What’s with every Killer running Pain Res and Pop?



  • Rigbeta
    Rigbeta Member Posts: 217

    I just use a Brand New part on a Great Toolbox combined with Cheryl's Perk, Repressed Alliance. While yeah, it kinda gives a deadlock scenario, it lets me protect the gen with the most progress and then I can go work on another in the meantime.

    ANd then I always just use the BNP on a gen but dont work on it,, that way there'll be a Generator with less progress to default to later.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614

    Why are all Survivors only playing Adrenalin, Sprint Burst , Lithe, Windows and Dead Hard...hmm maybe because they want to win ? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    The same reason why Killers are running Pain Res and Pop they are the best Gen Regression perks and whitout Gen Regression u are going to lose most time also Pain Res only works 4 time

    why it is fine when Survivors are only playing Meta Perks but when Killer plays Meta Perks they should get nerfed ? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    I actually had a lot of Survivors DC more when I started using Thanatophobia on even the basic of Killers.

    Survivors fear the Red Bar.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    The meat plant has like 10 god pallets alone on that one map lmao.

  • This is because almost all other meta perks have become useless.Surge becomes usable depending on the killer's down pace, or only consider using Irruption if the killer is a fast kicking killer for wraiths.

    Without delays, there is not much room for other perks, as survivors who are properly divided into two and work on gen can easily escape in twos or threes.

  • pale_hispanic
    pale_hispanic Member Posts: 149

    If the killer is tunneling then they shouldn’t be getting that much value out of these perks?

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,224

    The perks are fine. If you told me Pop was getting a tiny nerf I'd understand, but being BHVR doesn't do tiny I'd rather they not touch it. Both perks can be played around and/or brute forced through.

    The meta shakeup was pointless. All it did was change which perks were used, but the perks that are still used are functionally the same.

    No, they're radically different. Have people forgotten how long a game could drag on because of Overbrine? Or how Eruption just left survivors unable to do anything but run around?

    Gen regression perks are always going to be part of the game unless you define meta shakeup as rewrite the game code - the current setup is both healthier and feels substantially different from what it used to be.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    still killer sided

    if you can't have a good game in a "killer sided map" maybe the problem is not the maps

    just think about it

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,927
    edited December 2023

    You are missing the point. Look at the meta for both sides and how it has changed over the years. For context, i first started around the time just before legion was released so that is where my knowledge of metas goes back to.

    Killer metas:

    • First we have our baseline around patch 2.4 (when i started playing, i don't have knowledge of the game's metas before this)
      • Ruin + Pop (gen defense)
    • Then in 3.5.0 they changed ruin to the passive regression we have and people switched
      • Corrupt + Pop (gen defense)
    • Then in 4.2.0 blight came out and we got undying so everyone switched again
      • Ruin + Undying + tinkerer (gen defense)
    • Then in 4.5.0 they changed undying to only work one time instead of switching totems constantly so people switched for a bit to the recently buffed thana in patch 4.3.0
      • Forever builds [Thana/Dying Light/Sloppy/legion/plague/freddy] remember forever freddy? (gen defense)
    • People realized that ruin + undying was still good so they switched back to that
      • Ruin + Undying + tinkerer (gen defense)
    • Patch 5.4 saw us getting pain resonance, and around that time we had 4 solid builds that most people used depending on the killer or their playstyle
      • Ruin + Undying + tinkerer (gen defense based on pressure)
      • Pop + Corrupt + tinkerer (gen defense based on kicking)
      • Pain Resonance + Dead man's Switch + Corrupt + tinkerer (Gen defense based on hooks)
      • Hex Plaything + Hex Pentimento + Corrupt (Gen defense based on totems), this one was used much less because of circle of healing, but it still was around.
    • Patch 6.1 was the infamous "meta shakeup" where they buffed thanataphobia, overcharge, and surge and eruption, and nerfed pain resonance/dead mans switch combo, tinkerer ruin and pop. For a few weeks people were confused on what to do as a killer so things were shifting around quickly but:
    • First people realized the buffed thana brought back forever builds, so we again had
      • Thanataphobia + Dying light + Corrupt + sloppy on legion/plague/freddy/etc. (gen defense)
    • They very quickly gutted thana to be completely useless in 6.1.2 after that, then people started looking at the infamous 3 gen era
      • Call of Brine + Eruption + Overcharge (Gen defense)
    • This only became worse in 6.4 when they released the knight and we got nowhere to hide.
      • Call of Brine + Eruption + Overcharge + Nowhere to hide (Gen defense)
    • Then in 6.6.0 they nerfed Eruption but 3 gen was still a thing with
      • Call of Brine + Overcharge + Nowhere to hide (Gen defense)
    • Then in 6.7 they gutted call of brine and overcharge and changed pain resonance to be what we have now and work with DMS again
      • Pain Resonance + Dead man's Switch + Corrupt (Gen defense)
    • Then 7.0 they buffed pop back up to reasonable levels again and we have the meta we have now today
      • Pain resonance + Pop + Corrupt (Gen defense)

    You'll see in there sometimes we have 1 or 2 extra perk slots to fill up depending on the patch and the killer, but in general most top tier players used the same 3 perks every game with some small variety from there. But what is important is the functionality of those perks. Since 2.4 (and probably before, i just don't know) the killer meta has always been "take the best gen defense combo you can and whatever else you want" every single time.

