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Flashlights and Lockers

The flashlight bug is back I think. Idk if it’s all lockers or just this one on RPD. Had a person constantly running back to it to hide in the locker without hiding in the locker. In the room next to main with the long desk there are the two lockers right near the vault, the one on the left was able to be walked straight into

14 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • TheCreatorT
    TheCreatorT Member Posts: 4

    Aye I can confirm that this is an issue again!

  • SeaBerry550
    SeaBerry550 Member Posts: 2

    Yep, it's back, had a Jane abuse it on Father Campbell's Chapel

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359
    edited December 2023

    oh god please no

    I have trauma from that weekend...

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227
    edited December 2023

    Yep, had a squad send me to the game, they kept running into the locker, I managed one hit then went afk until they got bored and did gens. I wish we got a give up button after 10 minutes.

  • TurtleKindheart
    TurtleKindheart Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2023

    I had someone glitch into a locker on one of the auto haven maps. Not sure if they were using a flashlight or not. They were crouched inside the locker and could phase through it. I also knocked them down once and they crawled into the locker and I couldn't grab them. I was on ps5 but not sure what platform they were on.

    They never even did the action to open the locker. Just kept phasing through it.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    Yeah, just watched a stream where a whole team was using the exploit and the killer couldn't even get the prompt to open the locker when the survivor was clipping into it.

  • lord_tater
    lord_tater Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    yep, and its not just in one locker its all of them. i just faced 3 p100s who were all doing it. got a 4k at the end after 30 mins cus they kept self healing in lockers.

  • trendyfartknocker
    trendyfartknocker Member Posts: 76
    edited December 2023

    How about banning people who are obviously abusing such exploits?

    Make incidental exploit abuse not so innocent.