Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Emp killing singularity mains

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Do something about the Emps

1.Reduce the downtime of biopod when hit by emp

2.Increase the time to pick up emp

3.Reduce the crates spawn rate

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 589
    edited December 2023

    literal skill issue.

    the only issue singularity has is horrible dependency on soma's photo addon.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I feel that EMPs should have a priority. To Elaberate

    Let's say your a Slip Streamed survivor, you pick up a EMP and you walk over to a Bipod and detonate the EMP. Instead of taking out both the Slip Stream and Bipod, it takes the Slip Stream off, and than you have to use another EMP to take the bipod offline.

    Only compensation I think to give survivors for this is to decrease the time it takes for Slip Stream to spread between each other.

    And for the love of The Entitiy BHVR give this Sentient Mind some decent add-ons because if it's not running Soma, it might as well not be using add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited December 2023

    Let the Singularity mains find greener pastures. He's as boring to go against as SM. (Almost)

    Your compensation isnt even close to what you gave the killer. We dont care how fast it spreads among us. If it only affects one like that, then simply make the EMP's regenerate faster. 1/2 effective when used? Then double the speed of regenerating. Thats really the 'only' compensation you could think of? Really?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Singularity mains have no such complaints, trust me.

  • Member Posts: 589

    yeah, if you find issues with EMPs, you're literally not good enough to have opinion on this killer.

  • Member Posts: 556
    edited December 2023

    There are more important issues.

    1. Sound being an add-on. Seriously i rely more on sounds than my eyes, and this is very disorienting for me, and on top of making it uncomfortable to play for me the add-on also has a downside, making you spend more time than you often should just for sounds. Just make sound basekit without the 0.5 second penalty and rework that add-on.
    2. Being balanced around infections, seriously that is something thrown on top that can be removed. Just remove the infection and make the overclock last a little longer to compensate. I feel like this would benefit both sides while making his kit a little less bloated and more streamlined.
    3. The inconsistant pods, sometimes you see a the survivors ankle and you can infect and teleport to them, other times it gets blocked by them stepping on grass or a branch that not even hides 5% of their body.
  • Member Posts: 589
    1. maybe, but im fine with it being addon, it's way too good for basekit.
    2. no. infections are really important part of his kit.
    3. that's the issue of maps, the reg could be fixed, but generally you just need to place them better instead of showing off and shoving them in places, where they get blocked.
  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Singularity is supposedly a pretty strong killer already. You just have to be incredibly good with it to get the EMPs out of the way and still continue harassing the survivors. I have seen what some Singularity mains are capable of but it's just way too hard. This killer needs to be played almost flawless or nothing will work.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    If they could only add soma photo 5% speed as basekit ...

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Thats really the 'only' compensation you could think of? Really?

    I apologize that I took the time to voice my idea's while 26hrs into a 48hr shift. I'll try to work on being more creative while not only sleep deprived but taking a mandatory ventallation break from the chemicals I work with.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I feel like some people really don’t understand how strong Larry can be. This is a hot take, but I think he’s high A tier with Spirit and Wesker when certain perks and add ons are in play.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    indoor maps are the bane of this killer, but he is mostly fine emps are okay after nerfs. i also don't think he is that dependant on add ons especially after riddance of mft.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    It's not necessarily a skill issue if someone finds resetting their power to be annoying. It's the same reason I don't play Xenomorph. I don't like repetitive things like EMPs and flame turrets.

  • Member Posts: 504

    The thing that I think they just need to do is simply rework the 3D Printers in general- What I think they should change with the printers is that:

    1) They don't auto-print constantly, but, instead, auto-print whenever a generator is completed(my logic is that the printers don't have enough power for a constant supply of EMPs so whenever a generator is completed they receive a quick boost/surge in power to let them make EMPs on their own for one time).

    2) The manual printing speed should be lowered/decreased to compensate for the fact that manual printing is gonna be needed more often(it'd probably be like 15-20 seconds at max for how long it'd take to manually print the EMPs)

    3) There should be an EMP cap of 4 EMPs existing at any given time so that once there's currently 4 EMPs available at any given time preventing anymore from being printed once that cap has been reached(this part of my rework idea is mainly inspired by Xeno's turret system since I've always viewed the EMPs and the turrets to be similar in nature, but the turrets feel more balanced and less oppressive than the EMPs are).

    That's what I think needs to be changed for Singularity the most- Outside of that stuff though I think they should add a system to the Biopods to where once they start locking onto a survivor they auto-track the survivor's movements until either they get fired at, break LoS, or exit the Biopod's range. This is mainly meant to be a QoL change to help console players since he's not very easy to play as in the slightest on controller.

    Also I feel like using an EMP directly next to a gen should have some sort of consequence like it either loses 5-10% progress each time an EMP goes off with the gen in its radius or the gen stalls out for like 10-15 seconds and can't be progressed until it finishes. To me this would make perfect sense due to the fact that they are EMPs after all and EMPs would logically damage/disrupt a generator.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Singularity is already A-tier killer. I believe there is few maps are terrible for him but most maps are just fine. Maybe they should add Soma Family Photo to his base-kit and give different effect to this add-on, so people can use different add-on combos.

