why am i not seeing xenos anymore?
Having the players need to record their stuff for reports is obnoxious. Our Switch cousins can't even do that, they removed that ability like two years ago.
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Most people forget the switch version is even a thing, lol
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the tail is bugged, it just doesn't hit people after the nerf they did to the movement speed. Like, you can literally hit someone clearly and have it go straight through them.
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no one wants to play alien now because of how badly its punished for missing now, and this miss penalty is included on breaking turrets with the tail attack. its much safer to go for a m1 attack over using the tail, and since thats the case the player may as well chose a m1 killer like myers. i understand that playing against xenomorph on release felt unfair and frustrating, but we shouldnt be complacent when a killer, especially a new one, becomes so bad that no one wants to play them. instead of playing xeno now, those players might be double speed alch ring blights, mdr spirits, or aura reading slowdown nurses.
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I mean take a look at their post history, I do not think they care at all about the killers quality from the killer perspective.
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im glad they are rare, they are lowkey still busted lol
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Because it's sucks ? A really bad killer
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Very well summed up. Currently it just feels unrewarding to play Alien. The turrets made sense on release. But now, with the harsher conditions on a miss and with how easy it is to miss. Its just... not fun to play.
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Exactly! Only way to make sure players across all platforms can successfully report their cross play experience against cheaters is making use of the dedicated servers.
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Forums: Alien got nerfed hard and is bugged and unplayable and weak and turrets should not exist.
Good players: Alien is busted if you compare the ease of playing to power level, there is no counterplay to the tail in chase, on loops it's like a 4.6m/s Huntress without the wind-up or cooldown times, more difficult to keep track of and to get pallet stuns on, without turrets you basically just die in 30s tops and even turrets most of the time only briefly slow Xeno down in their pursuit as they will only rarely get pulled out by turrets if they aren't stupid, you need to place two to have a chance of pulling them out (unless they have the add-on, then often not even two will do the job). 4k at 3-4 gens standing consistently.
I don't think Alien is overpowered, against competent, coordinated, communicating 4-player SWFs it is still not wrecking house, it has to go through various time-consuming motions even if it can basically guarantee hits on most loops and it doesn't have any outright busted add-ons. But in your average match, Alien is one of the most potent killers to easily demolish with. Oppressive chase, map traversal and tracking, stealth, timesink of turrets that can be fairly easily avoided.
I think turrets need to do more, and stunning Alien with a pallet could also take it out of ability for some time. There should naturally be compensative buffs to Alien for this however.
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*Keeps casually playing Xeno...*
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I do play alien and believe it or not the most frustrating part is that I pierce the head of a survivor with the tail yet no damage to survivors.
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are the dev going to fix this?
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At least some good news
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The last few times I've played Xeno have felt awful. The low FOV makes some maps painful to go through, the tail is unreliable and I can barely tell where it's even aiming due to the strange angle and wonky hitbox, the flamethrowers add further disorientation, and you're harshly punished for every wrong move. It just doesn't feel rewarding at all to play this character, which is a damn shameful embarrassment that this is what one of the biggest IPs in DbD plays like.
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That’s modern MO for BHVR. Take a Killer that Survivors find problematic and nerf them into the garbage.
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What should they fix? Should they force players to play Xeno or what?
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Make him worth using and not have hand-held counterplay.
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The Turrets BARELY do anything. Xeno is still a good Killer. It is just not a braindead Killer anymore where you can spam your power without punishment.
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2 stacked turrets is basically guaranteed to take an alien out of the power, no matter what addons they have
Xeno can be really good, and threading the needle feels amazing when it works. But also, DBD has completely jacked collision as anyone who has ever played Bubba, Billy, Blight, etc can tell you. And Xeno suffers from it almost just as bad. I have had plenty of game-losing tail attacks where it literally collides with the air.
You would almost have to spam Xeno 24/7 to actually know what you can and cannot tail attack around because you will have things like cars on springwood that have giant invisible hitboxes where the entire particle effect for the tail hitting an object is levitating and even the survivors can seem confused that they didn't go down after the attack is absorbed by nothing
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no fix the tail it hitbox is off.
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I don't understand, the tail hit box is working fine for me...
Can I recommend a cross hair for you people?
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I'm on console so no, you cannot.