
This perk really needs to change.
No other perk in the game 100% shuts down an item for the entirety of the match. If a flashlight can't blind the killer it serves no purpose and with the addition of Hex: Two can play we now have other flashlight counter options for killer that are more interesting than just taking your ball and going home with lightborn.
A few of my own suggestion:
- Revert to the old version, makes it take longer to blind but you can still do it.
- Prevent the killer from being STUNNED by a flashlight, but does not prevent blindness.
- Remove the blind immunity but keep the reveal the survivors aura and makes them the obsession.
- Make it Hex: Lightborn, so we can remove it from play.
Absolutely not. And yes there is. Distortion and calm spirit. They completely disable certain perks on killers. Would you like them changed as well? If you are okay with reworking both of those and every other aura read or scream counter in the game then I'm all on board with light born changes.
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I only think it shouldn‘t make you immune, because like you said it makes items useless. If it makes them useless you shouldn‘t loose them.
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Lightborn isn't really a problem. Plus it's a great perk for when killers encounter bully squads. As long as the squads are still around, the perk should stay as it is.
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If you argue like that items should counter killer powers/ addons. Items are the powers of survivors.
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You're 100% correct, It is bad game design for lightborn to just completely shut down lights with no actual interaction.
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Those perks are bad game design too.
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Calm spirit I’d say yes is bad design, it’s a niche perk that is pretty much just an “F you Doctor” perk. I’d be perfectly happy to see calm spirit reworked.
Distortion though, is fine, it has charges that run out when it’s used and to rebuild them you have to put yourself in harms way. I’d also be perfectly happy for lightborn to work more like distortion, give it charges that are consumed when it successfully blocks a blind, charges can be rebuilt either by just being out of chase for a certain amount of time, or by doing something not chase related like kicking gens.
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Having a perk to counter flashlights and having a perk that completely shuts them down are 2 very different things.
I’m not saying lightborn should be removed. I’m saying it shouldn’t make a flashlight completely useless with no counter play.
Imagine if survivors had a perk that was just “Disables the killer’s add-ons in the next trial” nothing the killer can do to deactivate that perk, just no add-ons for you today.
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I don't think this is that great of a comparison, as killers can't just pick up a new add-on during the match - whereas survivors can get new items easily, with chests, Dramaturgy and getting gifts from teammates.
And whereas a full on Killer Add-on Blocker would only bring disadvantages to the killer and help the survivors considerably, Lightborn can unironically help survivors - you see that the clicky click is not working, you go back on gens and try to get the game done faster. And when the secret that Lightborn is there is out, the killer is now playing with only 3 perks for the rest of the match. Plus, there are a lot of situations where even without Lightborn you simply would never be able to get the save (the killer gets the down next to a wall) so the actual value you lose because of Lightborn is most likely not that high. Just yesterday I equipped Lightborn against a full flashlight team, thinking it was a SWF, but it turned out to not be the case and they never even used them once, so I literally just wasted a perk slot.
It shuts off flashlights completely, yes, but it comes at a cost (one full perk slot used for something that might not even happen), flashlight value is never guaranteed anyway and sometimes it can make survivors throw games. Tbh equipping Lightborn is almost always a bad choice for killers - except for those occasions in which you get the bully SWF squad that only plays for blinds, stuns and sabos, and considering how annoying those games can be sometimes, it's good that a high risk high reward perk like that exists.
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It would be great if it didn't completely invalidate flashlights. But when I consider the kind of BS survivors squads can do with them, it feels like an acceptable sacrifice. If BHVR came up with fixes to limit a bully squads ability to grief killers, I would likely entertain changes to Lightborn.
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Windows of Opportunity shuts down having to make an escape plan. Both perks shuts down a tedious part of the game.
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It's not really a simple answer. That's at least what I'm seeing. Lightborn is a perk specifically designed to counter two specific survivor items which is flashlights and flashbangs. On top of that it punishes survivors by revealing their aura. Seems overly punishing towards a single effect until you consider just how busted flashlights can be, especially when synergized with perks.
Necessary evil essentially.
Then it comes to the issue that Lightborn requires no effort on the killers part except to equip it which makes it uneven to the effort and risk associated with going for a flashlight save. It's much like old Made for this which also required no effort on a survivors part to utilize.
This is also in comparison to other perks that cam counter flashlights such as Franklin's demise, Forced Hesitation, Two can play and Unnerving Presence which of course are all much less effective than Lightborn but are at the very least more creative and interesting.
I believe if any change is to be made to Lightborn, it should be an activation requirement and a limited active time. Perhaps even changing the effect entirely such as disabling all flashlights for x amount of time after x action. This allows survivors room to use flashlights while also still granting the killer protection from them. It also allows better synergy with other perks since if you have Lightborn, you don't need anything else to counter flashlights.
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Tell that to a bully 4 man swf squad who goes sabo build and is sitting on discord. Lightborn in it's current state exists for a reason.
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You don't need flashlights to play the game.