BHVR, can you be more specific what you mean by "Killer Tweaks"?

I seriously hate how unspecified they are. It only led to more questions and doubt.
Why can't you just say "Killer buffs" or "Killer nerfs"? but if you do nerf these specific killers then I'm afraid you will have more killers leave your game.
Pig is on the list, so it can only be nerfs.
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I mean all of these killers needs some help except the Hag and Huntress. So i really don't know why these 2 are here. I don't think they needs some buffs or needs some nerfs. They are just fine.
Demo can take some little buffs and QoL changes.
Doctor? I really don't know. Maybe some add-on changes?
Now Clown is definetely deserves some help.
Pig 100% deserves some good buffs.
We have to wait sadly.
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If they take nerf pig literally then I have lost all hope for this game. also imagine nerfing doctor and clown
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They said no Pig nerfs this time 🤣
I really hope they buff her chase a bit. We already got 2 killers who has similar chase to her but better (Wesker and Chucky)
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If it's just tweaks it's probably just related to their cooldowns and durations on power and some addons. Admittedly surprised to see a few of those names on that list so I'm assuming they're standardizing something between all of those killers so likely addon passes.
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Clown and Doctor needed their long awaited buffs.
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Hag definitely needs some changes, her kit is good strength wise but there are unhealthy aspects.
Her ability encourages 3 genning, camping and tunneling by having limited range, on big maps if you put traps in high traffic areas, loops or spread them out across the map only to be out of range then you can't blame (especially new-) Hags for doing these strats when game mechanics almost force you to do it.
The changes i would give are:
- Teleport range is now infinite.
- Teleport range add-ons now increase trap count.
- Traps can no longer be set within 12m of hooked survivors.
- A small add-on pass on her brown and yellow add-ons.
With these changes we'd buff and encourage Hags to be more aggressive and use traps more creatively in chase while discourages camping a bit. Her traps are actually very good in chase if you think outside the box, a tip from someone who mained Hag for a year: Many traps are best used without teleporting.
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D'you think perhaps the fact that you're getting prematurely mad at the possibility these changes might be nerfs could be the reason they're a little vague about these things?
Besides, I'd imagine there could be a few killers getting both buffs and nerfs, making "tweaks" the simplest way to refer to them. There's no need to get mad or threaten player loss either way, though, we can just wait and see while speculating about what it could be.
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New here I see.
The concern they will be made weaker is well known and justified. Why is the Huntress being tweaked? I have yet to see a single good reason from a player perspective.
Given BHVR’s recent track record, I don’t think it is too much to ask for some reassurance. There has been none. Silence usually means the answer they don’t think you want to hear. If I was a Huntress main, I would be quite nervous.
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Because they just change. Look at trickster. They can't tell the difference between a nerf and a buff half the time until it goes live so they say change and let us tell them which they did.
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I had reason to say this elsewhere too, but it bears repeating: BHVR's recent track record is good, not bad. The recent track record would be... I think the earliest back you'd go for recent would be the Ghostface and Legion changes, so you'd add in Trapper, Sadako, and Skull Merchant for an actual update and Huntress/Trickster/Deatshlinger for "tweaks" as they say in the roadmap. Then after that you get Trickster's current update, which is the first actual example of a negative change in recent memory.
Now, how much those other changes actually helped may be up for debate, but neutral changes are not the same as negative ones.
So, is it too much to ask for some reassurance? Yeah, actually. BHVR should not act like they are under inherent suspicion of terrible changes, especially not when their recent track record has actually been perfectly decent recently.
This "silence means the answer they think you don't want to hear" thing is just paranoia, and it's pretty baseless. That's not how communication from a video game developer works. ""Silence"" just means they don't consider it priority information to share with the playerbase, for whatever reason. It's not even really silence since there's no expectation for them to speak, it's just the absence of extra information.
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None of the changes you listed were good. SM and Legion are just trying to come back from overall poor base designs.
Trapper’s “update is a joke.” After all this time, literal years, he get’s a speed boost after setting traps. He is still trash tier.
Pretty clear we have different opinions on what are good changes. Perhaps keep that in mind before you say I have “paranoia.”
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It's pretty clear we do, considering even the changes you mention are talked about as good changes. I don't really know what your definition is, if "changes that positively affect problems that used to exist and now don't" doesn't count, and "improvement but not perfection" doesn't count either.
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Tweaks refers to small adjustments to a killer rather than a complete overhaul to their power. The tweaks could be either buffs or nerfs or a mixture of both, but they are still small adjustments.
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Please no nerf for Pig. Most of us can't handle this 😐️
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To be fair... You guys said this about Billy and look at him! He was my only P3 and he's gone since his "tweaks"
That one right there hurt me to the core I'm not even gonna lie.
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I think its deliberately vague, its not a detailed announcement. As Mandy put it, it refers to small changes rather then full overhauls.
Also the terms buff and nerf are ones that lead to a lot of subjective argument, you notice none of the notes say buff or nerf yet people are already reacting and speculating.
There is already a whole thread thanking BHVR for buffing DS that pre-dates any details about the changes. Talk about jumping the gun.
If I was a BHVR press release person I'd be very cagey about using the terms buff and nerf pre-emptively because its gonna get a thoughtless reactionary response from a lot of players.
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Does this mean Twins is a complete overhaul to their power? I thought there was a previous BHVR statement, that it wasn’t supposed to be a complete overhaul?
It feels like it’s been years since we were told about the Twins update, but we haven’t gotten any previews or anything, and at this point, I think a lot of people are worried that any update that takes this long, will result in such huge changes, that players that currently like Twins will be disappointed with the rework.
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"will result in such huge changes, that players that currently like Twins will be disappointed with the rework."
Whoever is responsible for approving such changes does not care about the current players.
Freddy, Billy and Deathslinger players painfully learned that lesson.
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add trickster there
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Did he get gutted like the others?
I honestly don't know.
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Even if they are small adjustments they would not be done if they were not impactful to some goal. What that goal might be is a mystery to players of this game.
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He just did with the most recent patch.
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How unfortunate.
I've yet to meet a Trickster main, but if what happened to him was anything like Freddy, Billy and Slinger, then my solidarity extends to them.
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BHVR is looking into it, so I’m sure who it will be handled soon…in a cosmic time frame.
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Oh for the love of.......
Please no more nurfs, my poor Amanda Panda can't take no more hits!
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I'm guessing 'tweaks' just means small updates. Like not a big rework or anything. Likely some changes to addons and maybe a minor numbers tweak to parts of their power at best.
Don't expect much basically.
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As the Clown and Huntress in same update perhaps removal of their Iridescent? Not as skillful as other Killers' Iridescent Exposed Add-Ons. Just stand 1 meter for free Exposed.
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As has been the trend over the past two years, I feel that survivor play has generally become more comfortable, except for the weakening of the recovery aspect, but killer play continues to be just suffocating due to the continued weakening and tactical restrictions.
I don't know what changes will be made in "KillerwTweaks" yet, but I don't hold out much hope at this point.I know how hillbillies and Freddies have been treated and I have firsthand experience with the ongoing process of tricksters being robbed of their strengths and made into uninteresting characters.
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Not giving us this tiny bit of info (buff or nerf), even if minor (tweak), isn't causing hype, BHVR. Its causing anxiety and frustration among your player base. Keep it up if you really don't give a hoot about us.
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Boost the killer numbers not add ons
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Oh boy...