yeah no im going back to play survivor

idk how you killer mains do it you handle the stress and that is impressive. im going back to play survivor more chil and fun.
"survivor more chil and fun"
14 -
This is your first post?
Also, yeah, if you play survivor most of the time, then you're gonna find killer more stressful as you're gonna suck harder at it.
9 -
The perks of not finding killer stressful
Have 900 anniversary cakes on a killer so you get a crap ton of bloodpoints on bad games
3 -
I hate myself and my mental wellbeing, which allows me to withstand the brain annihilation that playing killer is.
(Just kidding, I just play alch ring blight and destroy every single team I come across.)
ps- I also tunnel at 5 gens.
20 -
Stinky, filthy, rotten Blight main.
Can't you play a more balanced killer for a change? Like 3 blink Nurse.
4 -
Accepting that you cannot win every game is enough.
For some reason Killer Mains want to chill and also win every game. Both is not possible.
13 -
I main Myers and Pig, I feel your pain. I can't keep running Tombstone or Mirror just to have a chance to 4k.
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(slight chuckle) enjoy them chill fun solo q games...
2 -
I actually took my monthly shower this morning (in between DBD games) so I’m not that stinky. Only a little bit, because all I had to use was a moderately used bar of soap I found on a gas station bathroom floor.
Also… 3 blink nurse just doesn’t feel strong enough. They need to revert the nerfs and let me use starstruck again. She needs help.
8 -
Who cares
2 -
stopped caring about winning as killer long time ago.
not because I can't but because this game ia too silly to take it seriously so i just started playing for chases and hooks and had a lot of fun ever since.
Survivor however frustrates me to no ends
my own lack of skill, the teammates and how the killer plays are so many factors that can make Survivor miserable.
3 -
That- That is no soap... It's usually used for toilets. That adds even more to the filthy part. 🤢
Regarding Nurse, I agree. Yesterday, 1 survivor almost escaped through hatch and they did 1 entire gen with only 3 BNPs! This traumatised me. I will never be quite the same.
4 -
Jeez…. This game is so catering to survivors. 💅🏼
1 -
I'm under the opposite impression, to be honest. If you play one role sporadically and main the other, then you will get good with one role and go against better opponents. The experience that you have will carry over to the other role and you'll have a head start against others.
For example, I find survivor quite relaxing. Sitting on a gen, listening to some music in the background and minding my own business until the killer comes to bother me. Whereas, when I play killer, I start start thinking 5 steps ahead and constantly try to be everywhere at once while also keeping track of survivors, gen progress and resources, mind gaming and managing my time to be as efficient as possible. If I played more survivor, then this might just reverse.
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If your idea of fun is getting hard tunneled, proxy camped and slugged 90% of your matches survivor is a great fit for you.
5 -
Most killers (in my experience anyway) take time to learn. You just have to put the time in. I found Wraith pretty easy to pick up though, maybe try him. And expect to cop some losses while you learn.
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Killer is designed for people who like competitiveness. It's actually still fair less competitive than games like LoL and Dota, which I came from.
0 -
Such a ridiculous exaggeration.
5 -
Idk I find killer less stressful than a game being thrown for reasons out of my control, like a survivor really having to do that stupid challenge in that game. Stuff that really removes the fun from my game
1 -
I feel this topic will be much better if I mention the things they use in toilets are called 'urinal cakes.'
1 -
No no no no no no noooooo! You can'ty say that. What do you think @HugTechLover is going to do now? Blight mains are known to 'consume' a bunch of weird stuff and telling them, that this is called "cake" will only lead to them getting the munchies.
Don't do it, friend. Don't. Do. It. 🤢
2 -
Imagine struggling with killer in 2023.
6 -
Is it though?
So glad youre always there by my side when I play.
0 -
Cakes sounds yummy.
1 -
Same. I won't even enter a match without my Scratched Mirror 🔎 Myers or Amanda's Letter 📜 Pig.
1 -
Clearly too late. I'm a terrible influence. The red ones are strawberry scented.
3 -
Have any of your Killer gameplay? I think a lot of folks would like to see how easy it can be. Perhaps we are just overthinking things.
4 -
You're a monster.
1 -
I Play a lot of scratched mirror jumpscare Myers, its a great way to make playing any other version of him feel a lot simpler.
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Would love you see some of your gameplay so I can learn how to improve
2 -
I prefer "Deeply unethical but very funny."
0 -
I'm a killer main all day. I do play some survivor. For me, it never gets to me the stress of killer. Why? Because, I don't care if I win or lose. This game is to random to think I can win every time.
