Freddy not being on the roadmap is really disappointing.

One of the greatest slasher icons and he’s stuck as the most boring killer to play while also being bottom tier. And for some reason he keeps getting nerfed and the only slightly fun thing about him (snares through walls) was removed this patch.
And now Huntress, one of the most popular and balanced killers, is somehow a higher priority than Freddy is, the third least played killer according to Nightlight. And Onryo is getting a second rework months after her first one while Freddy has been waiting years (and I bet this pushed Freddy further down the balance list).
Once Hag and Twins receive their changes Freddy is going to take their place as the least played killer on the game and seeing Freddy Krueger be the least popular character just feels wrong.
Please BHVR, can we get some idea when we can expect to see Freddy changes? He has nothing going for him. He’s not fun, he has no skill ceiling, he’s incredibly weak, he has next to no good add ons, and he’s not even fun to play against. Please just give him anything.
Im close to quitting the game myself...
No tweaks to the broken Buckle Up + Ftp combo.
No Badham or GOOD Garden rework.
BNP is still not deleted from the game.
Trickster rework feels like a nerf
3 gens are getting nerfed, which is another thing to cross off the list of the few things killers still had.
No Hope adjustments.
They're also nerfing Mangled and Sloppy.
DS will likely be broken once again.
Like bruh... i cant.
17 -
Uhhhh Myers needs a rework or buff even worse and he's not even on the road map either. Him and Freddy have been left to rot pretty much.
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Freddy def has is the worst, he doesnt even have cosmetics.
At this point, it would be better to retire the license and bring the real Freddy, you cant even use seriousness as an argument anymore with Chucky being in the game.
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I still hold out an absolute fool's hope that we get a total overhaul. Throw imitation Freddy in the bin and replace him with Robert Englund, voice lines, and Nancy.
It's probably never happen, but man would it be glorious. One of the things Chucky has done is remind me of what Freddy should have been; their movie versions are quite similar.
8 -
Lets not forget the stupidly designed challenges.
Orange Glyphs, yeah exactly what killers want a heavy nerf...
Green Glyphs, nobody likes looking all over the map for these, and the fact that its often over a dozen is just dumb.
Core Memory, definitely want to be chasing around a freaking crystal after a hook rather than looking for my next target...
Double Blind Save in one match... just why? i know it doesnt actually need to be a save, but still, this is just cruel.
Near Miss, can we just retire this challenge? Old DH is why it even exists, and old DH is dead and gone since long ago, dodging basic attacks is NOT easy in any way.
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Myers absolutely does need changes too. I think Freddy needs it slightly more than Myers simply because he has zero skill expression and is just a bore for both sides, but Myers is definitely in need of some changes too, much more than every other killer on the road map.
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I understand that and I appreciate you guys letting us know this, but it's still sad that arguably the worst and most disappointing killer in the game isn't receiving anything for over 6 months.
12 -
Lets add another thing to the list:
Autoaim is cringe.
Seriously, this thing screws me over more than it helps, from auto locking towards the hooked survivor rather than the one saving, to snapping to a corner of a window or door frame. or cutting my lunges short.
This thing needs to be fixed since forever.
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I just want to clear something up: This roadmap is not a priority list, and just because something isn't on the roadmap for the next few months doesn't mean it's not on our radar. There are some things we'd love to do sooner, but would unfortunately require too much work to be done in time for a particular update (e.g. if our programmers are already fully booked up on other design changes or new features). In these cases, we might slot in some smaller tweaks that could be done in less time rather than nothing at all, but this does not mean we think they are a higher priority.
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Reading your comments makes me think this game is not fun for you anymore. If you are not enjoying you can play different games.
Killer was never been that easy btw.
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Theres difference in fun and then being forced to pretty much tryhard every match cause BHVR seems to actively make the game worse for killers lately.
Yeah some were QoL changes survivors needed, but Killers also need those.
7 -
You think Frederick is bad? Mikey is probably the most outdated killer in the game and my 6yrs playing this game the man has not received a very miniscule buffs/updates.
His son was practically reworked twice(if we count his PTB failure)
Pig is getting a update
But Mikey is somehow just existing
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QoL changes sure but everything you were complaining needed nerfs.
STBFL is problematic perk on m2 killers ( Nemmy, Demo, Xeno, Wesker )
Mangled is problematic atm, self-heal is already bad and this effect makes it even worse.
