Pretty gamebreaking perk on pig

Played on coldwind against a pig. I got a nice partyhat, and it became active. So the counter is to search the boxes and get it off right?
But the catch: she ran the perk Hex: face the darkness where you scream every 25 seconds at tier 3.
With an active partyhat, i literally tried searching the box but the perk interrupted me at every attempt. And resetting my progress to start. Compare this with a slower addon to search boxes and it is impossible to get your hat off. You scream, need to wait for your animation of the screaming goes away and you immediately try again. But the time it requires you to end animation of the perk and the search of the box with slowdownaddons, is more then 25 seconds. So it is literally impossible to get your hat off ever. Cause the scream happens before you can finish a new search, and there is no way to stop it from resetting your progress to zero.
So this is exactly what happened to me. I died, cause of a perk that makes me scream while i search a box, and apparently i need my hands to scream instead of just screaming and keep doing what i am doing. I tried searching 4 times the same box, every time had to start at zero yet again and its literally impossible with this hex up. I died to the trap, cause it was literally impossible to get it off. In soloqueue as well, so no way to communicate with your teammates as well that you are dying not to the trap itself, but because of a perk that interrupts your searching on every try and sets your progress to zero.
I would say, pretty gamebreaking this perk on pig.
Yeah I think scream perks should either no longer reset box progress on pig or box progress should be saved when you stop interacting with it
I find it kinda boring that people are like pig is a weak killer so they play it in the most boring way possible to stomp solo queue, love facing face the darkness + plaything + pentimento + your favorite regression perk here
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The counter is don't finish gens when people have hats and do the totem. Its a m1 killer. Just play it safe and against any somewhat coordinated team the perk isn't an issue.
Ultimate Weapon is a much bigger problem of a perk than Face the Darkness anyways.
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I think that's the point, that against solos who cannot coordinate 99ing gens and the like, that this particular setup is not good. I'd agree that search progress needs to be saved, similarly to how Madness works with Doctor. Just that change, and this problem goes away.
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I would be fine with search progress getting saved but if they do that then skill check modifying perks should work with the boxes again to help balance it out a bit and add some extra spice to Pig.
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Maybe your idea is worth testing, not sure. But my beloved Piggy is already a noob stomper, and doubling down on that with a return to Skill Check interactions that rookies already struggle with might make things worse overall. Getting new players better at this game shouldn't feel as bad as it currently does in DBD, let alone worse. Hard to balance that.
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I would love to use huntress lullaby with her. I saw it in a video and played it a lot, after I realized that it got patched.
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Surprised to hear Pig is a noob stomper tbh. The game is complex and very hard on new players certainly. However this isn't really a thing the devs can fix, especially as more and more killers and perks get added to the game increasing its complexity. Its rough for them but I think they just need to learn that skill check builds exist if dbd did re-add the ability for such perks to affect her boxes. If progress is saved, it wouldn't really affect the survivors much. It would just waste some time and give the Pig info on where they are.
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Thanks for the build.
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Interesting. Maybe everyone has a hat at the start, and completing a gen starts their machinery going. The survs need to now mess with the Jigsaws to knock the hats' progress down some. Maybe Piggy can kick the Jigsaws to slow them or whatever.
Lots of possibilities here.
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She is indeed a noob stomper. She regularly tops the overall kill rates chart, but struggles mightily against good survs and coordinated teams bully her sadly.
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Given how they handled Onryo's rework, I'd rather BHVR keep their hands off Pig. They'll likely end up taking all the fun out of playing her like they did with Onryo.
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"And do the totem" is easier said than done tho when lily piggy guards it like a dog guards their bone. - You can't cleanse it in time and whoever got a hat will be dead. If several attempts have to be made at cleansing the totem then gens aren't progressed either and the game eventually starts as a 3v1 - just a few minutes late. Her being "just an M1 killer" is also not really something in her defense. She does have stealth, so she had a much easier time to get surprise hits on that totem cleansing person.
That being said: I do think UW is just as much of an issue on her - and that really doesn't have a counter in this scenario.
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Wait this build sucks. They can just heal the injured survivor to disable the totem. Also, the box search time is only 12 seconds, which is much shorter than 25 seconds.
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normal speed it is doable. But not with speedaddons that make you take a lot longer in searching it. Every time i was close to end, starting immediately after the scream, i got interrupted again by a scream. There was no way to do it quicker. I was the first one in chase, scream perk doesnt show straight at start and as person on the hook in a not 4 man swf, its hard coordinating with your team not to pop. Most people just pop the gens. So no time to search for it (and on some maps, totems really are a disaster to find) but you cant do your hat either with the totem. A 100% death sentence if a pig uses this combo with no counter to it, cause you cant search the boxes. To me, this is a problem. And should not be in the game and i cant imagine this was supposed to be in it.