Surviving mains just giving up against Chucky. They want nerfs.

So I got home and decided to give Chuck a try. My build was haunted grounds pentimento plaything and undying. Hardly meta, but the survivors gave up after messing about failing to get sabos and saves. OK fine I get it.
This is on Midwich BTW. After the first survivor was sacrificed and another had afk crows I figured screw it, just leave. I had pizza. It was a Jets all meaty deep dish with turbo crust. And extra cheese.
7 minutes later, no gens done. I am still in this game it's been close to 20 minutes of them refusing to leave. I am afk in basement, they refuse to go.
Development team this has happened before. These are the same teams that were whipping my Artist and Nurse's ass a week ago. The 13th has not hit, there has been no rank reset and I'm gold 2 atm.
Make the killer seem like they overperform upon release. Get them nerfed. Continue to enjoy your easy game. I mean c'mon man Chucky just came out who you think you're going to face, Trapper?
Development team please don't take this obvious bait.
P.S sorry for the long winded message, it took me a while to write. I'm still in this game at the conclusion of writing and editing this post. They must be getting impatient, they're vaulting pallets now. I'm not budging.
Nothing to do with Chucky. That's how survivors play against everyone in 2023
27 -
I had NO gen perks, save for pentimento with one stack that I activated after they gave up. They could have, and would have gen rushed me into oblivion. If they didn't have an agenda. They threw. And this is like the third time tonight.
1 -
Am I right to assume that you constructed this theory based on a single match?
Many would say that's an insufficient sample size.
The survivors I faced in a couple dozen trials were cool, they didn't give up.
22 -
I mean, this how it always goes, isn't it?
He's certainly strong, and I can't say all the complaints are invalid, but it's always going to be worse the first few days. Personally, I've always given it a week or two before I try and gauge a killer's balance. I've died more times to him than I've won, but there have also been a few games where I utterly kicked that little #########'s ass.
I'm pretty sure BHVR will give it a week or two, unless someone finds a tech that makes him busted or something.
0 -
The first survivor died with no gens done. Just asking, did you tunnel him out? Because that might be a reason the survivors to give up. When the killer want to make the game boring (and he will win anyway with 3 survivors left and no gen done), then some survivors let him have it.
18 -
But... three of them escaped, two of them having higher scores than you. That doesn't look exactly as a group who gave up.
14 -
This is not a new narrative.
Every time a new killer comes out that is even remotely strong, especially if they're even a little "atypical" a decent sized section of the surv base does this. They just want to keep using the same tactics and have hissy fits about how nerfs are needed, or stage dumb in game protests, or DC en masse.
We just saw this with Xeno.
Then they either actually quit the game, or they put on their adult pants and learn how to play against them.
18 -
Again, this is how survivors play in 2023. I had a Trapper game yesterday where I caught one survivor in a trap, they suicided on hook, and the rest of the team just ran up to me and gave up.
2 -
People gave up against Xenomorph because its tail attack had 0 cooldown (acknowledged glitch) & the turrets weren’t working well. Very different.
20 -
I haven't noticed anyone DC even being tunneled out and that seems to be mostly what they are doing. I have started to see other killers use combos that make them completely undetectable with Friends til the end and that is where I am seeing DCs and hookicides.
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I have played a lot of Chucky matches today and haven't had one game where someone gave up.
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I haven't had anyone give up against him yet. Might be the hex build, they cbf with it? Who knows. But it sounds like it was one team.
1 -
I see it too, and I ve been playing mostly as survivor lately, and it happens to me as well, sometimes Im tired of seeing every match the same regression combo perk of pain res and pop, and the same tunneling strategy at 4-5 gens, it gets so frustrating and more when you are playing in solo q. I think the overall survivor side feels a fatigue from behaviour destroying survivor perks, giving nerf after nerf after nerf, and only buffing niche or situational perks such as that one from Renato, dont remember the name, who asked a buff for that perk?? are you kidding me? you have 200+ perks where you can only use 10-15 as survivor because the other rest are pure trash, and you buff one perk that was already OK, wasnt the best, but worked fine where it was. Survivors havent had a good buff in a while, and besides that the nerfs will continue coming, and you know how behaviour nerf perks, they destroy them and make them SOO situationals that no one will even try to use them. So to sum it up, in my head giving up so frequently overtunes killers and perks statistics in some way, I can only hope that helps to nerf some stuff on the killer side, and im pretty sure im not the only one that thinks in that way, because if it wasnt like this, you wouldnt have survivors killing themselves every other match.
