I can’t thank you guys enough for the decisive buff

You guys have finally listened to the community on this and the 3 Gen issue we have been saying to you guys decisive strike needs a buff since you guys nuked it
im hoping it’s given it’s five second stun timer back because that’s what it needs to give survivors a good tool to fight tunnelling
I would say about 90% of killers would quit if they added 5 sec DS back.
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That'd be hilarious, since it's the easiest perk to counterplay.
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As long as it can't be weaponized by SWF I'll be okay with it.
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Do you want to get slugged? Cause thats how you get slugged.
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I can at least do a thing while slugged, as opposed to sitting on the hook the whole game.
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But thats whats going to happen. Killers will slug everyone and survivors will complain about slugging.
We already had that.
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I wouldn't celebrate too early lol
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As long as it is not anywhere close to OG version and disable itself in end-game, its good.
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It's almost like killers are desperate for crutches and just want to get a quick win with as little effort as possible!
Kinda like people have been saying, in regards to tunnelling.
Still, slugging is far more counterable than tunnelling. Any healing perk is a soft-counter to it, after all, not to mention the dedicated anti-slug perks.
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This answer in response to a DS thread is kinda...
you know?
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Feels like the big changes from the “meta shake up” that 6.1.0 did are gradually being undone or scaled back.
Not sure if this will bode well or not.
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I'm hopeful the Decisive Strike change will be positive. If they were to revert the Perk back to a 5 second stun and keep the deactivation part once the generators are completed, that would be a positive change for this; making it a strong, anti-tunnel Perk, yet ensuring it's not used to cheese the escape in the endgame.
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I'm keen to see what they do. I doubt they'll just do a complete revert. I always see the 'killers are just going to slug/tunnel/do some other thing' threats when it looks like survivors will get something useful and it never happens so I'm not fussed about that. I played during the old DS era and never noticed slugging to any big extent. Certainly not more than I currently do.
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What? Appropriate? Considering you brought the subject up?
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They wouldn’t if you don’t tunnel you won’t eat decisive
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Unbreakable decisive boom like the good old days lol you want to tunnel me out and slug me either I get up with unbreakable or you eat my decisive a fair trade if you wanna tunnel me out
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Yeah literally being slugged is better than getting hard tunnelled out the game without any good perks to defend my self with cause I either use unbreakable or my team picks me up
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I totally agree friend
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Most people would call DS a crutch.
Unless DS is now a killer perk and no one informed me.
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No, most people would call DS a band-aid.
Killers really need to get over this 'survivors are only supposed to get one chance' mindset. Game's clearly built for them getting three.
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The only complaint left with DS back then was that it should deactivate in Endgame. I dont really agree with that (because for some reasons Killers think they deserve a pity Kill once Endgame is reached), but it was an understandable complaint. There were not really any other things, since DS deactivated when progressing the game in any way.
The Nerf to 3 seconds just killed the Perk, because previously it was not good against the strong Killers, afterwards it was not good against any Killer. DS was one of the Perks which got nerfed heavily to remove them from the Meta and the Devs seem at least to have realized that it was the best Anti-Tunnel option (not a good one, but the best around).
IMO buffing it to 5 seconds and disabling the Killers power for a few more seconds would be fine. This would have less impact on the weaker Killers, but more impact on the strong Killers. A Trapper would not want to set a Trap anyway at this point, but a Nurse would instantly start blinking after the Survivor, rendering DS almost useless.
But I dont have high hopes for it. It would be nice if there would be something the Killer has to have in mind when trying to tunnel, because the current Anti-Tunnel features dont really provide this, since they all resolve around Endurance and one hit will disable all of them.
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Sadako and Devour Hope says hi.
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Lets agree to not agree.
DS deserved a nerf after being uncontested and weaponized for so long. Its now a anti-tunnel perk. Some people would like to have it back at its weaponized status. Thats what i call a crutch. If you call it a band-aid, than thats just a different opinion and i´m ok with that.
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Yeah I think it deactivating end game is stupid aswell killers have this mindset where they feel like they should get kills even though the survivor is better than them plus tunnelling someone out of a game shows 0 skill expression whatsoever so the people that do get mad over decisive you can just guarantee what their playstyle is
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Are you getting a lil mad that soon enough you won’t be able to tunnel out for easy wins ?
