No auto bloodweb on 1st prestige is EXTREMELY stupid

What are you going to teach me with this, bhvr? How to run web? I have 2000 hours in the game and 300+ prestige, are you sure I need this? What is the point of this? Make another condition, or better to remove this rule completely and allow us to have auto bloodweb on 1st prestige, because I'm sure that anyone with more than 100 hours understands perfectly well what to do with web.
This is how we've been living all this time, welcome :D
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I agree its very tedious, maybe like 3000hours ago I was a careful new player who studied the bloodweb to make the most value, now its just about how fast I can press the auto button and get more addons ill never use.
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This and also a feature to just prestige you until your BP runs out. As much as I love and appreciate the Bloodweb changes, it still takes SO MUCH time to prestige a character. Like why do I need to see an animation of level 34 going to 35, just get to it. Better yet, just go from level 5 to 50 with one click, instead of having to click on the auto-bloodweb, watch all the branches fill out, watch the animation, and then do that 50 more times... 😅
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I'm gonna comment on every post about this because it seriously needs to go.
Keep the mechanic for the first survivor & killer a player prestige if you must, but otherwise there's no point besides being super frustrating. People who want to read everything carefully can still do it because no one is forcing them to use to auto-bloodweb feature, but people who don't want to bother, either because survivors are literally all the same or because they read killer add-ons from their inventory shouldn't be forced to stare at the bloodweb everytime a new chapter comes out.
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I always wondered what was up with that. Trying to get prestige one on characters so that their perks unlock on other characters is agonisingly slow because of it.
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Can't wait to waste another 40 minutes to reach P1 on Alien and Ellen, thanks BHVR!
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Can't wait to waste another 20 minutes to reach P1 on Chucky, thanks BHVR!
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This has technically now been addressed,although why the "make auto bloodweb available once you prestige'd a single character" QoL update has to take 8 months from now I do not know.
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They will take 8 months to apply this. They said that in today's livestream.
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Oh, looks like I listened to it on the stream, thanks! Are these the changes that we will see in April-June? It's funny then.