New chucky perk friends to the end is OP

Does anyone else feel that the scream and aura and exposed is too much for one perk, it would be another story if they had to combo two or more perks to achieve what this perk does. But as the title suggest i think the perk could use a nerf, when you scream that’s the survivor notification that you have to move or get caught but this perk there’s not much running from it because it gives you the ten seconds of aura so whichever way you go the killer knows. I feel currently this perk is a guarantee that once you the hook first survivor you don’t have to worry about finding anyone else. This perk is especially OP on stealth killers that you can’t see or hear where they come from. One thing to counter this would be making the aura reveal shorter maybe only a few second instead of 10.
Do any others feel this way or am i just a sweaty survivor?
There are perks that directly counter this perk. Run one of those.
If you don’t, then move to a safe spot in preparation for the killer to come to you.
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The perk only triggers a scream or aura depending on whether the obsession swapped. And screams are a weaker tracking tool due to the fact it's a stationary ping. Not to mention it only triggers on a single survivor at a time. It's hardly OP and it's a perk that wants the killer to not camp/tunnel.
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I think an issue is not all players have Distortion/Calm Spirit so it makes things harder for new players who also won’t know techniques like hiding in lockers to avoid detection.
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The exact same thing can be said about killers.
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The perk gives killers a reason not tunnel, which is good.
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It promotes a very aggressive playstyle while providing key information and has extremely good synergy with other obsession perks like Rancor, Nemesis and Furtive Chase.
The perk on its own isn't really too terribly strong because it's extremely predictable perk and it's not hard to guess if a killer has it. That means survivors can take measures to counter it such as going lockers before someone is hooked. Plus distortion and calm spirit counters the perk as well.
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Not really since you mostly have to play into it and not play around it at all for it to be good. You know its coming or you don't have to worry about it, at worst its a single person bbq
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So regardless of what people here are saying, it 1000% is going to be a problem.
This is something I saw yesterday on a different forum, first time I saw anything like it, mind you, and guess how many killers have ran this combo today in games I've played? At least five. Haven't played since the last one. As a solo queue player 90% of the time, this kind of nonsense is pretty much a nightmare to see.
I get it, people don't want things nerfed, but if your complaining about synergy issues on one side and downplaying things like this, or batteries included+NOED, regardless of the Hex being able to be taken out, or (old) MFT+Hope, it's very hard to take anything said as trying to have a discussion in good faith. It's only a matter of time before this is a very common build, and it is NOT fun to deal with. It's being touted as an "anti-tunnel" perk, and it may not be right off the hook tunneling, but boy does it feel close to it dealing with this if your unlucky enough to continue becoming the obsession, which I was several times. Not a fun combo, only a matter of time before a LOT of people with other killers run it. Not a good time for playing survivor.
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I don’t know why people keep using that false argument that it promotes not tunneling. No it doesn’t lmao. If killer finds someone else, instadown. If killer doesn’t. Just wait for unhook and tunnel.