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Yes, I know. Apparently, despite being corrected before, you are STILL confused about when DS actually got its conspic action nerf.
If you got hit with DS post 4.6, that was entirely your own fault.
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Not at all. Can´t wait to lay on the floor and dwindle my thumps.
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Killers just want to stomp and have easy wins and make the match as miserable for the survivors as possible i play killer and I am happy for decisive to get buffed and think it’s a healthy needed perk for the game
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i just don’t get how Decisive is a crutch perk coming from someone who has played since 2017 and seen every variation of the perk it hasn’t been crutch in a long time and the decisive we have now is a joke
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Not confused. Just warry on some design decisions. You know, like bringing in a 3 gen killer after saying that they would get rid of 3 gens.
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Simple, it was a crutch for most of its existance. First iteration required killers to dribble survivors to the hook in order to prevent it on their first down. This resulted in devs reducing how often a killer can drop a survivor before they break free. Shortly after they changed DS to prevent dribbling entirely without reverting the previous change.
The history of DS is long and very controversial. I mean, some streamers build up entire montages on that perk alone.
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Hopefully they make it 80 seconds so it can synergize with OTR. Can you imagine how mad people would be? That would be a true counter to hard tunneling. The amount of time you'd be able to waste would be incredible.
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Unless the wiki is not updated, Conspicuous actions that disable DS do not include body blocks or flashlight saves. If 5 second DS got reverted, that means a Survivor who just got unhooked could just bodyblock the unhooker, go down, get a free escape when picked up and have 5 seconds to make a getaway.
Alternatively, they would loiter around the Killer chasing the unhooker and try to get a flashlight save. If they succeed, both Survivors get away, if the Survivor fails and goes down, DS lasts for 60 seconds so theres still a chance of the Killer picking them up and getting the escape.
If the idea of DS was supposed to dissuade the Killer from tunneling, then it should remain that way only. 3 second DS meant that Survivors could actually be punished if they tried to use it altruistically, which was part of the reason why the old version got so much hate.
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I can already picture the future of killer matches.
1.-Start chase, down survivor, hook survivor, 2 gens pop.
2.-Patrol area, find no one, go back to hook, try to hit the rescuer, be body blocked by the unhooked survivor.
3.-Try to punish the abuser by chasing them, 5 DS, the rest of the gens get done.
I really hope it's not the case, because i'm sick of survivors abusing their basekit BT to bodyblock, chasing them and then claiming it's tunnel. No, it's not. You abused a perk given to prevent tunnelling to try and make me waste time, it's fine. Don't complain about being hooked again, because that was your choice.
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120 seconds + 5 second stun would sound reasonable. So OtR could trigger and DS as well.
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The old version of decisive strike after the conspicuous action Nerf never got any hate lol
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Ignore the unhooker simple or slug them
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I just think a five second stun deactivated end game is gonna be a fine healthy addition most of the community do too and honestly I’m so excited to see it return back to being useful mft kill it dead hard nerf it to the ground but I just want some good anti tunnel maybe the perk isn’t gonna be so bad now with dead hard only twice per use and stuff
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In 6 months, wow!
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DS got the Conspicuous Action change and 3s stun duration in the same patch.
What is this old version that you are referring to?
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Wouldn't it be simpler to just not abuse a perk provided to prevent tunnelling? I hate tunnelling as much as the next guy and I never tunnel as a killer, but survivors have a way of abusing every single tool given to them. So yeah, a protection hit should disable DS. If that's done, I don't care how much they increase it to.
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The counter is just to not tunnel. If you're tunneling, expect to be punished for it. It's 2 extra seconds to what we currently have, it's not a big difference and it doesn't mean it being active during endgame will come back, in fact that's very unlikely. Why we so worried over 2 seconds?
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In the end it gets a nerf 😂
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This is incorrect. It got the Deactivation in Endgame and the 3 seconds in the same patch. The change with conspicious actions came before that and was well-appreciated.
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Me jumping to locker and forcing killer grap me
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I dont believe it takes half a year for increasing 3 to 5sec as a change. I bet the change may be something bigger.
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Why Nerf an already under preforming perk if you looked in the live stream the community went wild when they showed ds was getting a buff
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I don’t body block with decisive because I’d rather get healed or do a gen
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Playing Myers intensifies.
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Exactly! A complete overhaul that could be something completely different.