Do I think the game favors survivors? Yes. It's a business. You cater to your majority in any business.
I just play the game, do what I can and GG at the end win or lose and move on. That is how I personally do it. I know not everyone has the same mindset. However, if you try it you will most likely have more fun as killer.
2 -
How about I just give you my load out? Seeing as that's carrying me.
0 -
A lot of tea and previous meditation.
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So everyone knows, HTL is just being facetious. I've went against him a few times and he doesn't tunnel at 5 gens, or hardly at all. Damn good Blight, but a well-mannered and skilled player. He did use Alc ring though. Sadly, had to resort to just running me down and M1. Every. Single. Time. <3 the Blights!
0 -
I just love how survivors react to another survivor for saying that he simply doesn´t like playing as killer.
Guys relax! Its a game!
I also find survivor more realixing than playing killer. No shame in that. Its a 4vs 1 after all. Survivor isn´t under stress all the time like killer. Thats the whole reason. As killer you are on your own. A single mistake can cost you the match. As survivor, you can make several mistakes and your team can still pull you out. Simple as that.
2 -
Wait, why can't you use Starstruck?
0 -
Killers are in the best spot they've EVER been. Its amazing when people write up threads on how killer just isn't good.
If you want to win, you tunnel.
If you want to have fun, you lose.
I will say, this game really needs to figure out a formula to fix both sides, as killers arent the only ones doing un-fun things. Survs can be buttheads too.
1 -
Lmao these forums never change
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Survivor you can spend 1/2 the game or more AFK on gens, can't really be hard camped anymore so you get off the hooks basically for free, will have the OTR/DS combo back in a month or two for multiple extra lives if you get tunneled, have a team to bail you out if you make mistakes, and also if your team loses you get a chance at a totally free escape because the game just gives them out to the last survivor sometimes
That's more stressful than all gameplay being chase interactions, having to outplay 4 different people, with no team to help you? lol
I'm a killer main and I think survivor is chill asf, and with sole survivor you don't even have to care if your team is getting stomped you can get your free door escape for extra MMRs
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
It isnt fun anymore its so hard to win whit a weak Killer
Gen Speed is way to fast , all of the best Gen Regression Perks got nerfed so its really hard to defend Gens , Survivors get carried by 2nd Chance Perks and awful Map Designs, Toolboxes still exist
I was really hyped to see the Red Forrest Changes but sadly they make the Maps even more Survivor Sided ... they make the Map smaller but they also make the loops next to each other so its very easy to run from Palett to Palett
As a Dredge / Singularity Main its really hard to have some good Games whitout tunneling
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I main as The Doctor, and I have full control of almost every match that I play. Sometimes I get challenging survivors, but even then I usually reach full control way before there are two gens left. Usually I have full control with 4 or 5 gens left. With full control I mean that everyone has hung twice before then.
I have not lost a match against my will for as long as I can remember, but I do however often let survivors escape because I don't really care much about the killing. I play for fun, the hunt, and the blood points (killing everyone as fast as I usually could would leave me with a lot less blood points compared to letting the match run for a longer time, even with survivors escaping)
I guess that maybe me often letting the survivors escape might affect my matchmaking, I don't know. But even so, I often enough get challenging survivors, and dealing with them is rarely a problem.
Which leads me to it being a bit funny visiting these forums, with killer mains whining endlessly about those pesky survivors that they are not able to deal with.
Only thing that I can say sucks is that I can't transfer my killer skills to survivor skills. I'm a pretty good killer, but I ain't that impressive when I play survivor. Weird thing. But that's on me, not the game 😉❤️
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Anyone who can make me laugh that hard has my vote!
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I appreciate the understanding <3 most survivors don't understand the pressure as a killer.I don't mind tough games ,I just wish certain things wouldn't get added nor nerfed caugh caught Eruption does nothing now 🤔btw BHVR
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eeh, no
0 -
survivor isnt more fun and chill when friends til the end exists. I dont understand why the devs thought that perk was a good idea. they should know by now what is insanely oppressive and what isn't. Friends til the End would be fine if it didn't reveal the aura of the exposed.
the perk does way to much and should be adjusted.
0 -
You should play some solo queue. There is nothing chill about trying to coordinate with your team when the game does everything it can to stop you from being able to do that, whilst also expecting you to work together to escape. Playing well, only for your teammates to screw everything up and get you killed repeatedly. You talk about how hard killer is, whilst completely ignoring and downplaying all the things that make playing survivor frustrating.
At least when I'm playing killer I don't have to worry about anyone sabotaging me. You'd be surprised how relaxing that is after playing in solo queue for long enough.