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General Discussions

Genuinely don’t understand Dull merchant gamers.

Every single time I get a dull merchant, everybody just goes next. Every. Single. Game.

How do you have fun with that experience? You don’t get any BP, nobody wants to chase with you, nobody tries. Do they just enjoy knowing everybody is miserable facing that killer? I don’t get it.

Even better is half of them will just slug you to death, or hit you on hook as if they didn’t just 4k in a game that nobody wants to be in in the first place.

Rant over…

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  • Member Posts: 366

    That's weird, I play Skully and don't do any of that. 😉

    But no, that's the nature of players being pigeon-holed into the "meta" playstyle for her. I personally like her for adding risks to staying in the same area, but man is it a case where playing nasty works (see Pyramid Heads torment/never caging)

  • Member Posts: 263

    Winning is fun and there are players who go into lobbies with s tier killers with the best loadouts cause they want to win, i dont really see that as a rare sight.

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    They want to show off their skills! 🙃

  • Member Posts: 263

    Yes it is and i believe the general consensus is that aswell.

  • Member Posts: 547
    edited December 2023

    I had a few quitters when I started playing her, but got through that mmr-range fast. After that everyone plays normally.

    There are quite a few who realized that they can defeat her outside of this forum too.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    I do wonder if Behavior will do more with Skull Merchant since she wasn't on the road map. I personally don't think she is acceptable in her current state. Still by far the worst killer to play against. At this point I am in favor of just deleting her outright.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    Yes they're literally playing it because they know it's hated and want to make everyone else in the match miserable. It's that simple.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Playing her gives you a much larger pool of games to speak on. Of course your experience will differ.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Legit question: Are you talking about playing the killer in general, or are people still doing 3-gen stuff with her? What's the complaint here?

  • Member Posts: 8,314


    Then it's because people like her and your preferences are not objective. Disliking 3-gen gameplay is fair enough, but not every specific killer has to be for you.

    I have to say though, I play her and I don't see that many people DC anymore. Most people seem to have caught up to how she's not a problem anymore.

  • Member Posts: 159

    I - unfortunately - have to admit that this is true.. Still it doesn't mean that all of us have to hate her :)

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    And that’s fine! If you genuinely enjoy her, then by all means. I’m happy for you. I just don’t understand it myself, based on my experience. xD

  • Member Posts: 504
    edited December 2023

    "You don’t get any BP" That's a blatant lie- Bots will give you just about as much BP as normal players. Also it's just because a lot of survivors are still following that same trend of "it's not a basic M1 killer, go next" because they refuse to learn counters. It's been happening with most of the recent killers which is what I'm mainly hating with survivor mains at the moment because that's what makes the game boring imo because they just want all killers to be basic M1 only. It's why I like going against killers like Skull Merchant because you can't just default to the same monkey brain mode of running around a loop and trying to be as efficient as possible which brings in that sense of chaos and panic at times.

    Also I just have to point out that her kill rates are the highest because they're still using data from pre-reworked Skull Merchant where it was basically a guaranteed 4k every match due to the 3-gen hostage strategy with her before her rework nerfed that strat heavily and the only reason the stats barely changed since then is due to how many of y'all fed her high kill rates post-rework making the "high kill rate" argument pretty much invalid at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I would say it's 50/50 whether someone gives up in my SM games which is funny cuz she's plenty counterable people are just too lazy to do it. It's really just a matter of hacking drones and holding W, not like people weren't already doing that against Artist.

    I mostly play her when I want a break from Singularity/Xeno, having a killer in my rotation that doesn't need much mechanical skill helps me not get burnt out I find. It's not even about wanting easy wins that isn't the point I just like having a killer I can just turn my brain off and relax with even if I don't win in between games constantly managing EMPs or flame turrets.

    I imagine it's the same reason so many survivors like MfT, sometimes you just wanna brute force chases with pure speed advantage.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It appears you answered your own question with your very first sentence!

