Have BHVR ever completely reverted a change?

Legit question. They seem unable or unwilling to admit they are wrong about some things.
Instead of getting pre-Overheat Billy back, they continue to struggle with an awful mechanic. Trickster should be reverted and adjusted when they have a better understanding and plan. Just admit Skull Merchants power is a wash and COMPLETELY rework her, no drones.
Edit: I am referring to changes that went live after the PTB.
Pyramid Head’s M2 inflicting Tormented.
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I mean technically they revert Xeno’s missed attack cooldown from the PTB. It was 1.2 m/s on the PTB, they buffed it to 2.0 m/s on live (that ######### was not 2.0 m/s though) and now they eventually reverted it back to 1.2.
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I don’t think that ever made it live.
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Thus they completely reverted the change before it hit live.
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They are doing time to time.
For example, people disliked Batteries nerf and they reverted it to og version.
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The change never existed in the main game. Not the changes I’m referring to.
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In theory you could argue about some chase muscis that were awful but still made it to live and then got completely reworked, but I don't know, I agree with the main point however, they really don't wanna admit when they made an awfull change to the game.
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The 6.1.2 Mettle of Man rework (2 protection hits but it was lost on conspicuous action)
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It's funny they called this change as buff but it was actually big nerf.
Thankfully they reverted it.
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The infamous patch 1.9.2 was completely reverted.
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What patch was this?
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They do that a lot. “We buffed this Killer, Billy’s overheat balances out his new strengths!”
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Mettle of man once got reverted from its 6.1.2 version (it got nerfed into an endurance perk and then got reverted to 3 protection hits = extra health state)
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Mettle of man. But i also wish bhvr was more willing to accept some ideas were just bad. As you said with SM she just needed a full from the ground up rework, but instead bhvr halfassed it and wasted a large amount of dev time to really fix any of the issues about her.
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Others have pointed out, Mettle of Man.
I'd say there's not very many because there's been very, very few things that should be reverted. Bad changes are almost always, at least in this game, things that you'd fix by going forward, not going backwards. This is evident in your examples- you don't fix Hillbilly by reverting Overheat, because Overheat isn't actually causing problems, you'd have to move forward. You don't fix Trickster by reverting his changes, because some of them were good and should stay. You don't need to revert or redo Skull Merchant because she's fine now, more or less.
There are other examples throughout the game's history. A big one would be the initial change to the HUD; it started out pretty damn bad, but instead of just reverting it, they moved forward and made it better than both what they had and what they were replacing in the first place.
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Huntress hatchets hitbox changes
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So if you make a wrong turn, don’t turn around, floor it instead. That seems to summarize BHVR’s philosophy.
And honestly, if Overheat is such a nothing mechanic, remove it.
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...No. If what you try doesn't immediately land, adjust it first before giving up. This summarises decent live game design in general.
I'm fine with removing Overheat, I just think too many people are under the impression this will change anything. Billy will be in the exact same position as before, and tossing away the time and effort won't actually achieve anything. Keeping it probably won't achieve anything either, so I'm not saying that time and effort was valuable to begin with, but in general you usually don't wanna waste those two things if you can avoid it.
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No they didn’t. They said they were going to but it’s the same nerfed version currently. So yeah they have said they were reverting that change but it hasn’t happened.
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What I remember is MoM in 2021.
Also Blast Mine had weird nerf and somehow slightly buffed after change.
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I can't remember if it ever made it to live but I recall a PTB was going to nerf Hillbilly's Engravings add-ons that was reverted/stopped after outcry.
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Depending on how you look at; Freddy. He started out as awful, then became overpowered and now he is awful again. We've come full circle, only that we somehow switched the circle along the way.
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If they completely toss her concept though, it would just be a different killer with a SM skin though.
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What did they revert about it?
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wasn't even overpowered tbh, but overplayed and synergized well with the meta so he stomped a lot of lobbies for no effort
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The only thing we could dig up to fit the criteria is, as everyone said, Mettle of Man.