Edit: Also, solo q is trash, and it seems its always on the lowest level of priorities, so at least be happy to have those crappy game where you can win so easily, its the killer mains wet dream, instead of having good matches where you dont know whats gonna happen already at 5 gens.
Edit2: Sorry for the rant, this game is so frustrating
6 -
purposefully skewing data so the devs can make unnecessary changes is crazy
3 -
Level 4 of the tome just came out. Generally the first couple of days everyone is trying to do challenges, and if something goes slightly wrong, or they are going against a killer that makes that challenge hard, or they complete the challenge, they just let themselves die so they can do the next one.
Should even out over the next few days.
2 -
Well when they keep nerfing perks like STBFL (which is coming) and nerfing trickster from PTB, or chucky from PTB or Xenomorph or all the other nerfs they keep doing while completely ignoring blight and nurse for years at this point. What do you expect?
Post edited by Reinami on1 -
But it wasn't just Xeno, it's every good killer that drops, seemingly. It's as predictable as the sunrise.
The theme is people being reactionary babies.
I've only played a few (4 or 5) versus Chucky, and only one was a 4K, and no one DC'ed. I don't think anyone killed themselves on hook. Seems silly, you're not going to learn how to play against him unless you actually play against him.
1 -
I played some Chucky-games today and I played A LOT of games against Chucky yesterday and today (I would guess I had 3 matches where the Killer was not Chucky). And I did not see this happen in any of them. Even tho, I would agree that he is not really enjoyable to go against, at least at this point.
However, it is kinda hypocritical to open a Thread about Survivors not participating in the game while you are doing the same - not participating in the game. You could probably easily 4K them if they dont want to play against you and move on to the next game.
14 -
The nerfs you mention for chucky and xeno are .X seconds on an action if im noit mistraken, and in the case of xenomorph it was because there wasnt any counterplay to his tail attack, how can you think thats fair? And the STBFL nerf is just pure hipocrisy, ist on the last spots of most used perks, they killed or are going to kill every survivor perk in the top 3, but they just start on the last one on the list for the killer side, instead of nerfing pain res and pop. Again, if you are a killer main, you are having or will have a blast, because you will have the easiest matches ever as this trend of survivors killing themselves will continue to grow over and over
7 -
I get all the toxic try hard survivors then?
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Because even before the nerf, nurse and blight are still the best killers in the game. Why waste time "fixing" things that are much lower on the pole than the things that are the core problem?
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PTB Trickster was the EPITOME of horrific design
15 -
I really doubt pain res or pop need a nerf. Especially pop, considering it's the healthiest slowdown perk in the game.
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Not saying it was good or fair or balanced. But nurse and blight are more OP.
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Calling people reactionary babies for pointing out how busted the tail was is the epitome of this forum. I created a discussion asking about how the tail is balanced in the current state and no valid point was mentioned. I got name-called and made out to be a villain for asking a simple question. Call me a baby all you like but at least defend your point.
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Playing against chuckie is like having having to go against OddJob from 007 Golden Eye with a golden gun. Except you get slappers.
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do you think the last buff it had from 25% to 30% was necessary or justified?
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Understandable. Survivor is not playable with how broken killers are.
5 -
Players AFK when they get frustrated. Survivors haven't learned the matchup yet. This happens every time a new killer gets released. I'm not sure that it's some sinister plan to get Chucky nerfed.
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Not that it's an excuse, but maybe they're just bored of playing against Chucky every match?
I know there's a new killer released and everyone wants to play him, but VSing the same killer 10+ times in a row can get a little boring, it sucks but it's the truth.
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Chucky is the most fun killer to play against since wesker
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Neither of those last two things happen because BHVR always caves in and gives them what they want.
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Argue your point please. Really want to see how Xeno was undeserving of a nerf, I made a whole discussion about it and you might be the first person to have a valid point!
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I would say we could've seen how he was SUPPOSE to play after fixing the bugged speed rather than just arbitrarily nerfing it from 2.0 to 1.2
5 -
In my case (I play killer and survivor) I'm sick of playing against Chucky. It's gets tiring going against the same killer back to back and all of them have the same game play style. Survivors aren't asking for nerfs (from what I've seen on forums and pages) we're just tired of the same killer back to back. I get the new killer is fun but when you get 10+ matches of the same character and all of them have a similar playing strategy it gets stale
I will say they could have picked a better type of carrying animation but that's me
*Edit* I haven't seen anyone give up but also people are trying to get challenges out of the way so they will die on second hook to move on to try and get certain challenges out of the way and sometimes killers will make it harder to complete said challenges.
2 -
that's why most killers need buffs so we can see other killers not just same killers.