    I don't play Skull Merchant but - as with many other players, both Killer and Survivor - winning is a large part of the enjoyment. It's also amusing from any Killer's point of view when someone has a hissy fit and disconnects or kills themselves on hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I recently took a few months break and came back after Chucky was announced. I decided to purchase Skull Merchant (heard she got a rework) while I was waiting on Chucky to release, and I actually enjoyed playing her. She has become one of my favorite killers at the moment. She does have some issues that need to be addressed though.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited December 2023

    In the low tiers, Skull Merchant's I've faced are actually pretty cool and fun to engage with. Before my surgery, new Slull Merchant felt nice to use, and fun to play.

    Being that I'm stuck playing as a survivor with my hand in a cast, I still manage to loop Slull Merchant about as well as I do anybody else, buying maybe 50-60s on average when I have all resourced available before I go down (unless I putz it, and go down in 10) xD

    I believe people when they say SMs all use the same toxic gameplay... but I just don't see it at my level... I do sometimes wonder if the reason for all the toxic mid to high level Skull Merchants is the result of a self fulfilling prophecy, where because survivors keep pitching a fit and quitting, the character naturally attracts the people who want to mess with and upset survivors.

    Maybe survivors constantly insta-giving up, and refusing to remove their SM bias is part of the problem....

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Urban legend? Try getting matched against me as sm

    Anyway how is it a fad to criticize one of the worst reworks ever? At least Freddy was just utterly made useless. She has everything possibly unfun in the game just as her basekit: free bloodlust, free hindered, free injuries, zero brain required. It's perfectly ok not wanting to play against this abomination, and criticizing & hating on it is not jumping a band wagon but perfectly legit

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Shhhh… this thread is about SM, not me. 👀

    We won’t speak on my crimes…

    The universal hate against her speaks VOLUMES about that killer. Lol

    She’s just so stealthy… accidentally fell right into her arms… unlucky..

  • Member Posts: 34

    A lot of people on this forum are in the sweat lord mmr and it shows from their posts. I played SM plenty before Chucky dropped and only had one game where everyone dropped when they saw her. I just farmed all those bots for what they were worth, didn't ruin my game lol.

  • Member Posts: 483

    I play a lot of merchant now and I do camp or tunnel and I mostly run chase perks and ignore gens. I don't put my drones on gens or basement. But I still see people quiting all the time. Sometimes I switch to wraith just to have a serious match then realize people hate him to. I just want to play stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited December 2023

    Have your infant and cat climb into the micro wave together and your spouse getting stuck trying to get them out. That adds another layer of urgency. I also "hate" the "I had something in the oven" situation. Can't let a perfectly good casserole go to waste but too bad, it seems I won't get to enjoy playing against this masterpiece of a killer. And nobody wants to eat a cold casserole, so I had no other choice but to eat it right then and there.

    Also, that is kind of gracious, if you think about it. Your team mates get to enjoy all the more quality time with her after all, now that you are no longer there to hog it all to yourself. 😥

    Tbf, why would we? After 2 botched reworks my good will regarding Slog Merchant is completely gone. I despise her. No, that's not strong enough. I abhor her and I have no reason to change my mind now. She still has the same problem that she had before from a killer's POV. She is pretty boring and has little depth in gameplay and from a survivor's POV they created a killer, that has pretty much no real counterplay. Don't mess up (not that you have a whole lot to mess up in the first place) and the survivor is screwed.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Well not merchant fault ur team foesnt know how to play agaisnt her.If the team doesnt activate drones you are a ghostface with less undetectable

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    I like Skull Merchant’s cosmetics.

    That’s about it really.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    You are purposefully explaining Pigs kit, just to get her nerfed, again. T_T

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I am with @jesterkind here and I have player a good amountof Skull Merchant: yeah, some players mysteriously give up instantly against her, but most just play normally and U win some, lose others of this game.

    What you describe is either bad luck, confirmation bias, so the games with DC stick out more, or just an individual killer MMR problem. So stick it out, stomp some more games and after 3-6 more you should leave the whiny baby range behind and enter the bad kids block.

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