another obvious cheater - Chucky with 100 prestige

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 97

    I dont cheer up the cheaters. In fact, i find it very sad. Feeling the need to mean something in life, and using cheats or anything to achieve that. That is sad cause they are a fraud

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Happens my man, but like I said before, that's not really what this post is about, nobody is defending cheating and bhvr is sometimes really slow in banning cheaters, but what the guy here is trying to explain is that whitelisted tools are for some reason still cheating... Despite explicitely being allowed by the devs.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    I can literally put a filter on my monitor to give me an "advantage" and there is literally 0 way anything could detect that.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    For subtle audio cues like sadako's this unfortunately does help even non hard of hearing players it is true and unavoidable. But for me I have an ear infection currently so headphones are a no go and I can barley hear because of it anyway, so this feature is actually crucial for how I am right now for example.

  • Gargo
    Gargo Member Posts: 14

    reported a lot of cheaters. BHVR banned only that one with teleport who finished the game in 5 minutes. In other cases "you didn't provide video" (which I have no possibility to record)

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,720
    edited December 2023

    >looking at a new forum feedback thread

    >ask the op if it's Us vs Them or Misunderstanding What Cheating Means

    >he doesn't understand

    >I pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is Us vs Them and what is Misunderstanding

    >he laughs and says "it's a good thread sir"

    >read it

    >it's Misunderstanding What Cheating Means

    (The joke here is that the devs themselves have said that filters are explicitly allowed and not cheating, so the fact this was a "complaint about cheating" despite the devs saying filters are fine is a clear Misunderstanding)

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well guess that is what happens when you create a game without basic functions like replay and what not and then make the players go extra steps just to have what basically any other game has... I have not seen any other multiplayer game that does not have such functins...

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    I agree that filters are cheating, exactly same as placing tape on center of monitor to have crosshair while playing with huntress. Everything that gives advantage but its not included into vanilla so everyone could have same access to it, is cheating.

    I i really hate any form of defending it... I mean, if you feel game is unplayable without it - play something else. If you feel this isnt bad, then go on i guess... But at least do not lie its not cheating.

    And bhvr have to do something with it. If they thiks its okay to play with various filters, they should included this into the game, especially if they wants it to be competetive.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Just because you say something is cheating, does not make it cheating. Lol

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854
    edited December 2023

    "cheating: act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage."

    If filter makes survs easier to spot in various places like tall grass, where otherwise killer player have to develop better game understanding and become better observant AND its nothing built in the game so anyone can use, its cheating by the definition.

    So to parapharse: Just because you say something is not cheating, does not make it fairplay. Lol.

    And again: Use it if you must untill devs fix the game, but at least dont lie that its not cheating.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But how is it unfair those tools are available to basically everyone?

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    There is nothing dishonest or unfair about filters. I invested in a PC, the GPU has filter settings. You want filters? Get a pc.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094
    edited December 2023

    I get that you're saying, but imagine a piece of hardware you can attach to your gpu allows you to make walls transparent. Hey, it's just hardware, if you want transparent walls, just buy the hardware. It doesn't change the fact that it is unfair and frankly put would be considered cheating. Just because something comes with your hardware doesn't mean it should be allowed. Loads of online games ban macro use, for example, despite being a part of just about every modern keyboard out there.

    The problem here is that filters are undetectable, so BHVR can't really do anything about it. The darkness is part of the game, trying to duck into the shadows and avoiding sight. Filters absolutely do remove that gameplay element from the game.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That entirely depends on what the devs say... If they explicitly allowed this type of hardware, aka whitlist it... Then it is completely fine to use and obviously not cheating... You do realise that this is the case with filters and crosshair right? You can call it unfair and what not all you want but 1. The devs explicitly allowed such things (so by definition it is not cheating) and 2. It is unreasonable to even think about banning base functions of gpus driver systems...

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    Not disagreeing. I'm just pointing out that they have a point it's unfair and such, but BHVR is going to say it's cool to use because they simply can't stop it from happening and have no way to even know who uses it. At the very least, it's unsportsmanlike, but since it's not detectable, BHVR has no choice but to okay it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would not even say it is unsportsmanlike because everyone can use it? I mean sure if you are a console player using old hardware you probably cannot, but potentially you can... That's good enough I guess. And let's be honest for a second being able to hide in plain side just because the game does not offer brightness or similar graphics option as base cannot be really considered part of the gameplay anyway... Stealth is fine and all if you are cleverly hiding behind cover, but it should not be like Garden of Joy mainbuilding for the first few months.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    This is why i am one of the advocates for a replay/recording function even with me being one of the lucky ones who can record.