Should a killer be responsible for making sure he doesn't tunnel? (for survivor mains)



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Tell me how you got on the hook in the first place. I'm assuming your vulturous teammates didn't put you there.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited March 2019

    I don't play killer much, but I personally wouldn't tunnel. Even if the survivor get's unhooked right in front of me, I don't think they should be punished for their teammate being such an idiot.

    Seeing gameplay like that just makes me want to hunt down and punish the person that did the unhooking. I've only ever camped / tunnelled when I'm against a survivor who's deliberately trying to troll me.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I dont really give any sort of consideration to those things when i play killer. I play to kill and earn some points. Not to go easy on the survivors because its the nice thing to do. If someone decides to bumrush a hook right in front of me i am going to usually take the path of least resistance or whatever option grants me a net positive towards winning. Usually that involves killing the poor sap that got farmed but such is life in DBD. Its not always fair.

    Truth be told it does depend on the circumstances at hand. If i still need more bbq stacks, is the person that got rescued on death hook, and the current state of the game. If i am losing gens quickly and need to take someone out the game ASAP tunneling is a good option.

    Overall i just play the game. No matter what either side does i do what needs to be done to achieve a victory. As killer or survivor. As a survivor i do not expect the killer to play by my made up rules and the same goes the other way around.

  • BurgerKingEmployee
    BurgerKingEmployee Member Posts: 34

    It depends on the situation.

    If a killer has to go after the recently unhooked person or just doesn't realize their tunneling, it's fine.

    But, the problem comes in when a killer purposefully tunnels a survivor just because they don't like them. At that point it just becomes annoying and unfun.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    edited March 2019

    Killers see doing gens in a similar light as camping and tunneling. Are you going to stop doing gens to avoid being an A hole? Of course not. So killers aren't going to stop killing you because they're scared you'll think they're an A hole lol.

    I personally don't camp or tunnel. I prefer to have two hooks happening simultaneously, which you can't do if you camp and tunnel but to each his own. Killing is your objective. Kill however you want.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    really? you can win without camping or tunneling, you literally cannot win without doing gens LOL. I dont see how u can compare the two, and anyone who believes they correlate most likely only care for killers

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @artist Nobody asks you not to do any gens at all.

    Just repair a gen to 33%, then switch to the next, repair 33% again etc etc

    Once all gens are at 33%, continue repairing them to 66%

    Once all gens are at 66%, you are allowed to finish gens.

    Do that and I will do the same with survivors and 2-hook everyone before I kill someone =)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @artist Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Yet you are asking killers to do the same

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    by that do you mean you're situation of doing all gens to 33%? if so then yeah that's really stupid. in your scenario you're asking to throw the game. what I'm asking for is to not be a dick to win. but I guess people cant win without it???

  • DasBlackbird
    DasBlackbird Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2019

    Lol, why do we owe anything to the survivors? They have SWF (aka Exploit with friends), ffs they are entitled to winning, if they win is because of them, if they lose is because of you.

    Who said we owe not tunneling guys? I get my objective done, if see you are the weakest one, I'll go after you.

    If I get gen rushed, doors are open and I get one and I see all your scratches mark around while you guys attempt to be heroes, hell yeah I'm gonna camp.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    If I get unhooked while the killer is still really close I just completely give up on the match already as it's nothing more than survivors farming and just not even bother getting out of the situation anymore. I can't blame killers for downing someone again when they did not even get the chance to move away from a hook and a unhook has already happened, sometimes it's also needed to apply more pressure. Killers who camp/tunnel pretty bad while 1 is already dead, there's a ruin up and at max 1-2 generators have been done are a different story. Don't get mad or upset over it, but I don't always get what's so fun about it. But oh, new ranking system should do something about that issue.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Do you play on PC, and if so, do you use the same name that you do here?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I play both killer and survivior (though it's now mostly killer if I'm being honest.)

    I only characterize the following behavior as tunnelling:

    The killer sees a survivor and makes their death their new primary objective.

