Who also wants a meta with strong perks that make a difference?

I personally don't, because then the line between player's personal skill and 'getting carried by the perk' really fades.
Was it MFT, or did I just get outplayed?
Was the killer good, or was it just the 4 slowdowns?
I'm already personally against strong items and add-ons for both sides. Imho perks should help but not be game changing
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There is a difference between a perk making a difference and a perk carrying someone. I consider Bond a very good perk and Open Handed to be very underrated. But they both will not carry you, if you're playing poorly, so they are seen as weak.
WoO is a good example for a perk that doesn't just make a difference but instead serves as a crutch. You can immediately tell when someone has because they always play exact same way. Pre drop and Shift + W to the next pallet. No looping or mind gaming involved and then generally avoid windows because that is where they immediately get hit.
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How are your games going? On my side I only lose sometimes with 0 kills or dominate with 4ks all the time there is no real between.
The games getting more and more linear only one way every round goes. There is nothing that makes any difference. Also survivor is in a bad spot if you aren‘t the top 5%. Killer feels far too easy if I don‘t mess around, what is far more fun, but the game does not allow to mess around, it punishes you for that. So the problem with almost useless perks on both sides makes killers only to tunnel and survivor to gen rush.
With old dead hard people would messed around had fun, but no, everything that is fun gets removed. The game just gets reduced to sweating for kills and gen rushing. I know that the weak killers should be brought in a better spot before bringing back such perks back, but it doesn‘t feel fun to sweat for everything. I would prefer having fun on both sides and have something that makes games feel different, more interesting and challenging.
The only op perk right now is friends till the end. And the only fun is plot twist.
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I don‘t want perks auto play for you only that they make games feel different and exciting. Right now killer is far too easy and as survivor you feel helpless if you aren‘t the top 5%, which leads to gen rush and tunneling. I would want old dead back, where you could dash, but for that they have to make the weak killers better first. There is no round, where I feel that something was different and exciting. When I play against survivors they have very rarely any chance and I don‘t use only slowdown or nurse.
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I don’t. Strongest perks are still too strong and often frustrating to face on both sides right now, even if it’s not as bad as it used to be.
I want the game to be based more on actual skill and good decision-making, not getting carried by your loadout, your choice of killer/addons, or some overpowered toolbox. That’s not to say perks shouldn’t be useful, but imo they shouldn’t be as strong as some of the best perks in the game right now.
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Which perks are too strong in your opinion?
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Instead what should be done is, the game should be balanced in such a way that both sides can run 0 perks/addons/items and both sides will win 50% of the time without either side playing scummy (tunneling/camping/etc). Then perks should be rebalanced/changed around doing cool things.
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Running 0 perks would be lame in my opinion, perks is even translated in German equally to advantages. Without perks having any use the game would just be boring, the same with killer powers and addons. Those things make, that the game doesn‘t get boring. And tunneling and camping should be countered by perks. AFC just took another aspect of the game, which made rounds different. AFC should be added to perks as strong effect (reassurance…). Then it would bring live in the game and also AFC could be made stronger to do something against camping then. For me camping bubbas we’re something cool you could even outplay them as Team most times.
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Killer: STBFL, PGTW on generators with a lot of progress - balancing it around current progress was a mistake imo and it should go back to total progress but with a lower regression), Pain Res (especially when combined with Pop or when used to win a 3v1 after tunneling someone out), Deadlock (when used for camping), UW, NTH (range shouldn’t follow the killer), Knockout (niche, but problematic when used to its maximum potential).
Survivor: FTP + Buckle Up (only when combined, they are fine on their own), Distortion (too unlimited/easy to recharge), Windows, Adrenaline (remove wake-up against Freddy, literally why is this still a thing), Hyperfocus + Stakeout (only when combined, this literally lets you do a gen solo in 60 seconds which should never be a thing), Background Player (not enough counterplay).
Both sides: Get rid of haste stacking.
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Killer being far too easy is true when you play in a MMR that is too low for you (just as it would be for survivor, although to a lesser degree, because you won't beat the killer in a 1v1 and your team mates could pull you down). I could easily win 15 games in a row with no perks after being afk for 60 seconds, if I were to purposefully lower my MMR to the absolute minimum (probably even more, I just don't know how fast MMR actually increases). Because the survivors I'd get wouldn't have a clue how to play.
As soon as you start to play against survivors, that play just as serious as you do, it becomes very different though. MMR actively prevents that your games become too easy. If your games are too easy, then you need play more because obviously your MMR hasn't adjusted yet. This whole argument doesn't work. If one side was too easy, then we'd have a massive inbalance in MMR, where a way higher percentage of players on one side would reach the highest MMR, which would then lead to further issues in matchmaking becoming more inaccurate and queue times massively increasing. I have heard this same shallow argument before and I can hardly believe people still don't understand that it doesn't work that way.
Gen rush is not a result of the killer role being too easy. It is a result of the changes in the meta. Second chance builds, that would delay the killer and buy the survivors time, have fallen from grace. Spam healing doesn't work anymore and some maps have improved drastically, giving the survivors much less to work with. This means survivors have less other options than to focus on objective progression. At the same time, we have also changed the killer meta from unlimited regression towards objective focused progression. The difference is that Ruin + Undying could in theory grant a killer an unlimited amount of time, while the current regression meta can't. Pop can only work 8 times before you start winning by hooks, at which point you don't need the regression anymore. Pain Res can be used a maximum of 4 times. So you only get 100% out of it (still a lot but 100/inf -> 0).
Another obvious difference is, that Ruin's regression was a lot easier and quicker to apply. Getting a down takes time. Time that can cost you a gen that you would try to defend. With Ruin, you only needed to be there to have it regress. This forces killers overall to further decrease the gen efficiency of survivors, if they want to reach a similar efficiency difference to pre 6.1.0. That is best achieved by getting rid of one survivor. A dead survivor can no longer work on gens, so they can't finish a gen that the killer tries to defend. This is further amplified by the lack of anti tunneling perks in your average match. I could hard tunnel from the start for 20 games straight and I'd eat less DSs than before 6.1.0 without tunneling. Of course, this leads to tunneling becoming a more attractive play style.
Add in the fact that survivors now have 16 perks against non tunneling killers (compared to pre 6.1.0 where a non tunneling killer could avoid up to 8 perks per match, with some exceptions of DS being used aggressively) and it's easy to see how spreading hooks is a less effective play style than before. This both forces a cycle where survivors gen rush because they can't do much else and the killer might tunnel and the killer tunnels because the survivors might gen rush. This only amplifies further as it's more engrained in the meta.
Ideally, the meta for both sides should be to delay the other side, while increasing the own efficiency. We now have an extreme where that is absolutely not the case when it comes to perks but it starts to show in play styles. Survivors pre drop more (delaying the killer) and killers tunnel more (increasing own efficiency) while their respective perks do the opposite.
Old Dead hard is gone for good. I will not get into this discussion again because it has been covered a million times over.
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I absolutely like strong perks that make a difference. Putting together builds that matter is part of the fun for me. That said, I wish BHVR would put in caps or limits on how much you can stack effects. Limits or caps on:
- Gen progression/regression
- Healing speed buff/debuff
- Haste/Hinder
-Vault speed, totem speed, pallet breaks, etc.
It would open up so much headroom in perk and addon design as well as allowing for more varied builds as stacking multiple perks/addons to push a given effect would give little benefit so it would be better to diversify.
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They shoud create a meta each 3 months with the release of a new killer,nerf the former perks and so on and so on.
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Do you remember when A Nurse's Calling was meta?
Well, that is the meta I want, with everything that entails.