    But he is fine killer anyway. Nerfing EMPs again will remove his all counterplay which will end to nerfing him as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Im not going to feel bad because I don't know your life. Im a stranger on the internet. You still chose to speak up, and judging from your writing style, I feel you are pretty intelligent. Take my goad and think up some compensations to discuss, please. Genuinely curious.

    Your suggestions frighten me. Remove auto-print, Blow up gens, EMP cap, Auto-track survivors. They're not bad suggestions, but your numbers sounds way more than they should be.

    Only going to disagree with the Gen damaging. My gods, no :(

  • Member Posts: 589

    people just dont understand that for larry to reach high performance you need to play on the level of a player who mains this killer.

    if you just pick singularity up for a few games, you will never get that high tier performance like you would get on most other killers once you quickly get used to their powers.

  • Member Posts: 589

    tbf, i think they could either delete it altogether and actually buff other aspects of this killer or add it basekit. any outcome is fine, i just really hate the addon dependency.

    though im fine even with addon dependency if it means devs won't break larry.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I honestly don't.

    For me , killers should not be add-on dependend. Their base-kit should be good enough. And add-ons should change their play-style or give them little buffs.

    If Singularity needs to use one add-on which makes him good to play, this is bad design. This add-on should be his base-kit.

  • Member Posts: 589

    im just saying that when choosing between trickster/Freddy treatment (duh nobody plays this killer bc too strong/seemingly weak, let's buff/rework him so the killer is easier, oh well, we buffed him too much, nerf into worse state than the killer used to be in) and purple addon dependency, Im choosing the latter.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I just said that as a side thing that I think would make sense with the gen damage/disruption- And the auto-tracking with the targeting reticle for his biopods is a QoL change that can't exactly be argued with too much because it'd still have the same counter-play and BHVR have already proven that they'd be willing to make QoL changes involving aim with killer powers when they removed the recoil on Trickster specifically for controller users. Everything else is relatively simple and wouldn't be a big problem if they were implemented imo.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I agree with this - The EMP's would be tolerable if the pods would just ######### go where I shoot them. The main annoyance for me is if your pod crosshair is slightly touching a window you can't fire. That alone is a load of bullshit.

    But yes - Camera management and juggling POV's constantly switching between killer and several cameras is mentally draining to play this killer.

  • Member Posts: 562

    singu is actually very oppressive in all my solo q games. and reduce the emp's would make him S tier from A tier. i will stand by my opinion that hes one of the most oppressive killers right now if the singu knows what they are doing.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Larry can only be A tier if he is facing very bad players. As greedying loops and using the spare distance is incredibly effective against him. Also under NO circumstance ever should a singularity get a hit with overclock by the pallet break stun, no aware person will let that happen.

    However taking into account the average soloQ teamate can feel trapless trapper to be oppressive it makes larry look better than he really is.

  • Member Posts: 589

    pretty much.

    singu's entire power is being very oppressive. you cannot buff or nerf him too much, otherwise he is way too much for average solos on more or less their skill level of killers or entirely useless.

    even if what we have rn isn't the sweet spot, im 100% sure we shouldn't experiment any further. best thing devs can do is just do something about soma's photo, MAYBE do some QoL changes and LEAVE HIM as is.

  • Member Posts: 404
    edited December 2023

    As a Singularity Main, please don't nerf EMPs further.

    Making them very weak opens up creating Skull Merchant 3 Gen strategies on a different killer, and I'd quite like playing my main with a full lobby instead of ragequit DCs and constant advocacy for nerfs or reworks.

    I'm all for suggestions that aim to address Singularity's pick rate, but making him unfun to play as and against is not the solution. I think the best thing to do would actually be to buff EMPs slightly and then make some or all of Soma Family Photo be basekit, thereby putting more focus on his power in chase and drawing away from using EMPs to camp gens.

  • Member Posts: 589

    i dont think they need to buff EMPs to compensate Soma's photo basekit.

    they just need to put it basekit with corresponding nerfs to the overclock base duration & rework addon into something you don't have to run every game.

    and even that is totally optional, because i'd rather not have singularity get into devs' scope ever, rather than seeing him get into a cycle of getting buffed so much he gets nerfed to the worse state than before.

  • Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2023

    They could use a small change, but if you're really having an issue you're just not good enough. Only changes I'd make are the EMPs breaking if you get hit while holding one.

    If the devs really wanted to do more they could make them take 0.5 seconds longer to use (3 seconds) and make the Pod cooldown 0.5 seconds shorter (3 seconds) so survivors would either have to react fast or use/charge the EMPs preemptively. Without nerfing the EMPs harshly, this would give singularity a few more tools to get EMPs out of survivor's hands.

  • Member Posts: 404

    Agreed on the last point - I think Hux is on the whole fine and any changes he needs are QoL rather than changing how strong he is.

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