Map Check-in: Disturbed Ward

We're kicking off a Map check-in for you to share your thoughts and discuss a specific Map with fellow community members!
So tell us, how does the Disturbed Ward make you feel?
Makes me feel you forgot about swamp completely
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The main building is a little too strong (mainly the downstairs window that isn’t near the breakable wall, where there’s a ramp on the outside leading to it) and the map is a little too big. It also doesn’t help that the building is in the center which makes it easily accessible for survivors, though this wouldn’t be an issue if the building itself was a bit weaker.
It’s rare but there can also be a nasty 3 gen around the center of the map with 2 gens inside the building (with the rare gen spawn by the other downstairs window inside) and the 3rd one just outside, that should be looked into.
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I think it's better to say this: Charring Wedding Photograph offering is taken only by survivors in my matches.
I don't think it's most problematic map we have right now, but it's definately pretty save for survivors and hard for killers, especially without mobility.
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Definitely a survivor sided map... but while Haemophobia is a thing, I feel really bad asking for it to be rebalanced 🫨
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kinda big and the t walls on this map gotta be the longest ever (only out done by the game map t walls)
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In my matches, I also only see this offering taken by survivors.
BHVR has the stats on what ratio each offering is used by killers and survivors. That should be one of the best indicators of whether or not the players feel it's killer-sided or survivor-sided.
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Tbh, I don't have many issues with the map both sides, just these 2:
- Map feels pretty big.
- There is an easy 3 gen because of main building have 2 gens in it.
Main building feels pretty ok to me. There is a lot of gaps to follow the survivors when they vault, (on a second floor) and breakable walls.
And 1 or 2 (if I'm not mistaken) God pallets which you can just break as a killer.
On a survivor side feels strong but not too safe, if the killer have the experience with this main building.
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One of the strongest survivor maps. Huge in size, difficult Gen spread and one of the strongest main buildings in dbd.
If anything, the main building should get heavy changes to allow interactive gameplay.
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My only issue with this map is 2 specific gen placements; the ones at the far ends of the square "cul-de-sacs", the two enlongated sections with the corner killer shack in the middle.
For survivor the gens put you at a dead end where the only direction to leave is towards the killer.
For killer these gens are just so far out its a huge time waste if they arent being worked on.
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The bottom floor's got a pretty nasty window, and some gen spawns can be pretty rough for the killer.
For survivor, it's pretty alright, I think.
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Too big, huge deadzones
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The map has a few big problems in my opinion:
- The main building is too strong for survivors. There's multiple very safe pallets, that you essentially just have to break. There's no mindgaming or playing around them. The windows on the bottom floor are pretty rough too. It doesn't help that the asylum is situated in the middle of the map, so it's always acessible in a chase.
- Killer belongings (e.g. Onryō's TVs, Plagues fountains) have bad spawns on this map. They never spawn centrally (i.e. in the asylum) so you have to go out of your way to use your power as someone like Plague.
- The map is too big and awkwardly shaped.
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I love these maps! They are currently my favorite and I hardly get sent there anymore in either role.
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The only issue is main building, way too many god pallets that survivors can use, some need to be removed, and also that window that leads you out of the building on the lower floor needs to be changed as well.
Besides that, the map is okay for me.
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It used to be a map which I really liked.
I remember how beautiful it used to look:
It was magnificent. I was used to its loops and advantages, so I liked to get it. Slightly more as survivor than killer.
But now I can't stand to look at it. That... wasteland is not Disturbed Ward, and it never will be.
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Actually, upping this tweet here too:
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That screenshot is beautiful - I love the moon 🤩
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I'm loving seeing all the comments and reading your thoughts!
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I feel like this one actually lost more to the Realm Beyond update.
I didn’t really like the colored filters like blue on Macmillan as they felt very unnatural to me. But this one had a filter that was fitting naturally and due to fog itself also losing its natural and every look this map suffered. The Realm Beyond teaser image was actually very cool iirc - sadly this atmosphere wasn’t captured that great. And as mentioned often already - general lighting, atmosphere and fog need to be improved imo to get more in the direction of the DbD 2D art.
gameplay wise? Don’t ask me. I am bad on any map regardless of role. Lmao. It does feel pretty big but isn’t the worst contender.
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All the gens on that map have restraining orders against each other.
I actually think the map is fine size wise and main building I think can be allowed to be strong since the rest of the map is pretty empty but gens tend to spawn way too far apart for any killer not named Blight or Nurse. Map is a nightmare to patrol on.
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Indeed, it is!
I think it was taken all the way back in 2016, when Nurse was first released. But, as we all know, the map was beautiful for a long time.
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Never had problem on this map outside of a nasty 3-gen spawn and huge deadzone behind the main building.
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Please fix the dead zone.
Dead zone is unfun for both side.
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It has some issues.
