Easy fix for distortion: make token gain based on chase time instead.

Distortion is a hot topic atm. My 2 cents on it is just reworking it so token building requires chase time would make it MUCH healthier for the game and fix other small things.
It would make the perk better against stealth killers since it’s now chase time based and not TR.
it would let people with actual game knowledge and skill get rewarded from it and not people that sit behind a rock for half the match. (Because let’s be real, hiding in the TR is not difficult whatsoever excluding Stealth killers or Huntress).
the most common defence people have against people who dislike distortion is not everyone uses it to hide behind a rock, which is a fair but flawed take. This change would make the defence fair since this change would just aim in that player group’s trajectory.
also why does a perk that already makes being stealthier easily get replenished by stealth? Especially considering how strong the effect can be.
"..sit behind a rock for half the match."
Extremely rude categorisation of many players using this perk. I assume you lost a chase, got hooked, then your fellow survivor who was hiding escaped and a heated conversation ensued in endgame chat.
I'm fine with hiding and not learning the ropes of looping, thank you.
Distortion is an absolutely fine perk. The only time I lose all my tokens is when killers use more than one aura revealing perk. And I'm fine with that.
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I re-read what you suggested and now I'm completely lost: you would reward a good looper but under what circumstances would that person use gained tokens if they don't like stealthy gameplay, anyway?
I think sometimes people need to be reminded that DbD is a 4vs1. If you are chased you do it for the team with the likelihood of being caught / sacrificed eventually. It is the rest of the team that gets rewarded with precious seconds to finish their gens, thus winning the match.
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"it would let people with actual game knowledge and skill get rewarded"
Of course, because kicking gens / opening lockers / starting the trial and on are an actual skill rewarded to get an aura reading instead, right?
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Honestly, I think it would be fine if the perk recharged based off ANY action that progresses the game. Let it charge up from doing gens, healing others, ect.
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this would also balance the hook states shared across distortion users and the rest. no chase for distortion gamer, then their auras start getting revealed. they get chased, but then they regain the tokens and can hide. i'd add gen progression as a requirement to token regeneration as a survivor player (at least they should be useful if they refuse to take aggro) but as a killer player chase time only seems tempting. in return the time required for a token should get lowered though.
such changes to the perk would be healthy, but if bhvr feels lazy they should AT LEAST make it not regain tokens both in terror radius and in chase, i think it currently does. it would make its working requirement match with stake out.
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i like this gen progress idea actually, would encourage players using it to hide less and i guess still make it valuable to those stealth players. also yes i agree if it were only chase time the time required for each token would be reduced (cause in general chases already hardly function plus it’s a harder requirement).
also yes you are correct the perk can recharge currently both in and out of chase as long as it’s in the TR.
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never said UW or Nowhere to Hide are fair!!! Those perks are overtuned too. Distortion just kinda makes most other aura perk’s MUCH weaker because none trigger as frequently as those 2.
As for Lethal pursuer i get it stings to get revealed at the beginning but i feel changing that perk is a bit hard as it is mainly useful on already overtuned killers. So that perks fault lies more in the killers rather than it’s own strengths. (Since stronger killers don’t need to run much if at all any gen defence).
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No? The entire point of the perk is not to be found. Rewarding someone with chase who is running a perk to avoid chase it utterly ridiculous.
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Fix? In what way is it broken?
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it isn’t broken but it’s kind of an unhealthy/controversial perk. It just makes weaker aura read perks even weaker but the actually good aura read perks kinda just chomp through it (Nowhere to hide is the biggest example, UW also doesn’t work with distortion).
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This suggestion doesn't fix that, though. You'd need something that specifically targets the distinction between the weak and strong ones.
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I agree that distortion should only regain tokens with chase time. Perks shouldn’t encourage survivors to excessive hide the entire game.
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Have we killers really devolved into complaining about distortion? I guess I shouldn't be surprised with all the WOO complaints. I mean it's irrelevant when you have enough game sense to understand survivor movement. I play with no aura perks at all and haven't for a long time, I have a distortion user every match that gets absolutely no value from the perk.