BNP already nerfed, it's not problem anymore.
Trickster was busted on PTB, you really did not expect him come to live right?
3 - gen is hard to break , especially against killers like SM, Knight. And some maps even worse with very strong 3 - gen areas.
And i don't know why you are ignoring there will be a lot killer tweaks too. They just nerfed MfT for killers. They are nerfing maps for killers. Med-kits, CoH, DH nerfed for killers. Killers are getting better fov soon.
I don't know why you are acting like only survivors are getting something.
3 -
Never said STBFL didnt needed a nerf.
Also, just cause they needed nerfs, doesnt mean these changes dont actively make killers even harder than they're already are, one bad chase and you lose the game, thats why people have often asked for a basekit version of Corrupt Intervention to help in early game, cause again, bad RNG or a poor chase, and you ended up losing 2-3 gens right away.
BNP has no place in the game, like none, gen speed is already dumb, we dont need a item that DOESNT delete the toolbox (which allows Built to Last to refill a likely strong toolbox) that repairs a decent a mount of progress in seconds.
MFT got nerfed yeah (thank god) but ironically made it still strong as ever against Legion and Slinger, both who seriously struggled against this perk already.
Garden Rework was straight up a failure that hardly did anything, in fact the PTB version essentially made it even worse.
Besides Badham and Hawkins are still obnoxious, and god knows when Badham will ever get a rework cause its part of a dead license thats borderline abandoned by BHVR.
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Could you please by any chance reveal which Blight addons are getting changed?
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Forgot to add, but Trickster main problem in the PTB were his addons and Main Event being too frequent, but rather than fixing those specifically, they nerfed his throw rate in general, even though they increased the number of knives needed to injure and made the decay faster.
So instead they made his power pretty much a secondary thing rather than his main means of doing dmg (To the point that half the time its hardly worth using over an M1) and made Main Event practically useless.
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This whole list for the next 6 months could be in 1 Midchapter and it should be. With this speed this game will be only worse and worse.
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I don't think there's anything reasonable they could do based on this to make you stay happy with the game.
Sounds like you might be burnt out, big time.
4 -
Survivor complaints: Valid
Killer complaints: “Sounds like an issue with you, have you been practicing self-care…”
Dismissal disguised as empathy.
7 -
It doesn't matter. Once Freddy gets the priority, you will just ruin him again.
It has happened many times already.
9 -
Friend, there have over the last little while been multiple independent people telling you that you ought to allow yourself to take some time away from this site & game and use that time to heal your mental. I would encourage you to reflect on the fact multiple people have told you the same thing.
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I mean, they listed like 8 different things. They've got quote a few comments and posts about things not being fun or the way they'd like it.
It can be hard, but if a game isn't fun, you shouldn't be playing. That's not to say you shouldn't care
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This content has been removed.
This content has been removed.
Not facts. Only his opinion and maybe yours too. That's it. But not facts.
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This content has been removed.
Your facts are not BHVR's facts tho because all i am seeing both sides are complaining and both sides are getting nerfs or buffs.
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Finally a voice of reason in this mess
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an argument as old as time - anything that supports me is a fact, everything that refutes me is an opinion.
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Thank you for clarifying this. That makes sense.
Would it possible for us to receive some idea when to expect Freddy changes? We’ve been waiting for years and it’s a bit demoralising that the only thing we know about these changes is that it’s still in the idea phase and I just hope he hasn’t been pushed back again.
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Can I lift your spirit in any way?
I'm a Pig main so I know your pain...
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At least you can still play Pig. As an OG Freddy main my boy is gone forever :(
And thankfully Pig is on the roadmap so hopefully she can finally get out of low tier soon.
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They said and I quote:
"At least we got a Pig nerf" - "No we dont"
We have their word. She won't get worse. However, you have my word as a Boop - enthusiast, that I will monitor the situation with extreme care. Pig mains stand together.
I'm so sorry for what happened to Freddy. You guys are the OG Sadako mains. You suffered and got ignored the longest.
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Thank god it’s not a nerf. That’s great to hear and I hope Pig finally get the buffs she deserves.
Keep monitoring closely though. We don’t want anyone trying to slip a Pig nerf in there.
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You know, because it went so well the last two times.
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I agree. Freddy needs it more than Myers. At least Michael FEELS like Michael. Freddy is embarrassment honestly..
