Friends till the end shouldn’t work end game

Yeah just tell the killer where the death hook injured survivor is that’s balanced
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No literally just got out of a match did great all game died because of this perk telling the killer exactly where I was death hook and injured like fair enough in game but too powerful for end game
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You need to hook a survivor for this, how is it different from BBQ, or Alien Instinct as aura reading perk?
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My man, killers could just bring bbq or UW for the exact same effect? How is this perk unbalanced?
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Survivors really just don't want killer perks to do anything
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You can break totems if you really dont like it
Edit; LOL jk I thought you meant two can play oops, I've been liking shadowstep and vigil to protect allies from it atm, I feel people just need to be more aware of what it does.
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My man UW is in terror radius and BBQ doesn’t make you exposed hmmm
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You do realise I play 50/50 and main phead have over 8k hours around 3-4 of them being in killer what do you have to say to that ? A lot of killer players ask for nerfs to any perk that helps survivors in anyway
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Exposed and it’s map wide and on a killer with mobility way too strong for end game especially when that survivor is in a dead area
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Regarding the exposed effect, isn’t Hubris more dangerous since the exposed Survivor would be way more closer to the Killer to have stunned them?
I don’t see much complains about that perk
Once the Obsession knows Friends in play, the counterplay is get away from the downed non Obsession as much as possible before they are hooked, distortion would also counter the lengthy aura reading.
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i win 90% of my games as killer around the same amount if I’m in a swf on survivor.
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Ah the classic call for a 1v1, because that surely will show off your skill
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It’s more about a survivor is on death hook in the end game and the killer just gets to find where they are for hooking someone and it makes them exposed
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No just humble you a lil buddy you’re the one sat talking about peoples skill level because they made a post on a forum about a bad aspect of a perk… but if you wanna prove to me you’re better i am more than welcome to jump in customs with you
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@Crowman it’s always funny the person who acts all high and mighty can’t back it up anyways if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all.
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LOL you really think a 1v1 proves anything.
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well why talk about peoples skill if you’re too afraid to show us yours…
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You need to elaborate more about this specific scenario about a death hook survivor being caught in endgame and what map it was. BBQ/Alien Instinct/Ultimate Weapon could also provide the required tracking. 20s exposed is a threat if the Obsession didn’t start moving early when another Survivor went down.
Otherwise I will just assume the Obsession decided to remain near a Survivor that went down and got hooked in the endgame instead of putting as much distance as possible between themselves and the Killer. That would still be a misplay.
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It was me actually I was healing somewhere on rotten fields the survivor got hooked I got exposed and revealed to the killer and had nothing around me to loop all the pallets were gone and I died despite looping the killer for 3 gens finishing the last gen all got wiped away because of that perk and I had no time to react it’s mainly a problem with high mobility killers
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1) Did you go down while exposed?
If yes, you shouldn’t have continued healing and should have either beelined for the gates/hatch or as far as possible from the downed Survivor the moment they went down rather than wait for them to get hooked.
If no, it would have been no different from the Killer using BBQ/Alien Instinct since the Killer could see your aura and I assume you were the last Survivor
2)What Killer was it?
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Xenomorph and yes I finished healing just as it proced like trust me I’m a dead hard user so if I knew I would’ve been exposed I would’ve stayed injured but then I got robbed of a win just because Xeno teleported directly too me and downed me cause I didn’t have anything to work with
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Wait so you were in the midst of healing when the other Survivor went down and continued to heal until the Survivor went on hook?
I can see how Xenomorph would have cut you off that way. In terms of ways you could have countered that, if the Aura tracking portion works like BBQ, perhaps getting into a locker would have helped to block the aura? The perk is relatively new so everyone is still getting used to playing against it.
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The other thing is this topic is upset the perk did something in one game which somehow means it should be nerfed. I don't like this trend of people just wanting perks to do nothing and be a waste of space.
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Well tell killer mains that lol
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I didn’t expect it like you said it’s new i forget it’s even a thing I also don’t pay attention to the obsession most of the time
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i rly do hate having this attitude, but this perk is really terrible and you are telling on yourself if you think it's a problem
faced it 10 times over in the past few days and its done literally nothing guys
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Since I'm a distortion enjoyer I don't really have experience getting screwed by the perk.
However, given that there has been a common theme of "there should be no 'free' things in end game", it probably should deactivate in endgame; As OP outlined it's basically a free down on any killer with mobility.
... then again. There are always lockers and people tend to know if they're the obsession.
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Funny you say that because OP was insisting in another thread that Decisive Strike should work in endgame.
Makes the bias obvious.
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Just run distortion if this perk offends you that much then (:
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Honestly I kinda agree, I like the perk it gives great incentive to go for different survivors. However I think its a little too strong with how the effects are applied, particularly the obsession getting aura revealed for 10s on top of 20s exposed. I think this perk would be in a better spot if they switched the scream and aura reveal. So, hooking a survivor other than the obsession causes the obsession to scream and become exposed for 20 seconds and hooking the obsession causes another survivor to become the obsession and have their aura revealed for 10s.
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Oh right, because those other perks are not map wide.
Alien Instinct shows injured survivor, so that's basically same result as exposed.