Distortion is fine as is. Come on guys we gotta do better. Just because something was nerfed doesn't mean we have to jump to the next thing
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It's a fine perk, but the restocking speed should be slowed down. Unless the killer is running something with a constant onslaught of aura reading, I rarely dip below 2 tokens. They recharge so fast.
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As someone who has distortion in almost every survivor build, if you want to solve the issue of players just hiding with it and not contributing, but not overly hurt the ones that actually use it to effectively help the team, you completely disconnect tokens from the terror radius and chases, and you make it earn tokens from completing gens, unhooks, and healing health states on teammates.
If your issue with it is it's too hard to find survivors as killers, quit relying on aura perks so much. There are a ton of ways to hunt down survivors that don't rely on auras. Screams, standard audio, crows, killer instinct, killer abilities, and good old game sense all work fine.
Half my build as really any killer is aura based, but I can track down survivors without it if I need to. It's a little less time effective and if it stops getting value because everyone is running distortion, then I'll switch to chase perks.
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I agree with this. That minor nerf the perk could get.
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I was on your side until I saw the mention of not wanting to learn to loop. If this was back in the beta to release days, that would fly but looping has been made fundamental since then. I get not wanting to learn in pubs if that's what you mean. People can be cruel and having a controlled environment like a custom lobby with a friend is a good start. Swearing off looping entirely in this era of dbd that we're in is foolish at best and delusional at worst. (No offense, just saying my piece on this.)
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The "distortion is for players who hide and let their team die" characterization I keep seeing is extremely dumb.
It has many useful applications most often it's just so the killer doesn't know what gen you're working on but can also be paired with deliverance to make sure you're not found first by killers using lethal.
Distortion has been in it's current form for ever a year and nobody said a thing until MfT got nerfed. Killers are just running out of things to blame their losses on so now we're going after above average perks like Distortion smh.
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Except people put it with calm spirit, and just crouch walk around everywhere.
Its so broken. I just got back to back matches where someone escaped with 11k points, because they did nothing all game, I couldnt find them and the gates were so far apart by the time I did they got out.
Gotta have that teabag and ######### talk in end game chat like they did something skillful
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I'm sure you understand that by looping I meant "be that guy of the SWF that keeps the killer entertained until at least 3-4 gens are done". 2K is not enough for me for that and as some of us are casual players I will not change.
Or casual is also a swear word now since beta?
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No, I didn't. I take a good bit of stuff at face value unless I somehow am able to tell myself there's more to this. Don't try to make me sound like one of those "comp" tryhards.
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Yep and that still leaves plenty of other options for hunting them down. I do it all the time. As far as escaping and not doing anything, I addressed that with the first part of my post.
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An aura read means nothing if the killer cannot use their skill to then down the survivor they found.
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actually, you need skill to know what to do with your info
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Distortion is fine the way it is, it counters aura reading like lightborn counters flashlight, and lightborn don't even need tokens
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The fact that we're reduced to complaining about Distortion of all perks after Made For This is actually a sign that the amount of truly problematic perks is getting smaller and we're slowly approaching something that vaguely ressembles balance (Scott did a recent video on that exact topic).
I'm honestly baffled that people aren't bearing down on FTP+Buckle Up instead (seriously though, just delete the synergy between the two perks at least in endgame) and are instead going after a perk that has a chance of being a wasted slot and that gets obliterated by Gearhead of all perks, not to mention that the perk doesn't give you extra health states nor does it make you better in chase.
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I do agree with scott that the problem isnt the perk, its the way people in solo use it.
Hide, let people die on hook, escape as a rat.
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i would love that very much as i use that perk and do gens
i like to be a teamplayer yet suk at chases
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Same, lol. It's frustrating being up on a hook and seeing a teammate being COMPLETELY useless by hiding if the killer is on the map. At the same time though, getting away from charging via TR will allow you to get tokens on killers like Hag that you typically don't spend much time in the TR of.