Backround Player is not balanced. (My personal hot take)
I’m not trying to be entitled by any means I just want to know how to counter it without needing Lightborn.
When a survivor is downed on a pallet and if theres a teammate nearby with the perk theres nothing you can do because they can have so much distance and can get to the pallet in time very quickly when you pick up.
It’s also not fair with flashbangs and flashlights, flashbangs can be used when looking at walls (in my experiences i’ve been stunned/blinded even when looking at the walls) and if your not looking at a wall they can speed their way to flashlight save instead. Backround player pretty much makes any save guaranteed.
Slugging works sometimes but the majority of the time they get picked up pretty quickly.
I do want opinions but the perk has made my games chaotic recently and I love running my Chucky build consisting of Friends to the End, Furtive Chase, Nemesis, and Lethal Pursuer, I really don’t wanna replace it with Lightborn just to counter one annoying perk, though I may not have a choice.
Advice will be appreciated, thanks! I haven’t played killer in a good while because I was prestiging my Quentin to p100, and getting back into the flow is something I need to get used to.
I don't think the 200% speed really has enough counterplay.
A healthier buff would have been reducing the Exhaustion duration to 20 seconds instead.
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I agree.
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I don't think there's much you can do at pallets other than slugging, but you can employ the same strategy you'd use to chase off a flashlight user in the open and even with background player the survivor can't get a flashlight/flashbang save.
Basically, bait the pickup then chase them away, then go back (while watching them) and pick up facing the opposite direction. Unless they get close enough to where you can hit them for free or get a hit after a few seconds of running at them, they won't have enough time even with the perk to flashbang or flashlight save.
This only works if you know where they are and there's only one of them though. The extra distance from the 200% means they can hide from really far away so it can be hard to find them sometimes.
Picking up instantly, using walls (against flashlights), and utilizing your killer power where possible (doc, pyramid head, wesker, etc) can help, but against multiple background player users I think you're better off slugging
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If you know a player is loitering for a save you should hit or chase them off. One should only be surprised by the perk once because after that one knows it’s in play. The counterplay is the same as if you were dealing with any player attempting a flashlight save.
How many perks must you run as survivor to counter things the killer can do? I’m just curious. Because you’ve stated you don’t want to use the perk that exists to counter blinding. Just curious if this cuts the other way.
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Thank you for the feedback, both of you.
Ayodam, I love running fun non-meta builds, anything like Plot Twist and Tenacity are one of my favorite combos. The builds for killer on Chucky all work in favour together and I feel that replacing one of them with Lightborn ruins what I was trying to do!
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How about we give all killers a fake pickup animation as basekit. When you stand over a survivor, press the e or secondary effect button and bent down, but then stand up again. Why not give killers a bit of some ways to clever plays, instead of just being he big, dumb oaf who can only maneuver around the world like an elephant.
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Yeah and it's busted enough you can full well know survivors have it and there will be nothing you can do. I have only run into a SWF using 3+ background players and flip flop + power struggle once; and I put on lightborn since they had 4x flashlights in the lobby, but even that that was enough to realize how broken this perk is on coordinated survivors.
The survivor goes down on a pallet and you either pick them up within ~10 seconds or they get out for free. But then someone is threatening the save from a light year away so even by the time you would walk over and hit them to chase them off the power struggle is already active and your down is nullified.
And still this doesn't go into how you can flashbang the killer even if they are looking at a wall. There is basically nothing you can do against that since the background player can be so far away and still get the save
The only thing holding this perk back is that it really needs a SWF to be truly broken but even solo's can abuse it a decent amount
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lol of course survivors running at blight speed isn't balance. U can sit 18 meters out of range where most killer can't even threaten you and still make it to the pallet in time. The flashlight more reasonable to deal with but the pallet drop is kinda impossible to stop.
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there is nothing you can do against pallet saves because they can run half a map long distance until your animation finishes and save the person, but other than that i think it's fine with flashlights, they need to position way closer and you can notice them then. plus looking at a wall/180 picking still applies. it doesn't really help flashbang users since their window is very narrow.
Post edited by NerfDHalready on0 -
Not enough counterplay. The survivor covers so much distance that it becomes unreasonable to check for them around the pallet before picking. And multiple survivors having the perk in the same trial really affects the flow the trial. Needs to be dialed back.
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Run Hubris. Problem solved.
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They look like hacking when they use that perk. It also counters Agitation/Mad Grit/Iron Grasp meme build because you cannot catch up. That thing is better than SB xD
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Hubris is a sht meme perk.
20seconds is nothing when maps have many pallets grouped together.
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You're never going to catch up to them in 20 seconds, especially when they probably still have a second or two of 200% speed after stunning you to escape.
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The perk gets you so much distance, so survivors can put themselves in a spot where most killers cannot threaten them. I have faced strong teams who I know had the perk and I even figured they would be hiding for a save and I knew there was nothing I could do about it.
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I think the perk could do with being 150% at the 5 seconds, but having a reduced exhaustion cooldown like smash hit. I think 200% makes it so that you can be far enough away to the point where even if the killer looks around or knows you are going to do it, they cannot really pick that guy up or punish you.
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How about we take away the ability for killers to see what we're bringing as a basekit? Every killer main on all these forums do is whine cry and complain and even when the devs give in yall still find more reasons to complain. Yall won't ever be satisfied. All bc you have a few bad matches you run to devs and forums to cry and complain. Meanwhile solo q for survival is the worst its ever been, yet I still manage to just get over it and still play.
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Background Player was made to counter you horrible TUNNELING KILLERS that suck at the game and think that's the way to get kills!!!!!
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Yeah this perk was overbuffed.
The range you have to scout around before picking someone up against Background Player is unreasonable.
Killer grasp rescues aside, it's also absolutely unnmatched as a tool for map traversal. You got the ability to cover ~half of the map every time the killer picks someone up. It's too mcuh.
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So that's what you take away from my rather innocent idea? Have you fallen for Demogorgons and Trappers doing he fake pickup in a couple or games and now balk at the idea becoming more widespread?
So you think indeed that killers should only ever be the bumbling oaf and not bring able to pull off some tricks themselves, besides moonwalking?
Do I come off as whiny and calling for some nerfs of your favorite perk or toy? I am really curious and puzzled by the way you lashed out, but I feel you, we have all been there.
But while I am a big, bad killer main, I actually try to contribute in a balanced way to the conversations and discussions in the forums. Sure, sometimes a bad mood gets the better of me or I over extend with a thought, bit contrary to what some survivor mains might claim, I am not one of those killer mains who want "all survivors start on the hook" or who "mercilessly ask for nerf after nerf till there is no perk left besides Red Herring and Poised".
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And have attempt of flashlight/pallet save literally every time + another exhaustion perk in chase? Hell no, just revert it to previous state.
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This last buff was as unnecesary as when they buffed Pop from 25 to 30%. Having tons of useless perks you choose to buff some already ok, or op perks as pop. The audacity.