Playing against bots can be a pain sometimes

It's funny, but I never thought that I would be complaining about bots! LOL I just purchased Chucky and I've been trying to practice with him, but it's proving to be really difficult because the bots always know where I'm at whenever hidey-ho mode is activated.
I was playing on the red forest and I had hidey-ho mode turned on. Thanks to his perk friends till the end, I was able to see the bot/obsession on the other side of a wall. However, the bot knew exactly where I was despite having no terror radius and no way to see me. If I went left towards the door they would move to the right towards the window, and if I moved right towards the window they would move left towards the door. To say that this was frustrating would be putting it mildly.
BHVR, can you please address this? Bots being able to detect killers with no terror radius shouldn't be a thing, right?
*So apparently I need to edit my original post. I've been playing in custom matches only while practicing with Chucky. I haven't played any live matches with him yet.
Chucky has very loud footfalls even if he has no terror radius, that could account for the change of direction with either a bot or an actual player. And if you are playing with a LOT of bots maybe you should back up and re-evaluate your play style. Maybe something about your gameplay is causing people to not want to bother playing with you.
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That is how the bots work.
Bot's have wallhacks and can't be mindgamed so they're only good for basic practice. I'd use them to get a feel for the power and after that switch to real people to learn the rest.
Playing against bots with Chucky feels awful because half the fun is confusing people with your size which doesn't work on them.
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My play style is causing people to not want to play with me? What on earth are you talking about? I was practicing with bods in custom matches. I have yet to step foot in a live match with Chucky.
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If it's true that the bots are allowed to have wall hacks, then that doesn't really allow you to practice efficiently with a lot of killers. What good are custom matches with bots if they can negate every power and perk that hides your terror radius? But sadly you're probably right.
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After playing more matches, I've concluded that it's nearly impossible to sneak up on bots. Equipping perks like tinkerer are absolutely useless, but more crucially a lot of powers that belong to killers like Chucky and Ghostface that hide your terror radius are made useless due to the bot's wall hacks and constant notifications of knowing when you're in the vicinity. It's almost like they have their own built-in Whisperers.
After getting nowhere with Chucky I decided to play Ghostface, and every single time that I tried to mark a survivor stealthily from behind a corner, the bot immediately ran off because they were instantly aware of them being marked.
TL:DR, bots in custom matches is a great way to practice, assuming you're not trying to be stealthy.
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Bots do have wallhacks but they also make very stupid mistakes. You will learn that they fall for the same mind games and fakes every time. I reckon that it's because their reaction time is quite slow to actually allow killers to do more than just run after them and build up bloodlust. If you want to really learn a killer, then the bots won't help you. They are only good for you to have the opportunity to practice more mechanical skills like using Slice & Dice in loops and learning maps.
To learn a killer you'll have to do what you do with any other skill that you want to learn. Practice. And what better way is there than to do that organically in public games?
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Hi came here to post a thread but I saw this one, hope you don't mind the piggyback OP! I don't think the 'this is how bots are, if you learn how to exploit them they're easy' is very helpful.
I've been playing since Clown and I think there's only a specific way one can play against the bots as they are that does not help anyone learn anything. You can't use stealth killers at all and in two out of four bot games I played tonight they had two gens done in under three minutes, I'm not even sure how. This presents a problem because new people can't learn anything in a low pressure environment except how to play against bots this way, and seasoned players who just want to try out perks/powers/just relax and not have to worry about everyone's fun are also not seeing any benefits from the bots because we aren't playing the game at that point, we're gaming the ai. A difficulty slider representing the behaviors of the low mid and high range of MMR would be perfect!
I just want the bots to serve a helpful purpose for newbies and old hats alike, and just a few tweaks here and there (like fixing their wall hacks and being able to set them as selfish or altruistic) would do a world of good! Thank you for your time!
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When bots were finally introduced into the main game, I cheered because trying to practice with a killer that you've never played before in a sweaty online match was the worst. However, as you've attested to, it's really difficult to do this with certain killers and certain builds that revolve around stealth.
The biggest advantage about having bots was to allow players to test certain builds and killers in a stress-free environment, but it didn't take long to realize that bots have their own hacks that make testing killers and certain builds a headache. You find yourself having to hop into online sweaty matches anyway as the bots will not only see a stealth killer coming from a mile away, but the fact that they are crazy efficient on generators makes any match end ridiculously quick if you don't have generator regression.
Now again, this is kind of a moot point if you're playing with a killer and/or build that is all about brute forcing your way through a match, but if you're trying to play stealthily or tactically, then you're kind of SOL.