Distortion Is REALLLY Annoying

I know what you are thinking "another Killer main complaining about Distortion because their Aura Reading is nullified", but honestly, I dont mind it when playing as Killer.

My main issue with Distortion has to do with Survivor gameplay.

Distortion is not necessarily an issue by itself, but it enables a selfish playstyle from the Survivor's end in which they basically throw the entire team under the bus for their own Survivor, I personally see it as being similar to Left Behind and Sole Survivor.

Since the Killer is not seeing the Survivor's Aura from Distortion, they often dont get chased. I find in matches that dont have Distortion, it leads to situations in which Killers are more likely to tunnel since they cannot find other Survivors, sometimes it isnt even intentional tunneling either, it just kind of happens due to awful hook spread caused by the perk.

Often I see Survivors who use Distortion just hiding for most of the game, they never take chase, rarely go for Safe Unhooks, and often never take protection hits or help protect their teammates who are being tunneled.

Overall, I just really hate being forced to deal with it, my SoloQ matches are rough enough, I dont need it being made worse by a single perk.

So yea... is Distortion OP like people say?

No, far from it, it's actively throwing the team under the bus. Id argue it's a bad perk that should be changed to encourage a more active and supportive role on the team like old WGLF.



  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2023

    That's just solo queue life, nothing new, I've dealt with people like that a lot, you will run into people like that, it is what it is.

    I understand your reason to be upset, because solo queue makes me want to just quit the game at times as well. :)

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited December 2023

    The game is advertised such that you CAN be selfish, you CAN only lookout for yourself, and that that is a totally legit way to play as survivor.

    If you wanna run Sole Survivor, Distortion, Calm Spirit, Self-Care you can. You can even play for hatch and leave other survivors on hook and it isn't against the rules.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,677

    I dodge every SoloQ lobby if someone has a key. No exceptions.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I was too used to use aura perks as killer before doing 50 matches challenge as Myers. My sense of understand/predict where survivors should be was enhanced.

    Distorsion users dont work on me because I dont use aura perk anymore.

    The problem is them not doing Gen or willing to take the heat for death hook teammates.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    As other comments have said, it's more a player thing then a perk thing. Just like not all Self Care users are Claudette's hiding in a corner.

    I use it in a 2-man and it's a fantastic info perk for normal games.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    I get it. Idk how many times I've yelled at my screen "-insert name- take one hit for me please." when they've not been hooked the entire match and I'm on death hook. They seldom do, lol. If they are using it for the reasons you think, it's likely they're not good at chase to begin with. Those sorts of players are also going to bring the killer to you on purpose often times, and they'll find other ways to hide from the killer, so it's not really the perk so much but bad gameplay, ya' know?

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,609

    When Distortion got buffed, I pointed out this issue, Ive been saying this for years and nobody cared until recently.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited December 2023

    Maybe Distortion tokens could be changed to only accumulate while being in chase so it encourages Survivors to interact with the Killer if they want their tokens for the later part of the game. That way people who use the perk but play altruistically aren’t affected that much while people who just don’t want to interact with the Killer at all can’t just crouch in a bush all game when they hear a TR.

    Other than that it’s fine.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,172

    Killers weren't breaking the rules when they facecamped, but that still got nerfed anyway. It doesn't matter whether or not something is overpowered or un-counterable. What matters is how unfun Distortion can be for both sides of the game.

    How can BHVR say they "want solo q to feel like more of a team", and then have perks like Distortion that encourage survivors to be the exact opposite of a team player? "Bridging the gap between solo q and SWF" really should mean "BHVR makes changes to the game to encourage solo q survivors to actually work together as a team".

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I think the perk is fine

    you can’t change selfish playstyle if someone wants to stealth away every time they unhook someone a nerf to the perk won’t change their minds

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095


  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    "Killers can play as selfishly or as altruistically as they would like" - BHVR.

    Annoying but it's not a major issue for me.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,172
    edited December 2023

    No. That's not what happens what survivors excessively hide.

    What often happens is two survivors are sacrificed, and the killer still hasn't ever seen the distortion survivor the entire game. Sometimes, three survivors are sacrificed, the Distortion survivor finds hatch, and the killer literally never saw the Distortion survivor the entire game.

    Unless someone is playing a specific killer, or is using very specific perks, they are extremely unlikely to find these survivors at generators, as those survivors are likely to pre leave the generator at the first sign of a visual terror radius, and stay away until the visual terror radius goes away. And they use Distortion to figure out how careful to be. For example, if Distortion shows them that Nowhere To Hide is in the game, they'll make sure to either run to a locker, or to run out of that perk's radius, when they pre-leave generators. And if Distortion shows BBQ, they'll be sure to run into a locker whenever the killer is carrying someone.

    The part people don't seem to understand, is these survivors are just burning through their tokens, and instead when a token gets burnt, they make sure it doesn't get burnt again.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,172

    I never said that 100% of Distortion users are hiding in corners the entire game.