As a side note, why does everyone care about Billy's overheat? Yes its useless, but it doesn't really do anything unless you purposefully overheat it.
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His slowdown addons were definitely not ok. Forever Freddy was a problem not just because he was overplayed.
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They nerfed it to not work at end game. This reverted.
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Wasn't the problem that games took...forever? Like how people played merchant forever? Thats what we remember most....
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Legion. Literally every aspect of his power has been reworked in some way since his release.
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Yeah. His addons slowed gen progression down to a crawl. It took 160 seconds for a sleeping survivor to repair a gen and pretty much every other part of his kit was also significantly stronger. Combined with the old Ruin + Undying you could regress gens just as fast the survivors would repair them.
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I just took that. This is the live version. That line about deactivating after the gens are all done is still there.
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The reverted the new character transition animations when they were introduced a few years ago because they caused horrific desync issues.
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Freddy wasn't awful at the very beginning, he was just very different from the other killers.
Trust me, I speak from pure experience.
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They said they will revert as fast as they can. So it was not ready maybe i don't know. But perk will be reverted to PTB version.
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That got scrapped before it went live (assuming you mean the more recent incident and not way back when Overheat was first introduced).
They mentioned on Twitter this morning it will be changed in the next update.
Right now it is still the nerfed version.
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The one change that allowed survivors to pallet save or flash light save without any timing. You could throw the pallet during the pickup animation and at the end of the animation the survivor breaks free.
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The screaming changes where they made it directional but you could only hear it within 19 metres
MoM rework
Blinding and stunning the killer at any point during the pick up animation
Hillbilly’s speed add ons shortly after his rework
Rat Tail going back to 50%
While not technically a revert they did also bring back trap buffering after fixing the bug
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1.9.2, yes.
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Do you mean before or after the initial nerf?
I didn't play back then, so I only know second hand information but 7 seconds survivor god mode and people that could bodyblock Freddy from hooks without the danger of getting hit doesn't like a well working killer to me.
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no, it was pretty bad against a good team, but it was the lowest effort pubstomp build so it won a lot. it was a problem because it was boring and low effort high reward. you'd get a forever freddy once every 3 games, every one of them just turned their brain off.
freddy was still rly bad in chase against any great survivors, speaking from experience on the surv end, but those were especially less common when forever freddy was a thing. n that was a long time ago now.
for the record im glad it changed and i hated everything about it.
Post edited by Haddix on0 -
The 7 could be reduced a few ways so it was only mildly annoying but the near infinite wall hacks plus built in slowdown made up for a lot. Mostly if you could juggle survivors and repeatedly put ppl to sleep, he was decent (though we'll admit that we were somewhat reliant on add ons if we didn't want to sweat bullets). We really miss jump scare freddy...
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I started playing in 2018, so that was already the "Old Freddy" everyone is familiar with.
He was great actually, but played very differently from everyone else. It would be easier to explain if I had footage of my own, but Freddy was all about control. Once you mastered his mechanics, there was quite a lot you could do.
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I'll have to take your words for it. I can't really imagine how exactly Freddy was played but that might also have something to do with how different the game was back then.
I do think however that his original design was way more interesting than today's. So, I'd be happy to see BHVR rework Freddy to be similar to that old design with some tweaks to adjust him to today's standards.
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The one time they changed screams
I remember it basically made any scream related perk complete garbage
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Real ones remember when they tried out that red vfx when you got stunned
Don’t even think it made it out of the ghostface ptb
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His old design of being unable to hit awake survivors made him feel horrible endgame. Always hated how ppl claim Freddy is an endgame killer just because of the perks he was released with. Watching someone run up to unhook in your face knowing you can't hit either person yet... sucks. Adrenaline kicking in to not only heal a survivor, but also wake them up to make them untouchable sucks.
I mained the crap out of old Freddy, but he was basically the only killer that NOED felt needed to have a chance at stopping any unhooks during endgame from just...running out the gates.