Main building is too strong for survivors. There's no gameplay around the pallets, the windows require you to break walls, and it's too easy to hide in the building. The building kills the pacing of the trial.
The garden area tends to be a deadzone half the time. You might end up with a single pallet in that entire area.
There's a ridiculous 3 gen that spawns near main. Two gens tend to spawn in main and one will be just outside of it. Or one will be just outside the entrance of main. Either way, there's zero reason for gens to be spawning that close.
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Honestly this.
I know I'm in the minority loving the Swamps but visually they are so rough.
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This map is much too big and the main building is way too strong combined with it being so accessible (you can hit a survivor and they can simply run into it and its a lose lose for the killer). It really needs shrinking and the main building needs its strength tuned way down.
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How did they make the graphics worse? Not the most problematic map but it is quite big and favours survivors heavily.
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Survivor-sided but not as bad as some other maps. The main issue is main building, and that loop using the greenhouse(?) window.
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you sure make map a little dark i feel but mapbe just me
also why is swamp maps still the only ones with out a rework or something.
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How did they make the graphics worse?
No one really knows. All we know is that they did.
I hate those map reworks so much. But I have precious, cherished memories with the maps before they got ruined.
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main is hell for any killer except nemesis and alien, even for nurse. the window with the ramp is way too strong. but otherwise it's fine, i like its layout and shape. not too strong or weak.
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Bro it used to look this beautiful? Why the hell did they change it?
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big size map = terrible for low tier killers that had no map mobility.
main building is pretty strong for survivor = killers with no anti-loop had to drop chase there almost all the time.
Rng can spawn multiple safe tiles within range of shack and main building = is just lame and sad to this point.
really easy to 3 gen with nurse and dull merchant.
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Part of the "Realm Beyond" updates, which were essentially downgrades. Keep in mind, no one asked for those changes.
The maps were ruined simply because they could be. And you wanna know something infuriating?
These changes could be optional. Modders have proven to us that DBD supports people playing on the same map with different lighting. But instead, they ruined the maps and there is nothing we can do about it.
Other than offer feedback, that is.
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I soooooo miss the nighttime Coldwinds, even with their bs loops.
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I miss all of them, of course.
BHVR really should release a classic pack / mode / anything. There is literally no reason not to.
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McMillans properly blue again, all the Wreakers fallout green again!
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A thousand times yes, my friend!
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The map itself is too big and the main building is overkill.
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Wow that's pretty.
That was my one complaint about it, really: It's so dull. Everything is almost the same shade of gray or brown. I don't mind either color, but it does look like nothing but a wasteland, and we have such detailed maps now. It's drab and boring.
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Really beautiful, isn't it?
And to think it was taken away... BHVR really ought to release a classic pack.
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Yep. I can honestly say if it looked like that now, it would probably be one of my favorites.
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There's a barren section of map that I feel could use something.
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Happy to read that!
You would've loved it, I'm sure.
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Main building is very huge and completely blocks any finding clues (crows, footsteps) because it is in middle.
Killer shack is located near tiles so that it is easy to chain loops.
Also map layout is almost same as Groaning Storehouse which is a boring design.
Main building size should be reduced and both shack and main building should be repositioned.
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I really enjoy it when playing Wesker and other 116 melee killers but despise it when playing Deathslinger and Huntress. The map you really need to look at is Mother's Dwelling imo. Specifically, the main building is too strong. Even with bamboozle the 2 windows and 2 pallets can be abused way too hard and make good survivors literally uncatchable if they run there. It's so bad that if i'm trying to win I just don't chase survivors if I can tell they aren't bad and run to main on that map.
Post edited by Disco on0 -
deadzones and pre-setup 3gens
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Very survivor-sided map, because the size is too big and the gen-placements (like Groaning Storehouse) is, especially for normal M1-Killers, undefendable, when the team splits up.
These edges around shack are the main issue. The Window at the stairs of main building is awful because there are hindered objects on the outside.
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I really like the map it‘s fair on both sides. My only complain are the ways up outside of main, that you can‘t just jump down, because there are little walls. I hope the size stays and loops stay the same, but please don‘t make every loop unsafe like on the Knight map, I lose almost everytime on it since the rework. I think the map is pretty good for both sides.
Please return the old atmosphere from the old maps, they were far better and the game really looked like a horror game.
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I love how somehow every map that has some strong tile is automatically entirely survivor sided...
There are some strong tiles - and there are a number of effective deadzones that you can't really avoid because they also have a gen.
Overall I find the map pretty alright - though gen (and potentially hook) rng placement needs to be looked at; two gens in main is rough, two gens inside main and two gens right outside main is flat out impossible against any killer who doesn't actively leave that area (and why on earth would they?). - As for hooks I don't know if it's my imagination but sometimes there seems to be a cluster of hooks in one corner of the map - and another area of the map is nearly devoid of hooks.