    And how is the killer supposed to just “walk over to” a survivor that is excessively hiding, when they aren’t anywhere near any uncompleted generators when the killer is patrolling them? It’s like asking killers to search literally every object in the map. Excessively hiding survivors aren’t the type of people that just stay on generators. And they’re a big part of the 3 gen problem. If survivors need to split up to repair the final generator, but some of the survivors refuse to repair because they’re too busy hiding, then the game can last an extremely long time, because these survivors would rather have a 30+ minute game, than risk being found at a generator.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 822

    The survivors who use distortion are the problem

    the perk is fine

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Yeah.. the hate for this perk gets quite annoying.

    it is a good info perk and prevents snowballing which can also benefit soloq greatly.

    the playstyle of just hiding and not doing anything all game is not tied to this perk alone and happens with or without it. Back in the day the hate went to Urban Evasion.

    imo killers shouldn’t rely on aura reads this heavily anyways, BBQ had lots of counterplay but now with nowhere to hide, lethal pursuer and others it can get annoying

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    So now it feels like we're complaining about an archetype of survivor player rather than a perk so then the problem is bad survivors and not distortion which I would agree so cool?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,172

    No. Do you remember Eruption? 100% of killers using this perk weren’t excessively defending a 3 gen. And survivors could still win the game even if a killer was using Eruption, and killers didn’t need Eruption to hold a 3 gen. But Eruption was considered to be encouraging and enabling excessive 3 gen defense way more than it should, so it got nerfed.

    Distortion is the exact same scenario. Not everyone that uses Distortion is excessively hiding, but survivors using this perk to excessively hide is a problem, so the perk should be nerfed.

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    Bond and Deja Vu are the only non-selfish perks in the top 10 right now for Survivors on nightlight. 8/10 of Survivors use selfish perks.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Bond can be used in a very selfish way though… i would say that that’s worse than what Distortion ‚enables‘

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,021

    I use Distortion with BG player for those times when aura's are a big thing on the killer. Its great!

    Yeah, these ridiculous equations are riddled among the forums as 'good counterpoints.' Meh.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    I do not like the its now a 3v1 perk and the killer just cycles between them and has someone dead very early because they never take pressure off the team

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410

    Welcome to 2023 where calm spirit, distortion, and windows of opportunity are over powered and must be nerfed into oblivion to appease killers. BHVR really needs to start ignoring the cries for nerf this or that on these forums and reddit. BHVR design your own game and balance it for the type of gameplay YOU think is healthy. Ignore all of us (after this post). We know nothing of game design and if our suggestions are listened too, no one will want to play this game anymore.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited December 2023

    I have been tunnelling out distortion users lately because I know if I leave them last theyre going to hide and be much harder to find, sneak around and do what you said.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    The perk is fine. Just like Sole Survivor + Wake Up is fine.

    The problem is people's playstyles.

    I used to run Sole Survivor + Wake Up. I still did gens, still went for saves, still took protection hits or bodyblocked, etc. I still tried to be a good teammate. The perks were brought for a situation that kept happening which was end-game slugging for the 4k, everyone gives up early, or I legit just end up being the last one alive. Its not automatically = greed/selfish.

    This thread isn't really about the perks themselves, or how strong/weak they are.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Aura reading perks in this game have gotten out of control.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I strongly believe that there is at least SOME blips in BHVRs infamous data pile, that shows a distinct difference between perks like DH, MFT, Buckle Up/FTP, Eruption, Overbrine etc on one side and WoO, Distortion, Lithe, Pop, Lethal Pursuer or Jolt on the other. I really, really hope so...

  • kermit_snacc_choke
    kermit_snacc_choke Member Posts: 304

    I literally just got downed constantly by an iri add on blight who's running aura add ons and humped whilst being slugged JUST for running distortion. Maybe instead of nerfing distortion we can ask ourselves WHY distortion is needed in the first place?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    There are a ton now for sure (a couple of them are staples in my killer builds), but I wouldn't be surprised if the increase in aura reading is meant to balance out the decrease in slowdown/gen defense. And with many Blight/Nurse players running as many aura perks as they can get their grubby little hands on, Distortion is really appealing just to give yourself a chance.

    Again, I run Distortion constantly, but also keep myself right in the middle of the action. I mostly want to know if and what aura perks the killer is running, and to delay having the killer right up my ass right at the beginning of the match (since like half of all killers in my matches are running LP). I hate hiders am at about the opposite end of the spectrum as what people are labeling Distortion users as.

    Maybe I'm a unicorn, but I doubt it. I think characterizing most distortion users as selfish, immersing, hatch scummers is just another gross generalization.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Same. I think I've used it once in the last 6 months but I'm really over decent survivor perks getting nerfed one by one. It's actually putting me off the game. I don't think it's a coincidence that more and more killers are complaining at a time when they're all running Friends Til The End. And they're the first to accuse survivors of running "crutch" perks. Find survivors the old fashioned way.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Aura reading to know survivors' location is one thing. But getting wallhacked in chase is another. Killers think aura let them know where survivors are, but not thinking about aura that let them wall hack in chase.