What would be your dream map?

My dream map would be Rapture from Bioshock. If you could design your own map or have any licensed map, what would you pick?
A disco themed map where a disco room plays licensed music
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The backrooms
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Glass greenhouse garden for Blight, in either Crotus or Redforest realm.
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The streets of Twin peaks, including RR, Roadhouse and Palmers.
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Toy Factory full of Chucky Dolls…
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Rapture for sure. Imagine the eerie visuals of a dark, abandoned section of a city lost kilometres deep below the surface. Flickering lights, broken power supplies and pipes, maybe there could even be a room that is flooded and becomes unusable once a certain gen is finished.
They could even use the little sister vents (of course modified by the entity) as a means for survivors to unlock more escape routs by doing side objectives.
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Camp Crystal Lake would be cool if they ever get Jason. Some of the maps on the Friday the 13th game were great.
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As much as I hate indoor maps in this game, I still wish Ghostface came with the store map in his trailer.
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I’d still like to see Hellshire Penitentiary form Slinger’s lore some day.
Just any expansion on original 1-map or 2-map realms, really.
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Either between a big city, an amusement park (Which Clown should have) or some sort of map with a body of water or centralizing around that,
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A small flat square without any obstructions, and all seven gens packed tightly in the middle. 🤡
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A mix between the OG realms. Divide the map into 4 sections, each with their own lighting and structures, representing a different realm.
Lets say... upper right will be MacMillan:
Upper left can be Autohaven:
Lower right - Coldwind:
And finally, lower left can be Crotus Prenn:
I think it would be an interesting map.
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I'd like to see Trickster finally get a map. One set in a neon lit night life area of Seoul.
I'm also hoping we'll see a Gremlins Chapter one day and it would be cool to see Kingston Falls be added to the game.
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Good guy factory from Childs Play 2.
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Hooked on You Beach map when?
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The Overlook Hotel.
I know Indoor maps are notriously terrible, but still. I would love to wander through the Overlook. One of the most iconic horror locations, as far as I'm concerned.
Unfortunately, I don't think The Shining would work well as a chapter.
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A Trickster map would be so unique with all the vibrant colours.
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I love that idea. This map could be triple the size of Mother's Dwelling and I wouldn't care just for the old DBD feeling alone. It's so sad that they removed these signature looks.
Now DBD's maps don't look quite as distinct anymore. I get that they put a lot of effort into making them look better but the overall atmosphere got lost somewhere along the way.
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Please dont do this to me. Seeing those pictures remindes me of a time when the game actually had really cool style.
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Thank you, I'm happy someone likes this little idea of mine <3
And I agree completely, friend. I know some people didn't mind the map reworks, but for me... they just don't work, ya know. I really miss the old maps and overall atmosphere of the game.
I know, friend. I know.
Even after years, it is still difficult to think this game had a really cool style and BHVR chose to get rid of it.
I'll never understand this decision.
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im sorry but either rapture or fazbear fright
cant wait for people to hate on me for this
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Fazbear Fright would be awesome.
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aaahh sweet a fellow believer
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Been a FNAF fan since 2014.
I sure am a fellow believer, my friend.
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Rapture would be awesome
Camp Crystal Lake ahh yes
But personally I would want another Silent Hill map
The Lakeside Amusement Park would be great ,Then you also have the CSSC Mall would probably make a great map also
or just a section of town to run around in which includes the bowling alley,gas station, motel and some house or the entire area like when you either get to town as Harry or James ?
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what do u play on?
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I was looking for this comment before I'd say it, myself. I would LOVE for this. Easter Eggs abound.
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Perhaps a BHVR take on The Labyrinth from Hellraiser?
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A large haunted castle or mansion
I like my indoor maps more then most people, and something like The Manor from Darkest Dungeon or Castle Brennenburg from Amnesia would be amazing to explore and play in
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Always a PC player, but I don't play DBD anymore. Dropped the game a long time ago.
...Unless you're asking about FNAF, and in that case I usually play them on mobile. Except the fourth game, which I recently bought for PC.
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we should bring this into the off topic area and also whats your favorite fnaf game
mine is 4
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Glad to see a fellow Shining enjoyer! In a perfect world, it would be the lobby and bit outside - hopefully including the maze.
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The first game, definitely.
It is perfect: creepy, mysterious, fun and I'll never forget the feeling of beating 20/20/20/20 for the first time.
Though FNAF 2 is a close second. And I also love the animatronic designs from SL.
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A castle map would be 🤯🤯🤯
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From DBD itself, I'd still like to see the studio that Trickster's bandmates died in. I initially wanted that as a Hawkins reskin, but I think they could start from scratch and still do it just as well.
From licenses...
Kino Der Toten from CoD Black Ops' zombies mode. Open it up a little bit and maybe make some areas inaccessible just so it flows as a DBD map better, and I think it has some promise. Might be a little too similar to the RPD main area, but that's a risk I'd be willing to take.
New Vegas from Fallout: New Vegas could be neat too. Split it between part of the Strip and part of Freeside, maybe.
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A space ship map. No, not a wreckage, something truly inside where we cannot go out. Something circular so we could see each other from the corridors and a teleportation device could make moving faster for the parties. Or you just look out and see different planets and another sun as it would be in another galaxy.
There could be a huge, spacious area with the Gravity Drive from Event Horizon in the middle. And definitely the captain's bridge with the bloody remains of that scene that fans have been waiting for to be released on the Director's Cut.
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I LOVE playing Zombies!!! How have I never considered this match-up? Wow… the possibilities…
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Crystal Lake🥹
EDIT: added pic, incase anybody didn’t already know
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Spencer Mansion from Resident Evil
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Dawn of the Dead/Dead Rising mall.
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Starcourt Mall from Stranger Things season 3. I also want to see hotel themed map.
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great choices
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I really like the Rapture from Bioshock that was talked about! If they could get the license, be sweet to have a Big Daddy killer.
As for a non-license map... a simple ghost ship or ship of any kind, maybe tanker/cargo ship. Combine an eerie ship with the Singularity Killer, you got yourself a plot from 1999 movie, Virus - Here's a trailer https://youtu.be/Yb86pjwUv3U?si=lnm5QkKeE8jBReoW
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If they brought old coldwind back I'd be happy, I hate how bright coldwind is now. It hurts my eyes, and it kind of hurts the horror vibe that the old map used to have.
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I've always wanted to see West Georgia Correctional Facility from The Walking Dead.
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More silent hill maps!
alchemilla hospital
lakeview hotel
lakeside amusement park
just add more silent hill content in general
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Yours are great too, FNAF 4 is an excellent game.
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A haunted mansion (not the Disney one). Different rooms haunted by different ghosts, subtly to not affect gameplay but recognizable if you are looking. Living room painting in the Garden of Joy for example.
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I mean... I think my home and around it, will be a pretty balanced map, fair for both sides.
I've tested it multiple times. (Don't ask please...)
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Abandoned movie theatre.... perhaps The Metropol from Demons?