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If the long awaited Twins rework is amazing, I will wait patiently for Freddy's. If the Twins rework ends up like Skull Merchant then I'm going to start drinking again.
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I joined this community for Freddy (literally downloaded day of release), no idea what DbD was, just saw a Freddy chapter was dropped and was like “Oh shi—, I love Freddy, whatever this is I’ll buy it.” Grinded my ass off knowing and only playing Freddy. Started watching vids to understand the game more, started buying all chapters to maximize my Freddy perk options…finally starting to make red ranks and get confident as a Freddy main. Made it far enough that I was only playing sweat squads and truly FEELING Freddy weaknesses and losing game after game.
Growing frustrated, hoping for some tweaks and buffs. Being mind-blown when heard about a Rework. Constantly thinking about the possibilities, the rare enjoyable moment of relearning my Favorite Killer with a whole new Kit.
He re-releases.
Spend a month trying him out, trying builds, falling into the delusion that he is better, that I like him. Getting nerfs, getting bored, realizing that he was so much more fun as OG Freddy, start referring New Freddy as Fake Freddy. Stop being a Freddy main and instead a Killer main. Continued to be sad and disappointed for years.
I like this game, and I like Chucky just as much as I do Freddy, but I’m not doing this dance again. Please fix Freddy, I miss him so much…but I’ll also take Chucky, just don’t do him dirty like Freddy. I beg you!
1 -
Okay delete the remake Freddy and add Roberts version but keep Quentin he’s amazing.
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Quentin is honestly the only good thing about the Nightmare on Elm Street DLC. Just a shame he doesn't have any cosmetics.
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it is not really surprising. survivor players kept saying he was over-tuned and over-buffed. Oh, he certainly looks over-buffed. so over-buffed that now he needs more buffs than where he started.
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Ill keep looking o7
No Pig nerfs allowed.
We would not survive the amount of meme posts.
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The Nerf Pig meme could finally come to an end, but an old relic may return and take its place.
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I really don't get that idea about M2 killers being too strong with STBFL. Because these killers have powers to hit a survivor way faster than they would by playing M1 killer. STBFL not only doesn't work on M2s but it also takes time to build up. Which is something that the killer never has. Time. I could play Nemi with and without STBFL and I'd probably perform better, if I don't actively try not to use my power. Same goes for Xenomorph and Wesker. They waste a bunch of time playing M1 killer to get value out of STBFL, when they have chase powers to hit you way sooner.
So not only is STBFL a pretty bad perk on these 3 killers but it also takes up a perk slot, that they could use for something that would actually help them.
On Demo I do not see the issue. He still has to play M1 killer because his chase power is not all that amazing and simply doesn't work on a number of loops.
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I adore this meme.
Another good one is : "the nightmare has been overperforming as of late"
Do you have the sharp hand joe one as well?
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Indeed I do :D
I really miss the old Freddy memes.
2 -
Absolute chad
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Freddy is by far the most discussed killer in this forum. Even the big streamers like Hens333 agree, that Freddy is the weakest killer in the game AGAIN.
Think about that: BHVR managed to destroy their own rework to a level, that people would rather play OG Freddy than this version. Now the most fun part of his kit, placing snares strategically through walls in loops while chasing a survivor is gone.
Freddy in a nutshell:
1.) He has NO ABILITY when survivors are awake
2.) His teleport gets more limited as the match goes on
3. The TP-Cooldown, compared to Sadako, Dredge or Demogorgon is a joke
4.) His addons are Top-Spot of being useless out of all killers. Only Pyramid-Head can battle him
5.) Freddy has reached a pickrate of 1.10% on nightlight. It was never lower than now. Soon, we have a 0.XX pickrate and BHVR just ignores him badly for years.
My main, my P100-Dude with 3.800 brown addons each, is just a disgrace. This license is so unloved by the devs that I personally say at this point: let the license run out AND delete him from the game. Like serious: why is he here? To be a complete joke?
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That is the sad part of reworks as they can take away someones favourite killer and in Freddy's case not only did they do that they made him a total snoozefest. I assume they trying to completely rework Freddy's power just because it isn't on the roadmap for the next 6 months. At least the devs are trying. And Myers also is second on the rework list for me. Twins also were in dire need of a rework. Happy pig is getting is buff though.