What’s are things/stereotypes you hate the most about your survivor/killer main?

I’ll start first:
- David, I seriously hate when everytime I play as him, people always know I have Dead Hard cuz it’s his perk 😂
- Leon, always the troll of the team or just is plain bad at the game. Really hurts my soul as a Leon main 😭
- Vittorio, same stereotype as Leon but I feel like people tolerate Vittorio more then Leon.
- I also main: Felix,Chris,Carlos,Claire,Sheva and Yui but barely anyone talks about them so I can’t say anything about them, maybe you guys can help me out here? 😃
Tell me about what people think about your Survivor/Killer main that you hate or are annoyed by.
I play meg, so ... yeah ... That's annoying even tough it's not that false...
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I play Ace. And I also look like this:
But I'm a friendly player, I swear!
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I main Cheryl
and there isn’t much of a stereotype towards us….atleast that’s what I know
oh yeah and we play dbd cause we’re abit starved for new silent hill content (last SH game came out in 2012) :D
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I main Dwight. I don't think the whole hiding in lockers thing is taken seriously though. It's just a meme.
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I’m going to be toxic because I’m a Nea with neon colors.
That I’m a super sweat for playing blight. I mean…..
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Both statements are correct
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I hate Trapper is considered weaker than Blight. I mean come onnnnn...
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That we are weak.
Cower in fear of the night.
The Pig mains will rise....
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"Oh look a Sadako, let's DC because all they do is slug condemned"
I run gen block/jolt and mid to low tier addons.
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"another boring sadako who will slug to condem us all. and sweat for it"
no. i use 3 chase perks and shadowborn lol.
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Cage. I love "Dramaturgy" and when I get a toolbox it helps matches tremendously. But if the team loses even if I come first people just say "Cage you s*ck" and "all Cage mains are bad" and things like that.
I don't even main him just use him occasionally. This is probably a hatred towards the actor which is pretty funny how it translates into DbD.
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I main Feng and apparently she toxic. I'm not toxic but she a gamer and so am I.
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Most feng mains I encountered were pretty chill as survivor and killer
except like 1 of them
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Um... no. Pig is literally the most terrifying killer. I am perceived weak as a Freddy main on Nintendo Switch. But I do alright 👍
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I main Yun-Jin and people who know lore tend to assume I'm selfish... but I'm not just selfish, I'm also gorgeous. 💋
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I fear no man. But that thing. That scares me...
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As survivor, I main Kate, Zarina and Thalita. Apparently Kate mains are "toxic" and/or "unhelpful". Even though most Kate players I've seen are really altruistic and skilled at the game. Also, I just happen to like her lore and cosmetics and she's my highest levelled survivor, so of course I'm gonna play her. Haven't seen anything about Zarina and Thalita though.
As for killer, I main Artist and I haven't really seen any complaints about her. Other than she's "boring" to face.
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Lemme help you out with Felix : The one thing I did hear about him is him being the eye candy / there to cater to the thirsty ones.
Quentin: Somehow people usually assume Quentins are useless - similar to Leon, just without the troll part. ..... and tbh, they are. except when they're actually cracked.
As for killer:
Nemos have a tunneling license and don't know how to do anything else.
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Nemo is the only killer with a tunneling license. I'm half mad if they don't.
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. * insert sadge pepe * pls don't be half mad at me.
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Meg Head 🤣
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I main feng min. absolutely enough said. I hate the fact that everyone assumes I'm going to be a horrible teammate.
as for killer, I main sadako. hate when people automatically assume I'm going for condemn kills. I forget I can even do that sometimes if I'm honest.
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You are so right about Felix being ‘the eye candy/there to cater to the thirsty ones’ he’s definitely one smoking hot dude, the things I would do with him 😈
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I always portrait YunJin being selfish
And look at us like peasants we are
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Sometimes, I am the real killer with hype shirt
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Nothing. The stereotypes are as accurate as my bottle-placements. :]
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I've heard many people say Jonah is a "war criminal", and it sucks every time I hear it. I read his lore, all he did was break codes. He didn't know the codes were fake/decoy. Nowhere have I found it mentioning that it was him who ordered the awful things. And with logic, one could conclude that it were his higher ups that did it, the people who put him on and off cases. He had no motivation or authorities to do it.
Sadly, people just parrot the lies and don't bother doing their own research. :/ I guess hating is how people deal with stress, I dunno...
I would really love it if BHVR would make a tweet about this, debunking the lies. He's such a fine character in my opinion. He needs more love ☺️
At least he's been getting beautiful cosmetics, I appreciate that.
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Personally, all I can say for you is to just ignore those type of ppl and continue playing a character you enjoy. People are going to bash any character in thus game. Regardless if they are popular or not which is unfortunate.
I agree that he is a misunderstood character. And that's due to the fact people don't care to read and understand the plot of dbd lore in general. And it's possible it's simply due to the fact that he is just a man. Even certain female survivors that are morally grey like him are exempt on that side of the community. Which isnt surprising
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omg you're amazinggggg
yui abs' sweat water 😭😭
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Not my fault to have an adhd so powerfull i can't play well(yep that's a bad excuse).
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Honestly it seems like us Zarina mains are widely liked throughout the community.
In terms of Artist, I wish people would not assume all of us are boring. I love going for snipes and it’s fun.
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I get told sometimes that Thalita is just a downgraded Jane (in terms of booty) and that her outfits are nothing special, just boring. Disagree!
When it comes to Spirit, we're known for being tryhards and sweat everygame, but I try to keep things fair and fun, no tunneling or camping when not necessary, and not running 4 gen regression perks every game, and try to have variety when it comes to perks and add-ons.
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Exactly. Gimmie SH2 already. I'm just pretending Ascension doesn't exist at this point.
Nancy's though get a bad rep... That sometimes is deserved. Frikkin' totem gremlins who will body block you over them. I've just had a lot of "You jerk" moments with my fellow Nancy's.
Fengs are costume goblins, and it's true -- if I P100 anyone ever, it will be her, 'cause I just play whoever's look I'm feeling atm, and she has a lot of good ones.
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Claudette and Freddy were, at some point, widely hated by most of the community.
But I am not toxic, so I'd say I surprised many players.
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I'm a Knight main that doesn't set up like Atletico Madrid. 🧱
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Fr that so called 2nd trailer has been delayed for too long 😭
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Just because I main Quentin doesn't mean I don't exist!