2 -
ITT: people who think groups of 4 survivors at a time are going to band together across platforms and regions to skew the kill rates in a game that sees over 100k players daily. Genuinely, what am I reading? Nobody is coming home after work and thinking, "All right. Time to start the movement. Time to get this kill rate over 75% for the good of the cause."
18 -
Funnily enough, it's probably one of the most common conspiracies I see shared in this community lol people let go on hook for a multitude of reasons. To inflate kill rates is not one of them, I guarantee. I somehow don't think kill rates even need inflating.
9 -
Sometimes I really gotta go to the bathroom and it can't wait lmao or my food in the oven is depending on me not to burn it 🤣 most the time why I let myself go on hook lol other 5% is family stuff
1 -
To be fair if a survivor is dead at 5 gens (or 4) remaining, there's not really much point for the rest of them to keep playing, is there? The game is done, it would take a pretty big matchmaking blunder for the remaining survivors to have a chance at finishing the gens and escaping.
Sure some people will still try and have fun chases, or do their archives or get more BP but many are just gonna give up and go next where they actually have a shot at winning.
Can't blame people for bailing on a lost game.
10 -
They all refused to fix the generators? I don't get it 😕
Why are they not finishing and leaving? How did the match eventually conclude?
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True, but at the time no one knew it was a glitch. Meanwhile, a lot of discussions were created praising how balanced she was even with the glitch.
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Survivors are just getting used to being spoonfed buffs and basekit additions. They just genuinely don't want to bother to make any effort for wins. This is just how they protest so BHVR makes things even easier for them. I mean heck, BHVR is "fixing" 3 gens next year, you know, that thing that happens when survivors just randomly do gens without any strategy or thought of how it'll affect their endgame? Yes, a problem that the survivors create apparently requires punishing killers to fix. There is nothing to fix...survivors just need to play better.
Even with my fellow survivors, I see it all the time. The killer has PR, so I find a gen that is furthest from the other gens (meaning it's a safe gen to work with since the killer has to go far out of their way to get to it). I'll get it to 99 so it eats the PR hits and the important generators are left safe from PR....but comes Sally Survivor seeing a 99'd gen in the far corner of the map and doesn't even consider that there might be a reason we have left it at 99 and it's not regressing. They'll top it off for what...50 bp? and suddenly the priority generators in the middle of the map are getting nailed left and right from PR.
Why should the killer be punished for that situation? The fact is, survivors are just wanting to not have to make any effort or any thinking and wants to just blindly stroll through each match like a warm summers breeze is about. Gen? MUST COMPLETE 3 GEN POTENTIAL BE DAMNED. Survivor on ground? RUSH IN NO RISK WITH FTP AND BU. Killer near hooked survivor? RUSH IN AND DISREGARD KILLER WITH FREE BORROWED TIME AND NO POSSIBILE HOOK GRAB.
It's just getting silly. As a killer, you have to balance so many things simultaneously. As a survivor, press w or press m1.
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"Poor performance indeed."
0 -
Its only been a day and im getting survivors that seem to have learned the distance you can turn with slice and dice enough to dodge it consistently, I am struggling to get hits on aware survivors when they are not animation locked, which idk if I just cant get used to the third person camera and hitbox, or learning how to mindgame around pallets properly with them, but I am not having the best of times tbh.
The slowed scamper fels like in nearly every loop in the game its a waste of your power, and you'd be better breaking the pallet, by the time I have scampered over the pallet the survivor is close enough to go around the loop again, so again the only value i really geting is the occasins where im right behind a god pallet, its dropped with my power off cooldown.
Which is not only situational, dont take much survivor brain power to just.. not do that which feels the same way with most loops, at 110% if survivors just dont drop pallets you feel like a short impotent lil bastard.
But im sure itll be nerfed regardless.
0 -
I've played probably 40-50 or so games against Chucky since he released, I don't find my teammates are giving up. I'm sure one or two probs has, but I can't even think of any specific instances atm where it was super obvious. That award goes to Nurse players.
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That is 100% messing around they arent trying to win just have fun and annoy you a little.
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Me neither.
Only one, where I had 5 hooks and they had no gen done.
1 -
As a Survivor main, I'd love the option to NOT get matched with the last killer I just played against (the Killer, not the player). A no-repeat-killer checkbox would be nice.
Granted, I guess Killers could change to whatever they want once we're in the lobby, but it would be a step toward not seeing the same Killer (in this case Chucky) over and over and over.
I'd happily accept the longer matchmaking time on my end.
2 -
Killers haven't been able to change in lobby for a very long time. Ever since MMR was added.