    Yes, technically COB/OC/Eruption is a "little" different than Ruin + Undying, but functionally they are exactly the same. They serve the same purpose. Everytime they nerf the current "Thing" people just gravitate to the next best" thing" and that "Thing" is never something interesting like "lets be stronger in chase" or "lets get a ton of information" the "thing" is always "delay the gens as long as possible"

    The survivor side you'll mostly see the same thing as well where every survivor takes

    1) the most broken exhaustion perk

    2) Some sort of anti tunnel perk (DS/BT/OTR/whatever)

    3) Some sort of gen perk (prove thyself/hyperfocus)

    4) Some kind of wildcard

    Maybe the perks themselves change, but functionally they serve the same purpose.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Because gens fly if you don't run these perks and with how DBD works the longer the game lasts the the more likely you are to 4k that's just how it goes so you can't really expect people not to run it.

    The one exception is if you're going for an alt win con devour build and hoping you can get to 5 stacks before the gens get done and just snowball but like c'mon you're relying on a hex which is so bad these days with everyone knowing all the spawn points so good luck getting that to work with any kind of consistency.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 409

    You answered your own question.

    "it makes completing gens really impossible".

    Slowdown is required to stand a chance in balanced games. I wish it wasn't, but here we are.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    If you don’t run those perks 2 generators will get done if you dedicate to a chase. As in chasing a survivor from healthy to being downed.

    With survivor we have many perks that make us more proficient at what we do when we get hurt. Plus there’s 4 players potentially stacking such perks. For example, two injured survivors with Resilience and Prove Thyself. Gens will fly!

    With killer we don’t get any significant “buffs” whenever we are “losing”. As in when we lose a chase we get a buff. Whenever someone was unhooked from so many meters we get a buff. Whenever a gen gets done we don’t get any faster at we do.

    The obvious solution I suggested years ago is simply make Fired Up base kit. Since the gens seem to get done fast no matter what. Then make Fired Up perk from Freddy double this effect. So 8% faster with a maximum of 40%.

    This would obviously encourage killers to run this, combined with other chase perks, over regression. The same way survivors combine their perks like MFT and Resilience. Then rework regression one last time to balance everything for survivors.

    Survivors would adapt by keeping generators at certain percentages, and popping them accordingly. Survivors can’t have less than 2 gens that have low progress. Not when a killer has Kit Fired Up. Which can then be combined with Fired Up, Bamboozle, or Superior Anatomy. This punishes the survivors for doing gens too fast. You will also have to think that a killer has late game perks like No Way Out, and/or Remember Me too. To make most use of their speed increases.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Right. So any pallet that is the least bit of a hinderance is a god pallet now?

    Killer logic 101.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    I push back on any pallet being considered "godly".

    It's an over used term by sweaty try hards who over analyze every aspect of a game in order to manipulate the masses into thinking its a legit issue.

    Its a 1 use item, that can be immediately be broken and rendered utterly useless.

    Not so "godly" after all is it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    A god pallet is one that has to be broken to continue chase. There are certainly more than 2 pallets on the map that fit that description. Us vs them at the end is pretty pointless as well.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    You're welcome to whatever opinion leads you to that, but at least try to have some decorum about it.

  • So_Saucee
    So_Saucee Member Posts: 21

    Yes of all things SELF-CARE like why? I don't want to bring a med kit.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    People complaining about gen regression after it has been gutted. I can’t imagine being this bad at an easy game like DBD.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,122

    Yup, it's only a problem if survivors make poor decisions. Survivors just want to be able to hold m1 and w and have a care free coast through every match without the need to think. The amount of times I have to desperately emote to another survivor to NOT touch a particular gen is staggering. People just see a gen and flock to it like moth to a flame. :/ maybe there is a reason that everyone else hopped off that gen and left it at 99? Ever consider that, Kate?

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520

    If all gens are not repaired by the time the map is a dead zone the survivors have missplayed incredibly hard. Its like an alch ring blgiht losing a match in dead dawg, absolutelly inexcusable and the only way it happened was because the players was bad.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,224

    You are missing the point. 

    I'll go back to what I put in my post

    Gen regression perks are always going to be part of the game unless you define meta shakeup as rewrite the game code

    There's only so many things that perks can do in this game. Meta shakeups are going to play around with the formula of what gets run, but its not going to change the gameplay on a fundamental level. That would require a rebuild of the game.

  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    Because gens go fast with a good team. I would rather run locator perks or chase perks because they are more fun but if I don't bring regression then it will all be over very quickly.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Are you really unable to see that nearly every killers runs four slowdown perks + busted addons?

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    Just had a match against "TTV squad".

    Despite me having Pain res and Pop with somewhere around 20-30sec chases, they did all 5 gens within 6 minutes.

    Tho it was a pretty close game, no tunneling from my side - somehow 2k.

    Saying for the 293829 time - There is NO way of thinking about 4k, without tunneling. Pain res and Pop are strong perks to slow down the game, but still isn't enough against survivors who legit sits on gens.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 409

    Killer meta since Ruin's release has been to slow the game down - make it take longer. That hasn't changed, even if the perks used to achieve that have.