Is the anti face camp mechanic for every killer or only certain ones?

There was a game I just played where I wasn’t able to unhook myself when I was being camped. All gens were completed but the doors weren’t open so I was wondering if it’s suppose to be like this or is it because the killer was chucky?
AFC disables in the endgame so it isn’t a guaranteed free escape
similar to how anti tunnel perks disable in the endgame
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i thought end game was only when the doors were open so it’s when the last gen is completed? :^)
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It is. By using the terminology precisely, AFC is disabled when gates are powered.
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I don't know why nearby slugged survivors disable AFC. You can just slug someone who attempts a rescue and then just stand there as the person on hook dies and the slugged survivor bleeds out.
I was being face camped by a Wraith (shocking), a teammate tried to save me, got slugged. The killler continues to camp me, but because someone is slugged the AFC completely stops working. If you want to give the killer a grace period to pick the guy up and go hook him, then fine. But straight up disabling AFC in that scenario sucks.
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Ahh I see that must’ve been the issue then lol
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I personally think it should have been a perk, because it just takes away a big part of the game.
When you hook two people in the basement, what would be logical to do? Yes guarding the two people and why shouldn‘t I, I‘m the killer, that’s my job!
Also waiting on a hook to find people was also fine.
I think it was a necessary change, but I think as perk it could have been stronger better and more fun (less people would have it). Also less frustrating for killer and not that limiting. Sometimes I hook a person next to an almost completed gen and why can‘t I guard both without getting punished.
That‘s a clip I didn‘t really camp, but it wouldn‘t be possible with AFC. At least I couldn‘t watch them die. Sorry for quality.
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That is also very true. It would make sense to camp in the basement even more so if 3 people were hooked. It probably would’ve been better as a perk but then we would have people who say it wastes a slot lol. Face camping doesn’t annoy me all the time but if that’s your main way to get a kill it is a tad annoying. Tho if the survivors are being toxic then camp away. That clip was so funny oh no 😭😭 how long into the game did that happen?
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It happened some weeks before the hook grapps were removed, it was so funny. One after another ran into the basement, after I wanted to leave.
ATC could also be a status effect, which is given by multiple perks like that one from rebeca and Adam… I don‘t know those perks in English.
A lot of perks are made for countering camping and right now they are useless.
Post edited by jonifire on0 -
This has happened to me before also (as surv tho). Was playing against trapped & 2 of my teammates were hooked in the basement, I ran down & unfortunately didn’t notice the trap so I was hooked. The last survivor came & also got caught in the trap… it was such a quick round I was embarrassed. I think countering camping could be easier if people took the chance to save their teammate. I always take that chance while the others hide in the bush and watch. The only issue I’ve had with helping a teammate that was being camped was the clown. He stood directly in front of him & bc the clowns stomach stuck out nobody was able to grab the survivor, not even on the sides.