Bought Tiffany, turns out the price was bugged

This is the rare case where I want to throw money into the monitor, because there's so many BHVR Ws recently and I feel bad, finding out Tiffany wasn't actually meant to cost this low.
Is there any way I can contact tech support to refund the skin & buy it for the actual price or have extra cells taken?
Don't worry you and me both lol.
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how much is it normal?
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Post edited by akaTheBARON on0
There is absolutely no need to do that, and we appreciate the sentiment. But please enjoy your skin!
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I mean, thats not your problem, you don't need to feel bad.
Thats so sweet of you tho.=)
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does suck for tho who didn't buy it bugged but whatever.
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soo.... isn't it a bit unfair that there isn't a mass refund? because like, many people ended up benefiting from this mistake and I really wanted to buy this skin but guess what? i was on the job... I can pay 1080 and not the current price, I think I'll buy the other skin and only buy Tiffany on dbd anniversary or when it goes on sale, I thought it was a bit unethical but ok.
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What happened? What was the cost originally?
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it wouldn't be refunding. People purchased at the reduce price - due to our error. Allowing them to keep the cosmetic becuase they purchased during that very short time frame is the ethical decision.
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I bet Universal is pissed..xD
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i see, anyway thanks for replying Mandy! <3
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Dude are you serious
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They are not missing out, BHVR probably pays up for it.
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well I got Tiffany for the pretty much $15 and I feel a little cheaped but I wanted her but still.
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Yeah, but thats okay, people have different opinions, the important thing is to respect each other and Ive always liked the attention that Mandy has always given to the questions that occur on the forum.
I was happy to once again have opinion transparency, it increases my faith in BHVR :)
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Im honestly thinking about getting her but i suck playing chuck on console 😭
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I got her for cheaper (didn’t know at the time), but I honestly wouldn’t have minded paying full price. They really did an amazing job on everything and I think they deserve the money. Obviously this is all just my opinion and how I feel.
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not saying they didn't do great job with Tiffany and Chucky but I say the banner and badge are a let down.
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Oh. I pretty much jumped into the game asap (after download) - and had to buy at full price??
was the bug only on specific platforms/regions?
(not that I care that much, I am kinda not regretting buying her even though I never buy any killer cosmetics, this one I can actually see myself!!)
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Forgive me im still new here. What is her actual price? I believe I paid 1080.
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I paid 1400 something.
lucky you
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I'd expect nothing less.