    I'm not talking about the hook rescue stupidity of: "Just let the injured guy go." That discussion has gone on for far too long. If you think you should get a free escape because your ally did a bad save you're mental. (The killer can't spare you because if they do there's a 60% that you're going straight to a generator to repair which punishes them for not offing you.)

    I generally just try to play my games like this:

    * Hook everyone twice.

    * Once 2 or fewer generators remain I start hooking everyone for the last time.

    * This steady stream of broken wills and bodies will hopefully create pressure and fear about your coming death.

    * If I get to the hatch first I grumble: "I should be allowed to close this, whatever." Before scouring the map for the last player, herding them to the hatch on a final chase.

    * If they get to the hatch first the game ends anyway.

    I get that being farmed sucks, but don't target killers for survivor stupidity. Most of us just use common sense and just wander around the trials like murder hobos.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Hatch is punishing killer for not doing 4 man 5 gens. Pretty good job so far.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'll try to keep your name in mind and let you go in that scenario, if I'm the killer.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    Play however you want to idrc if it costs you the game then that’s your own fault. Have fun with that 1 survivor. Bc I’ll pull someone off if the killer isn’t leaving the area just to buy the team more time before they go into struggle, and maybe the dude will get away. I’ll pull them off right before they die if you’re still in the area too. I’ll take a hit each time running right behind them. so you can chase and down them again , so all gens can be completed and we skip out while the killer depips for being lazy and not applying any map pressure.

  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    I personally put fault on my team mate if it was a bad save I've had it where the killer will literally just start walking away from a hook and a teammate will go straight for the save rather than just waiting a few seconds for a secure save at this point of course the killer will insta down me and I don't blame them at all. When it becomes a troll move on the killer is if I'm unhooked safely but with enough room for the killer to pursue still, I'm further away than the saviour then the killer runs right by them just to kill me that hurts in the soul.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    Exactly go do gens and then try to pull me off before struggle , come on ppl it’s not rocket appliances Ricky.

    ya know?

    unless it’s against using a 1 shot, then just leave me do gens it will end terribly for both of us.

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    unhooking in front of the killer just to grab off some points is nothing more than farming you, mostly common in duo or tripple swf since they usually dont need the random to get out

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited March 2019

    You can't really say that the Person playing the Killer role is responsible if the survivor is getting farmed. BUT I feel like playing the Killer is the power role, means if they (proxycamp/patrolling) tunnel the unhooked survivor it is indeed their decision. I believe good killer-players doesn't need to do it, ppl with selfworth wouldn't do it and if s.o does it that one is as responsible as the farming Antimate. Sure I do understand if s.o was tbagging (aka being disrespectful) they kind of asked for it, but if not it's uncalled and unfair.

    If i get tunneled I dc. Simple as that. Even with the new high punishment I refuse playing with ppl that only care about their fun. We all play for having fun. Nobody would like spending the whole game on the hook, therefore everyone just needs to treat others the same way they'd want to be. With respect and in a way everyone can have some fun and action in the game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Always play optimally and assume others will do the same. If this leads to problems then either someone is playing sub-optimally or there is a problem with the game that the devs need to fix. Under no circumstances should you expect someone to choose a worse strategy just because it's more fun for you.

    Or in otherwords don't get mad at the killer for downing you immediately after you got unhooked. Instead get mad at the survivor for unhooking you there.

    If you are healthy and the Killer is avoiding someone who is last hook and injured so he can chase you then THAT is being a dick. When that happens you can call them out on it.

    Same thing for gen rushing. As a survivor you SHOULD do it, I will expect you to do it as a Killer and I will do it myself as a survivor. The fact that it can be bullshit doesn't even come into the equation. It just isn't relevant since all that matters is that it is a dominant strategy

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Are the survivors childish and entitled complaints getting to you???? Just play the game in whatever way you like and don't waste time worring about how do you make the pray feel.

  • DarkFury45
    DarkFury45 Member Posts: 14

    Fun fact: it's not being a dick, but rather doing what you can to win that is a valid strategy. Crazy I know.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited March 2019

    Do you realize that if you dont tunnel you going to get gen rushed before you get 3-4 hook?Talking about before Corrupt Invention thing.